why do 1911s call to me?


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Is this a browning or an fnh


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It's a Browning Hi Power...

... or High Power... or P35.

Designed (mostly) by JM Browning, the design was finished by a FN engineer, and the pistol is made by FN.

The FNH is the company's new, polymer, military market pistol.


New member
Doc, that's one nice looking pistole you got there! I really like the two tone contrast with the controls.

I was never much of a 1911 guy......UNTIL I SHOT ONE! I'm on a quest for my first 1911 right now. No more tuperware for me, although I do like the ones I have.


New member
There's one thing about a 1911 that nobody seems to have improved on: it's about the slimmest, most unbulky, compact pistol ever made to chamber the fat .45 ACP cartridge. And comparing a decent 1911 trigger to, say a Glock "safety trigger", is like comparing touchpad phones to dial-rotaries.


New member
Triggers are nothing more than a shooter issue.

Its not the Glocks fault if you cant shoot it well, so dont try and blame the trigger. ;)


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They call to everyone, my friend, it's just that not everybody answers. Those of us that have answered with a resounding yes generally have at least one and covet several more, especially the ones we can't afford or can't justify. The 3 that I have are my favorite firearms for reasons already mentioned, and one I carry daily. Some choose to answer the call and find that they're just not for them, like any firearm can be. Some choose to not answer at all, even though they've never held one, generally of the "I prefer modern handguns" crowd, and they simply don't know what they're missing. That I know from experience, as I strayed for a bit, but recovered.;) Personally, I find them the most beautiful design of all time. Lucky me, they happen to fit my hand like no other, and I shoot them better than any other gun, so I get to carry a gun that's not only functional and accurate, but lovely as well.


New member
Triggers are nothing more than a shooter issue.

I'm not sure what you mean by this. But if you mean that a good or bad trigger pull has nothing to do with a shooter's proficiency, you're sadly mistaken. A good (light, backlash-free, crisp, smooth, creepless) trigger has everything to do with putting bullets where you want them to go and a bad trigger pull (heavy, rough, creepy) contributes mightly to poor marksmanship skills. 1911s are capable of great trigger pulls; other pistols, not so much.


New member
I mean you just shoot the gun, and dont worry so much about the trigger.

I've had a lot of 1911's (my favorites all have, or have had 5+ pound triggers too), and I have or have had a bunch of Glock's, HK's and SIG's, and never had any troubles shooting any of them. The trigger is what it is, the trigger. If thats what youre worrying, then youre worrying about the wrong thing.

As far as proficiency goes, you either are, or you arent. As far as Im concerned, if you cant pick up pretty much "anything", and do reasonably well with it, then youre not.


New member
The trigger is what it is, the trigger. If thats what youre worrying, then youre worrying about the wrong thing.

As far as proficiency goes, you either are, or you arent. As far as Im concerned, if you cant pick up pretty much "anything", and do reasonably well with it, then youre not.

A good trigger means everything in terms of good shooting. If a trigger pull doesn't concern you and you are willing to put up with a bad one, mediocre scores will haunt you and you'll never be as good a shooter as you could be. Try pulling on a heavy, creepy trigger at Camp Perry during a Bullseye match as the wind from Lake Erie is pushing against your arm while you are trying to launch a bullet at the X-ring at the 50 yard slow-fire string course of fire and you'll start "worrying" about that trigger in earnest. :rolleyes:


New member
Ah, the world of specialized "target" shooting. Reality at its highest form! :rolleyes:

In the specialized world, yes, a tuned trigger can become an important thing, if youre at that level where you can take advantage of it. No argument there. But that pretty much knocks out 75-85% + of the shooters out there.

If you cant shoot anything but a tuned SA trigger, thats fine, shoot tuned SA triggers and be happy. My point here is, youre not being realistic in your abilities as a shooter, and youre also just fooling yourself as to your capabilities.

Youre also not being truthful as far as the other types of triggers go in regards to being able to shoot them well. Well, wait, thats not quite right either I suppose, what youre actually saying is, its "your" truth, and "you" cant shoot them well, so no one else should be able to either.

DA triggers, DAO triggers, Glock triggers, HK triggers, are not at all hard to shoot well with, and if you have troubles with them, 99.9% of the time, its still not the guns fault.

Oh, and another thing, how many people actually carry match tuned 1911's with those super light triggers? That right there is a damn scary thought to me. Considering the real world aint the target range, and especially if thats the only way you practice and shoot and its what youre basing your capabilities on.

Krazy Cash

New member
I have quite a few 1911's calling to me right now, seeing as I am looking to buy my first. Doing my research I know for a fact that my first one won't be my last. This design shows a lot of character that you don't see as much in more modern pistols. Innovations have been made to the 1911 (high capacity models, accessory rails, etc) but I don't see there being many more changes in the near future.

Can't wait to get mine.


New member
Youre also not being truthful as far as the other types of triggers go in regards to being able to shoot them well. Well, wait, thats not quite right either I suppose, what youre actually saying is, its "your" truth, and "you" cant shoot them well, so no one else should be able to either.

DA triggers, DAO triggers, Glock triggers, HK triggers, are not at all hard to shoot well with, and if you have troubles with them, 99.9% of the time, its still not the guns fault.

Oh, and another thing, how many people actually carry match tuned 1911's with those super light triggers? That right there is a damn scary thought to me. Considering the real world aint the target range, and especially if thats the only way you practice and shoot and its what youre basing your capabilities on.

The op asked why 1911s "call to him". I responded as to why they "call to me" and one reason I offered is that 1911s have superior triggers as compared to many other pistols. I have many semi-auto pistols with "lesser" triggers that I shoot well, including a Ruger lcp, a Beretta 92, a CZ 85, an HK USP 40, two third generation Smiths, a SIG 220, and a SIG 226. I shot on the USAF A.P. pistol team for four years; have competed in countless combat-style as well as Bullseye matches over the past fifty years or so and have retired from a state l.e. agency where I had to qualify bi-annually for 28 years with more than a couple of different kinds of handguns (none of which were 1911s)-so don't tell me I'm lying " as far as the other types of triggers go in regards to being able to shoot them well."

Because I respect the trigger pull on a good 1911 has nothing to do with "the real world" and has nothing to do with whatever other shooting experiences I've had-it's just a statement of fact as I see it. In post no.1, the op simply asked why 1911s have such a pull (no pun intended) on many shooters and I responded with my own personal views. I never said that a 1911 was necessarily the best choice in pistols for everybody or anybody; for target competition or for self-defense or for anything in-between. I rightly noted that a good trigger is necessary to "be all you can be" in terms of target shooting. For reasons only you can know, you took it on yourself to infer a far bigger agenda from me than I ever even hinted at. And that's not "my truth" or a distortion of "your truth"-it's simply the truth.
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New member
They Are the greatest hand Gun Ever Designed!!

My Carry Gun
