Which O/U Single Trigger all-around Shotgun for hunting?


New member
All's well that ends well...

Para Bellum said:
24 ouf 26 today. Great gun, great fun.
Okay, I'm confused 24 out of 26 at what? Skeet, trap singles , handicap, 5-stand, field clays, bunker trap, trap doubles, corn-field hand-tossed, or what???

I replied early in this thread, and asked Para Bellum the purpose and budget of his new gun. Since then I've learned the budget wasn't a problem, he has small hands, likes chrome and black and has a polymer fetish (I won't go there ;) ). Not wanting to go any further without more info, I've stayed clear. Gun recommendations without first defining the gun's purpose frequently turn into meaningless rants centered on brand preferences (How many times must we do the M500 v R870 two-step?). In this case the gun was selected without Para Bellum really defining is purpose.

It seems the Cynergy was selected based on recommendations, its appearance how it fit at the gun store (after adjustments). I typically recommend that one not get a shotgun without shooting it first, nor buy a car without a test drive. But, with BigJimP's (and others) continual support it seems Para Bellum is as happy as the proverbial bug in a rug with his new gun. However, I'm sure there are those traditionalists who'll think it looks like it came from Mars.

There is much to be said about the adjustable stocks we're seeing more and more of these days. Some years ago a group of us were having our lunch break and the topic turned to gun stocks. There was the never ending argument over who offers the nicest wood. Having heard this many times before, I threw out a comment just to test the water, and said something like, "Ya know, it's just because of tradition that we expect to see wood on a shotgun. If the shotgun were first invented today, the use of wood would probably never be considered. The job can be done better and cheaper with man made materials." I expected some rebuttal, but there was none. The Cynergy epitomizes the state-of-the-art in modern stock design. In time, the old school crew will come to accept the extraterrestrial look as conventional. Cynergy type guns may gain in their mass appeal; however, there will always be a market for high grade guns with custom fit exquisite wood.

Para Bellum, as my friend, BigJim, requested, please keep us updated on your progress.

Good luck and good shooting,

Para Bellum

New member
:) That's why we play it1

Okay, I'm confused 24 out of 26 at what? Skeet, trap singles , handicap, 5-stand, field clays, bunker trap, trap doubles, corn-field hand-tossed, or what???
Trap. Preparation for the county's hunting license exam. kind of strange and boaring. The requirement is 3 out of 10 straight pigons. The machine gives you 26 when you pay 25 so that's how and where I came to 24 out of 26.

I replied early in this thread, and asked Para Bellum the purpose and budget of his new gun. Since then I've learned the budget wasn't a problem, he has small hands, likes chrome and black and has a polymer fetish (I won't go there).
:) General purpose versatile sporting and hunting shotgun (as the title of the thread might have indicated). And that's exactly what I believe to have now. ;)

In this case the gun was selected without Para Bellum really defining is purpose.
There was no closer framed purpose in the thread because there is non, Hunting, Trap, Skeet, Compaq Sportin. Fun with one gun. If I hit with that one gun at Skeet or Compaq Sporting, I'll hunt with it because I will hit game with it.

It seems the Cynergy was selected based on recommendations, its appearance how it fit at the gun store (after adjustments).
Yep. :D

But, with BigJimP's (and others) continual support it seems Para Bellum is as happy as the proverbial bug in a rug with his new gun.
Major bug in major rug. Thanks again guys! :)

However, I'm sure there are those traditionalists who'll think it looks like it came from Mars.
Thats why I like it (one of the reasons).:D
Makes me think of aN MTV-Commercial in the 90s: "Some people say this music is loud, aggressive, vulgar and appleals to the most basic animal instintcs - That's why we play it!" :D

BigJimP: I undestand why you like your guns!


New member
My friend... I just looked into my crystal ball. I predict we'll be hearing more from Para Bellum, in a year or two, after he's settled in and decides to get a game specific comp gun (or two). :D


New member

Yes buddy, or two, or three ..... / what's the point of having a big gun safe, if it's only half full ......he'll learn ...

and that's why the women in our lives think most of us are all insane ....

( I even paste waxed and polished a couple of my shotguns and handguns this week ) / and I was thinking about doing a few more this week .....and taking some stocks off, cleaning my loaders ....going to the woodworkng show in town tomorrow / so I have to have a clean shop ( in case something follows me home ) - and gun show next weekend .... something else may follow me home then too ...

Para Bellum

New member
My friend... I just looked into my crystal ball. I predict we'll be hearing more from Para Bellum, in a year or two, after he's settled in and decides to get a game specific comp gun (or two).
:p Maybe. but after 14 years I still only shoot glocks. Precision shooting and IPSC. Work very well for me, even against much more expensively equipped competitors... so maybe my cynergy is my one-for-all shottie. I strongly believe that I'd rather stick with the one gun I use best...

Yes buddy, or two, or three ..... / what's the point of having a big gun safe, if it's only half full ......he'll learn ...
:D Maybe. By now it's three glocks (26, 26, 19) an AUG-Z, a 1961 Mauser 98 in 7x57 a 1908 Mannlicher-Schönauer in 7x64, a Baikal Coach Gun, and my Cynergy. And my wife still loves me...

and that's why the women in our lives think most of us are all insane ....
see above. :D