Who Is Sniperinky?


Staff In Memoriam
Nominate a TFL member (mods can be included) for an upcoming poll...
If the real "sniperinky" would like to come clean they will win a free one week shotgun shooting excursion to florida or a hog hunting weekend... Expenses for travel, ammo or drinks are not included...
To post at TFL you have to be a member. Guests can't post.

We've been trying to figure it out.

He's using some sort of anonymizer. Several staff members, myself included, THINK we know who he is, but we're just not sure.

He sure has a way of flying right above the rooftops of Bansville... :mad:


New member
Well, my early speculation is blown. The individual I had in mind would blanch at the concept of an anonymizer.


Staff In Memoriam
Anonymity is not one of my finer traits either... I do try to fly under the radar but I got my name proudly displayed on the bottom of my wings:D


New member
Could he be using a proxy? I havent seen anything bad on here by anyone of that name, so I assume that the mods are being quick in removing the offensive stuff.

Evan Thomas

New member
Back on topic for a minute here...

Shorthair said:
Getting that kind of humor here is for me like asking Rosie O'Donnell for her glamor pics. Really just doesn't work for me. Its one thing to have it in a thread like this one, its entirely another to have a guy talking smack throughout the forum, then give him a pass for his ability to act like a fool.
I am not on this board for that kind of stupidity. Call me humorless.

I nominate Shorthair. Methinks he was protesting a bit too much...



New member
If the real "sniperinky" would like to come clean they will win a free one week shotgun shooting excursion to florida or a hog hunting weekend...

I admit it, I'm Sniperinky and if it wasn't for those darn Mods, I'd have gotten away with it too! :mad:


New member
I like detective games.

Lessee, the original LiK took care with spelling and grammar and only had outlandish stuff on big bore bullet weights and personal performance - his search engine work was very good. LiKV2.0 had excellent presentation only when doing a direct copy/paste from LiKV1.0 and posted whacko stuff from the onset. LiKV1.0 would never suggest taping a mouse pad to a comb to adjust headspace.

However, the original LiK also ended the ordeal on an April 1. Coincidence? But who other than the original would benefit from spoofing IPs? If the first was intended as a 4/1 sendup, saying so would have been chancy at that point. Methinks if V1.0 was patient enough to wait 4 years he'd wait another year so a "recollection" thread wouldn't be running simultaneously.

It could be me but I made the mistake of posting simultaneous with inky this AM. I think that means I can't be him or I need to update my computer skills resume.

Vanya was the first to point out that sniperinky was dropping muffins in other parts of the board - hmmm. But I guess there's nothing particularly wrong with being more alert than all the rest of us in the "sillies" thread.

Mal H. was egging him on but who says mods can't have a little fun with the rest of us? Never mind that many applications of super heated steam require a nuclear reactor upstream. That poor 11-87...

Conventional wisdom would hold that the poster proclaiming the greatest degree of indignation over the episode would be suspect but I'm not prepared to poke that hornet's nest - and I never believed that conventional wisdom anyway.

WildAlaska is always on deck for speculation but he'd have to hire Spiff to spoof the IP. ("Spiffy the spoofer" - I like that.)

Hogdogs claimed to have gotten a PM from a mod counseling waiting. Therein might lie a clue but would require permission to divulge - the "P" in "PM" being what it is and all.

Edited to add: Krezyhorse fessed up. Not even on my list.
Then again, it is still 4/1, is it not?

Evan Thomas

New member
Jart said:
Edited to add: Krezyhorse fessed up. Not even on my list.

Isn't it common knowledge among LEO's that there are people who just love to confess to everything? ;)

(Actually, I think Krezyhorse just wants to take a trip to Florida.)


Staff In Memoriam
(Actually, I think Krezyhorse just wants to take a trip to Florida.)
I did the whole Homer Simpson...

Thing... When I seen Kreyzhorse's admission...
I could always wait until 11:59 PM and post my own "APRIL FOOL'S" to the offer:rolleyes:


New member
Brent, if admitting to alternate usernames can get me vacations i'll say that i'm lucky/sniper or even Gecko45. Florida seems nice, i'm tired of snow.

Mal H

Jart said:
Mal H. was egging him on but who says mods can't have a little fun with the rest of us?
Don't know if you were suggesting it was me, it wasn't. I do have a good idea who it was, but I ain't telling!

Never mind that many applications of super heated steam require a nuclear reactor upstream.
That's why I said he would have to work out the small detail of containment - but it could work!