Who Carries a .38 Snub?


New member
I own a S&W 637 and it was my first carry gun. I eventually added a few other guns, it is still one of my favorite guns. Even with just 5 shots, I never felt under gunned in this day of high capacity double stacks.

My wife has taken over my S&W 637 although I still carry it occasionally. She, it should be noted, like the gun as much as I do.


New member
Yeah, I do, but I don't love it. I remember a morning last week. I had a practice session with a 6 inch L-frame Smith. I had a rapid fire group that went inch and three-eights at twenty yards for six shots, something I could never repeat upon demand. Felt good. Then what did I do? I locked the target pistol in the safe and put a Model 60 Smith in my pocket and went to town. With the little Model 60 at the same distance and the same rate of speed, I'd be lucky to get one or two hits on the piece of typing paper holding the target I had just shot with the 686, but the little Model 60 certainly beats going naked.


New member
I carried a Taurus 85 SS for close to 20 years . Then a short year and a half with a kt pf-9 now for the last close to 3 years a cm9 kahr. . Weight the same loaded as the 85SS did empty. Seemed like a natural change with the smooth trigger the Taurus had .

My old carry and my replacements. CM9 and CW9.


New member
I carry a 642 in a pocket holster everywhere it's legal. Sometimes I also carry a g26 concealed under a shirt or jacket in a Safariland OWB holster but the 642 is still with me. I practice often with the 642 and occasionally with the g26. Despite the extra practice with the 642, I draw and shoot the more powerful g26 from concealment much better than the 642. The 642 is so much easier to carry concealed than the g26 and there is no excuse not to have it where it's legal.


New member
I carry a Smith 442, but I will admit, since I impulse purchased a Ruger LCP a few weeks ago it sure is handy to slip that one in a front pocket and call it good.



New member
I do.

I roll with a Ruger LCR, tried on the Stoeger Cougar and found it too big and heavy. Looked into the LCP but then decided to simplify and go with the revolver for the ease of operation in a critical situation. I don't train all the time to stay proficient with semi autos so the snub fits the bill for me.
I have a feeling that there are a fair amount of semi autos sold out there that the owners really don't know how to use. Over the years, I have overheard several conversations at gun counters where someone is buying their first firearm. It seems like they always gravitate towards to semi autos. When asked what they want it for, they say they want it for self defense and/or concealed carry. Many times they need to have everything explained to them and tell the salesman that they have little or no experience with guns. Maybe they went out and got some training and practiced after the purchase, maybe not. I always find myself thinking that a revolver would be a better choice for them.


New member
I carry the 640 with 38's or 357's in it.

Wouldn't mind having a 38 in an aluminum frame. It does have to be in your tactics to hide and reload...also to limit yourself to aimed or very close shots. Not really a problem since it would be hard to defend anything else.


New member
In warm weather or when I just don't feel like strapping on something bigger, I carry a S&W M36 in a Galco pocket holster loaded with Remington 158gr LSWCHP +P.

trane fan

New member
I've got an M&P Shield in 9mm that I carry if I'm going any distance. However, for a quick trip around town or when I need to be extra discreet I carry my M&P 340 with a Desantis Clip Grip.



New member
In summer it's a Model 60 loaded with 38 Spl +P. Rides around in a pocket holster and works great with cargo shorts.

In cold weather the pocket gun is still there but as back up for a Mod. 66, 2.5 bbl. , 357 mag. in a pancake holster.


I wear cargo shorts 51 out of 52 weeks per year in FL so I pocket carry and it is either a Kahr 9 or a S&W 642. I find the snub, with all of its roundness just blends in better in my front pocket


New member
I don't carry anything often (live in MD where a CCW is nearly impossible to obtain), but when out of state (about once a month) I do carry. I used to almost exclusively carry either my Taurus 85CH or S&W 442 (or both), only occasionally interrupted by either my Commander sized S&W 1911SC or my Taurus PT140 M. Pro. Since I bought my SIG P290RS I almost never carry my snubs and my SIG comes with me on trips out of state. I find it much easier to shoot an auto well than a 2" small-frame snub.

I do have several snubs. I love my 3" S&W 65LS and have carried it a few times in a cheap Uncle Mikes (when I finally break down and get a proper holster for it I can see carrying it a lot more). In 2" small-frames I have the previously mentioned 85CH and 442 plus a Rossi 461. I am thinking about a 3" S&W 60 or Ruger SP101 for the IWB advantages of a snub with the longer sight radius so I might carry snubs more, but I do love my small autos for self defense (easier to aim accurately, quicker follow-up shots, less felt recoil for more practice time).