Who Is Sniperinky?


New member

I think you probably want to be looking for an animated yellow circle with a pie slice missing.

I reckon he hangs out with sniperblinky, sniperpinky, and sniperclyde.

Yeah it was bad. Couldn't resist.



New member
Well, I feel it likely is a moderator given some of the clues. I think it is someone who is creative enough to thrive on mis-direction. Tamara, Al, or Mike. I'm Gonna go with Al Norris.

Final answer.


ETA: Then again, a PM from yesterday might hold a final clue....Iwonderifitcouldbesomeoneasduplicitousasalawyer.
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Don't think so, Ken. A person of that intelligence, character, and knowledge of firearms can't possibly post in that manner if she tried. She can be creative, but I don't think she can pull off being....well....I'll refrain. One thing to poke at a member, another to post against the rules.


Staff In Memoriam
well the offers are real and have been for many moons. Just set it up with me. With dogs is year around and gun hunt takes pre-discussion with land owner and never during general gun or spring turkey season...


Don't think so, Ken. A person of that intelligence, character, and knowledge of firearms can't possibly post in that manner if she tried. She can be creative, but I don't think she can pull off being....well....I'll refrain. One thing to poke at a member, another to post against the rules.

Its all imitation and its tougher than it looks...she could pull it off....besides, she a Mod, she is the rules :)

Wildbutnicebuttkissjobanyway*snicker*yaknowiloveyabro:)Alaska TM


Staff In Memoriam
The person who perpetuated this spoof farce with or without help is an A-1 fictional writer capable of "dumbing down" of epic measure! to have the knowledge needed to make posts of such stupid content is extraordinary!
I had my feelings on this as I couldn't fathom a total village idiot knowing how to spell at all yet know so little of the subject matter they posted of:eek: And I also wondered how such a blatant idiot could own a rifle or shotgun without having blown them self away long before finding TFL....
But I am in the market for some old timey mouse pads as my headspace needs adjusted on several of my weapons....
Okay so it looks like we may never know who the culprit was as those involved (I think it took more than one to pull this off) will come clean as they would rather shove it in the proverbial bag until 3-21-10....

Shadi Khalil

New member
I'm gonna guess Tamera as well. She was friends (and a possible accomplice?) to Gecko45, the guy who started this all....

So there is precedent.

I prefer naturally curly red hair, fair skin, light freckles, 5' 8", blue eyes. In other words, my wife. You ain't got no motive, chief.:p



Staff In Memoriam
Looks like it was a group of mods possibly including Art and Anti pitas and likely involved wildalaska according to the opinions posted here...;):D
So what will his name be next year?