Who else carries a full size gun?


New member
i carry either my Springfield Armory mil spec in 45acp with a pair of finger grooved grips or my model 19 6 inch in 357magnum. they're both a pain to hide but id take them over most others out there in terms of power and reliability.


New member
I have a "SMART CARRY" body holster that I carry my 5" 1911 in. This "SMART CARRY" goes over your underwear and the strap goes under you belt line. I have carried my 5" 1911 with shorts on and no one could tell that I was packing John Browning's power house 5" 1911. I had no problems sitting in my truck or tying my shoes. Here is the link to their website.




New member
I may get flamed for this but it's my experience that the difference between carrying a full-size vs. a "compact" just isn't very much.

Nah, you don't deserve a flame... you're mostly right.

If you use a good belt, holster, and have the correct attire... there are lots of times that a full size is no different than a compact.

Exceptions come mostly when you can't dress to hide the big gun, or if you're going to do a LOT of sitting.

Having said that, I have IWB'ed my USP45 when my normal CCW was "away", and more often have carried my USP40 as it's slightly slimmer. But because I carry IWB at about 5:00, I can't tolerate a big fat pistol of any sort on long drives or "dinner and a movie".

But mostly, I just carry a Kahr P40, which is of course, NOT what you were asking. ;)


New member
Just got mine

Just got my Concealed Carry Permit, and it is my intent to carry my H&K .40. With the polymer, it's not that heavy. Looking for suggestions on a good holster by the way. I posted in the gear and accesories and got no replies.


Full size service autos

I carry based on the seasons. Still for the most part I have carried full size service autos.
For years I carried a Glock 17 concealed. Then, I started carrying a full size m.1911. I bought a Kimber Compact, but wound up carrying the full size five inch .45 more often than the compact anyway. These days, when I carry an auto it is a full size .45 or a Beretta Vertec. To be honest, my day to day carry piece right now in the summer is a snub J. frame revolver, but in winter and fall months I carry a .45 auto or a 3 inch Model 629.


New member
Sort of

It just depend usally I carry my Kimber custom or glock 17 but some times the atire won't allow this and I carry my v-10 .thisis rare though


New member
95% of the time I carry a Glock 17. When conditions warrant (like >100F and 500% humidity), I carry a Glock 27 or S&W 649.

deputy tom

New member
During the winter months I carry one of several 1911's.The rest of the year it's usually a j-Frame S&W or a Seecamp.tom.:cool:

Kentucky Rifle

New member
I am SOOOOoooo close to buying a Beretta 92...

However, the reason I don't run screaming to my gun shop yelling, "I'll take it, I'LL TAKE IT"!!!, is that I wonder how I'll carry it in the HOT Kentucky summers. IWB carry is out for me. It's just not comfortable for all day carry. I've thought about a Dillon "SOB". That type holster might work. I carry my Glock 27 in a SOB holster just above my right "cheek" with a belt loop in the center. All day carry is comfortable. I've also thought a good shoulder holster would be good for winter carry for the 92C.
I'd appreciate suggestions on how to carry this baby in the summer when I wear a T-shirt or untucked Polo shirt. Make a good enough suggestion and I just might go get it TODAY!

P.S. I should be receving a "SSCD" (Strong Side/Cross Draw) holster from Don Hume this week. I'll take a look at it. Possibly would work for the 92C I'm drooling over.


New member
I carry a Glock 20 nearly all the time, with a 6" barrel - that's about as full sized as you can get I imagine. I carry my Colt Delta Elite at work because I have to be more discreet.



New member
Normally I carry either a SIG P220 .45, P226 .357 SIG, or a Colt 1991A1 .45.

The P220 was my most commonly carried pistol, but the new P226 is my favorite gun/cartridge combo. Once I replace the grips with some that fit the frame properly and replace the Mass. compliant barrel, it'll be perfect.

I'm gunless for the moment (my babies are in Texas and I don't have an Oz permit), but hope to rebuild my stable soon. Getting a G22 here, and looking into having a P226 9mm (along with my G17) shipped over from the US.