Why is the LCP still retailing over MSRP?


New member
I just dont get it. This thing has been out for awhile now and still overpriced. Ruger just drizzling them out or something?


New member
Supply and demand. It is not overpriced if that is what the market is willing to pay for it - and right now, that's over MSRP.


New member
^^ $347, IIRC? Used to be $329 when it came out... Local store around here just got a slew in and sold 'em all for $360.


New member
I paid $418 for my LCP. :eek: But I knew I was paying more than I should have, that's the price I was willing to pay to not have to wait....I just wanted it right then.


New member
$349.00 plus tax at Gander Mt. I didn't know that price was over the MSRP; but when they had it and I keep seeing how they are hard to get, it found a home. However, they did not have a single box of 380 ammo. Most other calibers were available in some form.


New member
Pretty simple, dealers are asking what they want for them and people are paying it. The LCP is still kinda rare and people still want them, badly, so they are willing to pay for them. In my opinion, if you find one, and the price isn't too crazy, buy the damn thing. Over the life of the gun, an extra $20 doesn't really come out to that big of a deal.


New member
$275.00 @ Cabela's two weeks ago. It was recalled from the store stock and upon return to store was priced as used. It was in the gun display for about 30min. before I walked in. If it was marked higher I would have lived without it but this was to good to pass up. I got the extra mag, finger shoe, and the ball cap. I'm the first owner and recall was done without me waiting. I'v put 100 rds down range with it and have had no problems as of yet. Point is the deals are still out there if you can just take your time and look. Also I think that they will go down when supply meets demand and when the "new gun quest" shifts to the LCR. Another thing driveing the demand is not many folks selling used LCPs yet. The guys that trade alot just cause they want something different haven't got tired of it yet. I think in the next 2 years LCPs are going to be on everyother table at you local gunshow.