Why do mass shootings keep happening in the USA?

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It's not just here but all over the world. You just don't hear about it as much in other countries because the press isnt as prevalent as it is here.


I fully understand the definition of abortion and capital punishment. I was trying to point out how hypocritical it is for some to say its ok to "kill" under certain circumstances. My view: choose A side, either it is or is NOT ok to kill. Especially by the bible toters (who have proven to be the most hypocritical).


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It's a huge stretch to consider abortion and capital punishment in the same vein, and it's not incongruous for a conservative to be pro-capital punishment and anti-abortion.

Capital punishment is meted out to those who society has judged to have committed a crime against another, and fits the criteria for legal killing.

Abortion, however, is a decision made by a woman to kill an unborn infant who has not committed any offense against society.

Discussion of abortion or capital punishment is not a political, it's one of morality, and it's part of what makes our republic. To quote John Adams, "Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."

+1 to what this guy said.

Lack of or NO morals, no responsibility, ME FIRST attitude, I DESERVE IT attitude, corrupt government/law/justice system.

I don't physically go to church but I do believe in GOD. ANYONE and I mean ANYONE can do great good or do great evil. It's being human.

****I BELIEVE there is a difference between KILL and MURDER, you kill in defense or for justice and you murder someone who is innocent.****


so you've heard the saying "only God can judge you." NOT the government or ANYONE else.
Part of the compact each of us makes with each other, and society, is that we will abide by moral laws. So we do cede judgement to our societal peers.


So we do cede judgement to our societal peers.

and that is wrong, completely. People need to worry about their life and how they live their life. Not mine, or anyone else's. I make my own decisions, I don't allow others to make them for me.


and that is wrong, completely. People need to worry about their life and how they live their life. Not mine, or anyone else's. I make my own decisions, I don't allow others to make them for me.
You're missing my larger point. I don't care that you are conservative or liberal. We each decide, in order to live alongside our neighbors, to abide by certain laws, and social mores. It does keep us from living our lives as we see fit. Without ceding certain rights, civilization lapses into chaos.

For instance, we live by laws which govern our everyday lives. We obey speed limits, we keep our trash picked up. We stop at stop signs. Those are just some of the things we cede in order to exist in a liveable society. We have all agreed to stop on the red light, even though we might believe that orange would be a better color. These are minor concessions, but concessions all the same.

Yes, we leave our neighbors alone, and we expect the same of them. It's part of our social fabric.


New member
Compare Timothy McVeigh to those who signed the Declaration of Independence,or the Chinese student who stood before the tank at Tienimen Square.We can honor,support,rally behind those who will risk dying for the love of their country,but not someone who kills from rage

It's impossible for me to consider McVeigh in the same sentence with Adams, Washington, Tom Paine or the Chinese of TienAhMen square. McVeigh was a fascist who turned his back on the people of this country (who he never tried to reach with his sorry ideas) and murdered a few hundred folk for a set of ideas he did not have the courage to fight for. He was sane when he did it unlike some of those we are speaking of here.

Of course we will see more of this. It usually comes in waves and yep there is a connection to media sensationalizing of it.

But we are seeing more of it because there is more pressure, due to the recession, on stable and unstable folk alike. The unstable are more likely to crack. Like the fella in Pittsburg cracked.

No news there. Nothing liberal either. It's a statement of fact.

It also doesn't mean that they are not responsible for their actions. You know they are. What it does mean is that you should not be surprised to see more of it.

Consider that fella in Pittsburg. Now that he's done his killing his "friends" are coming forward to explain all the signs they saw that he was headed in this direction. Not one says they tried to stop it. Interesting that.

"It's a symptom of the moral decline of America!" I call b.s. on that one. More like the breakdown of human solidarity. What did the fellas from Enron say as they were joking about old folks not being able to pay their heating bills and going cold in the winter..."Screw them old Grandmas". They said it as the heads of Enron were being toasted in the White House.

We need some more of the co-operation and solidarity we just saw in Fargo as the waters rose and less of what we saw in New Orleans where politicians from both parties left folks to rot.

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New member
People that take the innocent lives of strangers because of their own problems is BS. I hope their is a special corner in hell for these people. THen to kill because u lost ur job...come on. If your going to kill yourself, then that your selfish business, but to kill strangers first is just evil. THen, people out there that are dying of cancer and in pain that is so bad they cant take another second kill themselves. They would give anything to be healthy and live. While other people throw it away over a lost job.... freakin nuts


New member

Its not just in America. This just happened in Germany. There have also been mass shootings in other parts of Europe as well. While I hate to say it, the availability and relative ease of obtaining a firearm in the US is most likely what makes these mass shootings so common. While some may argue that anything can be turned into a weapon, few weapons are so easily concealed and portable as a handgun.


New member
so you've heard the saying "only God can judge you." NOT the government or ANYONE else.

WOW No, I have never heard that anywhere. By the way, the Bible teaches that government has the authority given by God to rule the people, to wage war and to be judge over its citizens among other things. Those who serve in government according to the Bible are held to a higher standard by God. Read Romans 13.

I agree with Bud Helms earlier statement. It seems like more is being reported than usual. I remember about four years ago when that boy in Florida had his arm bitten off by a shark and his uncle fought and killed the shark regaining his nephew's limb. Not long after the media started reporting on all of these shark attacks up and down the east coast. People started saying, "what's up with all of these shark attacks now?" Later, I read an article from a study that found that there were statistically no more shark attacks than happens every year, the media was just reporting more than usual.


New member
so you've heard the saying "only God can judge you." NOT the government or ANYONE else.

I think that God is the only one who gets to judge you on the basis of whether you are fit for heaven or not. I don't believe God would frown upon someone who raped a 12 year old girl and then killed her and mutilated her body being judged by other humans. I don't believe that God would mind other humans judging someone who had killed a number of people by shooting them point blank with a gun. We can't judge whether that person goes to heaven or hell. God reserves that ultimate judgement for himself. OK, let's keep this focused on guns and not on religious views. I apologize for straying off topic myself.


New member
Its not just in America. This just happened in Germany.

And what about that school in one of the former Soviet Bloc satellites where the terrorisists took over and killed a bunch of the people in the school? I can't recall off the top of my head where that was, but I think it was Chechneya (sp?). Mass murder can occur anywhere. What about all of the mass murders committed by governments against unarmed citizens? What about Rwanda and the Sudan?

Bud Helms

Senior Member
I don't believe God would frown upon someone who raped a 12 year old girl and then killed her and mutilated her body being judged by other humans.

I'm assuming you misworded that sentence, in light of the entire post.

Maybe, "I don't believe God would frown upon humans judging someone who raped a 12 year old girl and then killed her and mutilated her body."

That said, TFL's experience with religion interlaced with the ownership of firearms is a dismal one. Stay on topic, please.


New member
Yes, Bud, your correction is in line with my line of thinking. I also apologized for not sticking to the topic, but wanted to reply as best I could to the poster who veered off topic. I just thought he was misinformed on the difference between being judged by God and judged by society. I'll not pursue it any further, however, even if he responds to me. You have my word, so help me God! ;)

Bud Helms

Senior Member
I thought so.

I count 5 threads open on the latest string of shootings across the country. It's difficult to follow all the disussions going on. So, we're closing down a few of them so they'll be easier to follow.

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