Who Is Sniperinky?


Looks like it was a group of mods possibly including Art and Anti pitas and likely involved wildalaska according to the opinions posted here.

I had nothing to do with it, I'm not that smart :)

WildnotmeAlaska TM

Mal H

hogdogs said:
Looks like it was a group of mods possibly including Art and Anti pitas and likely involved wildalaska according to the opinions posted here...
Your supposition is entirely wrong on all counts. (And that's the truth.)

So what will his name be next year?
His name will still be sniperinky, but he won't be posting anything next year. The name has been "retired". :)

Folks, it was an April Fools joke envisioned and carried out by one single non-staff member. He asked well in advance if he could do it, and got the permission to give it a try. I think he succeeded in making lots of you think he was "LuckyinKentucky" reincarnated - he wasn't. (That's why he chose "sniper-in-KY" as the user name.) I thought he did a great job of appearing to be completely who he isn't, if you get what I mean.

I'll leave this open if you want to continue trying to guess who it was, but all guesses so far have been incorrect.

Brian Pfleuger

Moderator Emeritus
Folks, it was an April Fools joke envisioned and carried out by one single non-staff member. He asked well in advance if he could do it, and got the permission to give it a try. I think he succeeded in making lots of you think he was "LuckyinKentucky" reincarnated - he wasn't. (That's why he chose "sniper-in-KY" as the user name.) I thought he did a great job of appearing to be completely who he isn't, if you get what I mean.

Ok, so he/she is a known and trusted long term member who is smart enough to seek staff approval before attempting such a feat.

That SHOULD narrow it down... a bit.


Staff In Memoriam
Don't look at me...:rolleyes: I am far too dumb in real life to figure out how to post stuff that off the wall!:eek: The guy is a gem of a writer to have come up with the stuff! Gas tank on an 11-87???:D:eek:


Staff In Memoriam
Vanya, I ain't sure if you just gave me a compliment or called me an idiot:D... or both in one sentence...:eek:


New member
Purely meant as a compliment, Hogdogs. I think you write real good.
Hell, Brent's eloquent prose is half the reason I come here. :) That and to read WA's siglines.... oh... yeah... and to annoy people. :)


New member
The clues on this are pretty sparse.

As "arresting" as some of those sniperinky posts were they generally were headed for the bottom of the respective pages. The "headspace" thread died on 3/26; the gas op 11-87 faded away on 3/28.

What good is an April Fool's joke if the thread is inactive?

There was some action in "The Hunt" but that sub-forum doesn't have much traffic relatively and the LiK thread in "Rifles" hadn't quite reached critical mass.

So, I'm guessing Vanya, just 'cause he gave us / sniperinky the needed jolt to pull the posts into the "General Discussion" area in a relatively active thread. Had sniperinky stayed in the threads he was in, the whole thing may have passed unnoticed. "Sniperinky" didn't have cause to charge into that thread apart from answering Vanya's post after which things took care of themselves.

Not a very satisfying guess and I'd not put any money on it but it's all I've got.

And... no offense to Vanya intended. Given the legendary status of snickyinky, it's actually rather of a compliment.

When will the unveiling be made?
If the real "sniperinky" would like to come clean they will win a free one week shotgun shooting excursion to florida or a hog hunting weekend... Expenses for travel, ammo or drinks are not included...

Hmmmmm....If I were sniperinky I'd probably say the same thing knowing full well that no one would take up the offer. And if they did, I know it would be a false claim.

Wonder who said that.....:D


Staff In Memoriam
Tuttle, The problem with that hypothesis is I have both offers running for some time... I recently had a young guy from TFL come down here from up yonder to try the hunting...


New member
Hogdogs, if i ever get that far south ill stop by, but i seriously doubt ill ever get to florida. On the other hand, you can always go to maine and enjoy snow