Who's in here?

Who's in here ?

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Just wondering who's in here ?

I'm myself am Military currently on active duty.


An old west lawman once said when asked why he carried a .45, "because they don't make a .46"
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New member
No it's not like that!

I was really wondering if career or service led to more firearms intrest or not.

I konw the military is what got me really interested.


An old west lawman once said when asked why he carried a .45, "because they don't make a .46"
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New member
I'm in the Marines and on active duty. I can't say the military sparked an interest about guns/firearms within me. I grew up shooting shotguns in TN/MS. The military has taught me to value/appreciate my weapons more and thanks to forums like this and reading I've learned quite a deal.


New member
I am a disability retired police officer from a large California city. I am also former military (Army National Guard and Air National Guard). I had been interested in firearms and shooting before my military and police experience. I still enjoy shooting my service revolver (S&W Model 19). I guess that dates me as to when I was a police officer. I picked up a well-used mil-surp at a Big 5 Sporting Goods on a whim and I am trying to clean it up and restore it the best that I can (it is really a learning process). It is a Czechoslovakian VZ24 (hence my ID on this forum).
Richard (AKA czech_vz24)


Im active duty military and 12 hours from now "sniff" my leave ends. :(
Back to 29 palms I go. But I eas this september :D Been to Iraq twice hope I dont have to go again but wont complain if I do :p Im with 3/7 kilo, 0311 and an NCO.
Ive always loved guns but was completely ignorant about them before I became a Marine. Now guns are my passion.

The Revolver
Not as clumsy or random as a semi-auto
An elegant weapon for a more civilized society


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Retired military.
Soon to be retired LEO.
Competition shooter (military and civilian).

Charles S

New member
Just a civilian. I have shot competition, but right now I just practice for social situations. I just hope I never need my skills.


Brian 45

New member
I grew up hunting, archery, shotguns and rifles but it wasn't until a hitch with the USAF I ever shot my first revolver, a M&P 38 and I was hooked.
My first two handguns soon after that first encounter were a Ruger MKI and M-19, two accidental good choices. I still have both along with a few additions along the way, mainly revolvers.
I'm still an avid hunter with way too many shotguns and rifles too. I doubt I'll ever be done buying, shooting and hunting.
Good pol, always nice to know who's about. Thanks for your service and sacrifice to all active and prior service military here. Unfortunately you're unlikely to hear that much but know your efforts are appreciated by many, God Bless.


New member

From this Air Force Vet to all those whom served or those doing so.........

I SALUTE YOU......and thanks from a grateful nation - even if CNN and the Networks choke on the (T) word. The hardcore LEFT media won't find good and honest information to write of the this countries military forces. I think that is why the Stars and Stripes got started? My flag on the porch remains there 24-7 and 365 days a year.... and yes it is under a light during hours of darkness. One day a neighbor teen thought he was going to sneak up a grab it off it's mount. Well my K-9 changed his mind; AND Griff got an extra Scobby Snack.

I had interest and shot a little prior to enlistment but entering into AF Security Specialist position got me lots of hands on. I was lucky enough to get a few extra weapons on my list too. The M-60, 203, 148, MK-19 that was a great one and the good ole Ar-15. I like the old wheelgun too. It was nice having that while searching vehicles in the intrapment areas. The AR was a little too much to handle while digging around at a vehicle.... When I went over to Sicily for a year we even got Claymore training and LAWS training. The old GLCM mission was an interesting time in the field.

Well, Thanks again and God Bless............ Your always welcome at my campfire....... :D


New member
I started shooting as a civilian at about 5. Current full time LEO for 14 years, assigned to patrol, firearms instuctor, SWAT entry, certified as a tactical marksman, etc., etc. Military reservist as well (Navy SeaBee). SeaBee military instructor, firearms, blah, blah. Mainly I just love those S&W revolvers.


New member
Former Captain of Marines (Interrogator-Translator). Currently, Law Enforcement (Rangemaster) in Kalifornia, although I'm from NYC. I've been shooting semi-autos most of my life. Started getting into revo's recently when I fired a Manurhin MR 73 .357, it has an incredible action. So, thats my story :D


New member
I've got to get one of those 'agency' jackets that has the big letters on the back that say:

U.S. CITIZEN - Homeland Defense Force :D

Proud to be a 'Civilian' of the United States of America.


New member
357 MagFan, I'm in 29 palms too..We're gonna have to hook up and go shooting together once I get my S&W .500 from Yellow Mart..I've been looking for a shooting partner and looks like you were right under my nose the whole time..


New member
8 years in the USN flying over the north atlantic

I don’t mean to put down any one that was not or is not military.
But in working with people, I have found that current or x military people, police and fireman, people that put there life on the line or gave there life for very little pay seem to understand that we all owe our country and its people something for the privilege of growing up here, that’s why they serve in what ever way they did. Those same people seem to be more pro-gun.
Try to find some one that stands on a corner and yells that taking away our freedom is a good thing, like taking away our guns and I will show you a person in 99 out of 100 cases has never done anything for the common good of the community other than stand on a corner and tell us how wrong we are and how right they are.
I place anti gun people that want to destroy the amendment that we all have, that helped make this country free in the same league as book burners and people burners. And I would personally prefer that all anti gun people start wearing swastikas or white hoods, or red stars so we can see them from afar.
Sorry about preaching, I watched "Shindlers list" this morning


New member
Shindlers List......

That movie and a few others (*) should be required viewing to graduate from high school.

* My .02 centsworth..... list is:

1. Shindler's List
2. Saving Private Ryan
3. Band Of Brothers
4. Red Dawn... yea I know it's a stretch
but it makes you think about things a bit.

sorry I strayed from the host's topic here......... :D