Why is the LCP still retailing over MSRP?


New member
From what I can work out

MSRP means Maximum SUGGESTED Retail Price? Not Maximum legally ALOWED RP. In Oz, we have RRP (Reccomended Retail Price) which is only a GUIDELINE. Due to supply & Demand, if suppliers all decide they can sell their goodies for more than MSRP, its not against the law and you have a couple of choices.... either you go look for the item somewhere else ar MSRP (or below) or you do what you have to do, rip out your wallet (or master card) and snap it up before someone else does :D

I hope I am right in my interpretation of MSRP, if I am wrong, just slap me and tell me to shut up :D



New member
MSRP= Manufacturers suggested retail price. Not Maximum. And sadly it is just a suggestion not set in stone- dealers can sell it for market price which may or may not be above MSRP. Most MSRP are set high so when you purchase the item for less than MSRP it appears you are getting a bargain. It is called capitalism, and yes it does sometimes work against us, as in the case of the LCP selling for more than MSRP.


New member
Do I understand then that Ruger is not marking these up, it's the dealers that are doing so?

Correct...but not all dealers, check out Wildalaska on here if you want one at a good price.


New member
mark-up on LCP

Back in April one dealer told me that he paid $220 for each LCP to his vendor.
I got mine in June for $270 +tax. My dealer let me know when it came in, I went prepared to pay 300.
I looked for the LCP last month as a gift for my son. My dealer had 2 P-3at's, I paid 265 + tax for one. He told me that his vendor had gone up $20 on the Keltec.
Rising prices for a popular weapons is no suprise, I've seen AK's going for $535 like the one I bought a few years ago for $285.
The fact that ammo is scarce has caused gun owners to horde as much as they can.
The media has run several stories on weapon and ammo sales being at record highs.
Just writing about it makes me think I need to go to the gun store today.
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New member
Got one

Actually, I already have one. Local vendor charged me $319 for mine. not bad, not great.

My questions was more in regard to whether it is Ruger that is causing this jump in prices by asking more, or if they are still charging the same, just the vendors are asking more for them, thus making more money themselves. It appears, based on this thread, that some vendors are just jacking up the price.
