Why do mass shootings keep happening in the USA?

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These past few weeks have been particularly deadly for innocent Americans, just minding their own business. First of all, a psycho opens fire in a government office building on innocent foreigners trying to learn a language and kills 13 of them before killing himself.

Secondly, a 23 year old psycho with an AK-47 and a rifle waits at his home for police officers to arrive and then opens fire on them killing 3 officers. Now I understand that many people may not particularly like officers, but they do try to keep the peace. I hope he gets the death penalty.

Finally, a father shoots his 5 young children to death before turning the gun on himself and killing himself. His children were between the ages of 7 and 16. How anyone can do that to their children is beyond me.

I know that these are tough economic times that we live in people, but this is getting way out of hand. I'm Canadian and I'm starting to worry that this trend may start happening on this side of the boarder eventually. Also, all these shootings are going to give us law abiding gun owners a bad rap.
To me, it's not just a question of the shooting (the method used).

It's a question of why people have so much frustration, anger, or hatred bottled up inside them that they feel the need to express or release it through violence, usually against a large number of people who the perpetrator feels represents the cause of their problems.

I wish I had an answer.

It could be that the economic downturn has increased people's level of anxiety and frustration. It could be that people are just not able to cope as well with the anxiety and frustration as they used to be.

Case in point: People claim the US has suffered too many casualties in Iraq. We've had about 4200 dead so far over 6 years. That was like a bad day in WWII.

Is the difference in opinion because of the instant nature of information now? Is it because people don't believe in the cause? Or are they more sensitive to loss of life?

I don't know.


New member
All of the deaths you mentioned are terrible. Our media does a fantastic job of showing the world pictures of the victims who have been murdered, they also interview family members in their worst moments, and give there bias opinions about guns, gun laws, and generalize about gun owners. However, this same media does a terrible job of reporting anything that could possibly be positive about gun ownership. For instance, last week in Spokane Washington, 2 bad guys broke into a man's house around 3:00 am, the homeowner, grabbed his handgun, fired twice, hit one of the bad guys once who was in the hospital having sugery when the story broke on local news stations. No arrests had been made yet, but the police were very focused in the handgun used. The story has ended there. The media has not reported whether or not the bad guy survived or not, if the second shot fired hit the other bad guy or not, if the "handgun" that the police were so focused on ended up being of artificial intelligence or not, or even if the second bad guy has ever been identified or caught. Why not report and follow up with same energy on stories where a legal gun owner stops a crime, kills a criminal, or saves lives by using his/her gun in a legal manner that they do when some "WACKO" goes nuts and kills innocent people?????:confused:


New member
Because guns were invented

And because they are readily available :D

And becaus criminals are also easily available too :eek:

Just comes with the territory, unfortunately:rolleyes:

Guns are here now.... education is the key..... so is getting them out of the wrong hands (fat chance of that):confused:

Condolences to all victims and families :(



New member
Because guns are bad!!:rolleyes:

I believe that 2 things factor in here
1- It's April
2- We are in desperate economic times

For some, losing their job seems to be the end of the world. In their sick, twisted minds, they decide that they no longer want to live, and they're not just going to kill themselves. Somebody is to blame for their current situation and they are going to get even.
My best advice is that if don't already carry a CCW, get your permit and start. Be prepared to defend yourself.


New member
om, birthdays of Lenin and Hitler coupled with the coming of Spring.

Lunatics are copycats. They follow what others have done. Columbine was in April. Virignia Tech was in April. New York was in April.

There will be more this month.


New member
There are 306 million people in the USA

Some of them have brains that God wired a little funny. When you have a population of 306,000,000 you're gonna get a few crazies


New member
It's funny to me...

that a convicted drunk driver can go buy a new car legally no problem. A convicted felon that used a gun cannot buy a gun legally.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
I've not seen any data showing these occurances are happening more often than previously. I know that they are being reported more routinely than ever before.

It may be, but I'd just like to see some numbers. 'Think I'll do a google on this.

Until I find different, I'll believe the full time, round-the-clock, news programs on tv are part of why these are "happening more often".

Not to diminish the importance of the loss of life in one of these shootings, but I wonder a stray .22 LR from a squirrel hunter might make Fox News these days.


New member
Mountain or molehill?

Because cowards & morons abound in this society, some also happen own guns.

Enter the 15 minute rule.



New member

Yes, guns are a hot topic now, and all the news chanels and news papers seem to be making sensational news out of anything that happens with guns... Before the Obama/gun situation, probably alot of these terrible crimes would have not been subject to such huge, sensational nationwide (worldwide) coverage. I can just see the anti's there, rubbing their hands together saying " we told you so" :eek::confused:

Strange thing is, car crashes, plane crashes are only getting minimal coverage these days.... they arent obviously the flavor of the month, they obviously dont have the drawing power of a "good" gun story.....

Again, Condolences to all the victims and those others effected.... lets hope this is the last.... Please :confused:

Am I wrong, or was the 13 deaths at the govt. building, a claimed act of war (or retaliation)? Maybe we are getting sensationalised (Bogus) info here in OZ. My apologies if I am wrong....

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roy reali

New member
Biggest Mass Murder

It is amazing that our drive-by media ignores the single, largest mass murder incident. That would be that event that happened in September some years back.


New member
How many of our mass shootings are being done by someone prescribed "anti depressants"? I suspect that there might just be a tie in between taking these and then snapping off in a homicidal manner.



How many of our mass shootings are being done by someone prescribed "anti depressants"? I suspect that there might just be a tie in between taking these and then snapping off in a homicidal manner.

That could go either way, somebody not taking the medicine they are supposed to could have the same effect.

I know of a doctor that demanded his patent need to stay in the syc hospital under care, but the judge ordered other wise, and they let him go, and the patent shot his doctor (Dr Clovis Crabtree) in the head with a .357 magnum. Luckily the syc nurse, the doctors wife calmed the man down and gave him the work release form which he was demanding. Turn out the bullet bounced off his head and blasted through two other wall's, and aside from bleeding and his ear drum were blown he was OK.

The man was later killed by the Louisville police at his job.

PS. This well was over ten years ago, I couldn't find the story on the Interner search, sorry.


New member
The answer is really simple.

Because they can.

Also easy to figure out with that logic that even if they did not have a gun they still can anyway with any other means they choose to do so with.

If there were no guns in the entire world those people would still use gasoline, knives, bats, crowbars, 2x4s cars, trucks, bulldozers and anything else they can get their hands on because they can.

See how the because they can part works now which does not have a singe thing to do with any object used and only the person using it :)
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