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Which are you??

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I also don't see how you can render all those factors moot.

Well, in the real world you can't, we all know that.

What I'm getting at is where do your particular strengths (and conversely possible weaknesses) lie? I know for me I'm most comfortable with a shotgun, but I also know I cant CCW one. I don't see shooting as one particular skillset as there are differences between handgunning, riflery, and shotgunning.

I also know that of the three, my riflery skills are the most lacking (working on changing that).

First, I don't understand why you use defense as the sole criteria.

I figured if I put it in those terms "What would you bet your life on" people would give some serious thought to the question.


I don't see shooting as one particular skillset as there are differences between handgunning, riflery, and shotgunning.

I agree. Shooting is 'mostly' based on the same principles but skill with one weapon type does not directly transfer to another. Proficiency must be learned with each individual type. I'm sure there are plenty of skilled riflemen that couldn't hit a barn with a handgun from the inside. Shotgunning is a whole `nother ballgame. Shooting a shotgun like you shoot a rifle will lead to nothing but frustration. Here's a hint, never look at the bead.

I'm a little spread out. My biggest weaknesses are single action revolvers and leverguns but all things being equal, I'd rather be bird hunting.

357 Python

New member
While I have rifles, shotguns, and handguns I consider myself a handgunner. Since 1978 the jobs I have had require me to carry a handgun at work (Armed/Unarmed Security Officer, Private Investigator, and now Police Officer). That doesn't mean that I can't use the others effectively, it just means that I have more experience with handguns.


New member
I shoot mostly handguns. It's what I enjoy the most. But I also have a rifle and will probably buy a few more in the future. I would love to have a pump-action shotgun too, but there's no place I can shoot them where I live. All the ranges only allow shotguns for skeet/trap shooting. And for those disciplines they do not allow semi-auto or pump-action shotguns:(

44 AMP

OK, what I would bet my life on....

Is whatever I had in my hands (or could get to) when I needed it to defend my life.

Maybe we are saying the same things different ways, but I consider shooting to be a skill, and the different methods needed for best use of the rifle, handgun and shotgun are simply minor details.

Now, mastering the details is what makes it a challenge, and for many people handguns are more difficult than rifles to reach equal levels of skill.

Perhaps I have been at this too long to remember how difficult it can be for beginners, but for me, it is all pretty much the same, just different minor adjustments for the particular firearm involved.

I have complete faith in my "skillset(s)" to handle rifle, shotgun, and handgun in a serious situation. I am not a competition shooter, nor a combat shooter, but so far I have always managed to get done what I wanted to get done.

Of course, I don't really do that much any more!;)


I am like wildalaska...I cant shoot a shotgun worth a darn. It had better be stationary before I let loose with a shotgun.

I can hold my own with a pistol, but I much prefer iron sight shooting with a rifle at 200 yards and beyond.


New member

i dont know

home = shotty
daily carry = .380
but i love my 10/22
:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:


New member
I'm most definately a handgunner, but I like shooting my rifles and shotgun just as much. It's just that currently I'm only a member at an indoor pistol range, so I only get to shoot my long guns a few times each year. Hopefully that will change, because it's looking like I'll be joining an outdoor range this coming year :)

Though I still keep a revolver around for protection at home and out and about.


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