Which are you???

Which are you??

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New member
Are you primarily a Rifleman, Handgunner, or Shotgunner???

Think of it in terms of which you would absolutely choose to defend you and yours based on YOUR skillset, not the features of the particular weapon platform. Assume questions of accessibility/portability, effective range, etc. are moot. Where do your skills and experience lie?

Granted most of us probably cross lines, but which is your primary?
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New member
I own and shoot more handguns than anything so I guess I'd be a handgunner.

Handguns: target, plinking, .22lr competition, personal carry, truck carry, HD
Rifles: plinking, varmint hunting, HD
Shotguns: trap, bird hunting, HD

If I hear a bump in the night in the house I grab the USP.
If I hear a bump in the night outside I grab the Cx4 Strom or Mossberg 500.


New member
I guess I should answer my own question. Or at least give some details since I answered the poll.

Definitely a shotgunner here. I've fired more rounds from scatterguns through the years than any other platform. Bird hunting, small game, deer.

I shoot handguns a lot. I'm at the range usually twice a month or more. Even so a shotgun or two goes with me each time.

I hunt with rifles/muzzleloaders too and am a decent shot, but far from what I would consider a true "rifleman".

Basically if bad things are happening I want something that's second nature by now. That would be a shotgun for me. Handgun a near second. Rifle bringing up the rear.


New member
For home defense it's shotgun all the way and I like playing with them when I'm in the mood. I also like playing with rifles and use them more than shotguns but what I actually use the most are pistols.


Pistol and Rifle. I cant shoot a shotgun to save my life. I had the best Shotgun Instructor in Europe try to teach me and he had as much success as Barack Obama has in being consistent

WildimaloserAlaska TM

B. Lahey

New member
I'm an acceptable rifle shot if you believe the medals and expert quals and junk, so I guess I'm a rifleman. I can swing a shotgun on birds without embarrassing myself too badly and I'm ok with some pistols, but I'm better with rifles.


New member
It's a tossup for me. I shoot my handguns more often, and I use handguns to defend my home.
But I have almost as many rifles as I do handguns, and am just as proficient.
But, since I have to pick...handgun

Billy Sparks

New member
Pistol...I am like PBP I have safes full of rifles that I haven't shot. The situation is a little better since the local indoor range allows rifles. I know a indoor range is no big deal with a rifle but it is better than it gathering dust in the safe.


New member
I'm all of the above and really consider myself a Sportsman. I carry daily, hunt both big game and bird.
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New member
I voted handgunner I have a large collection of handguns and love combat pistol shooting. The truth is though I'm much better with a rifle always have been. Out to 600 yards if I can see it I can usually hit it.

I posted this pic on another thread.

From 5 yards I drew and fired those 8 shots into the A-zone in 2.31 seconds and thats the truth, but another truth is that if you move the target to 25 yards and I have unlimited time off a bench rest the group is not much smaller.:eek:

Now you know my darkest secret I can't shoot small slow fire groups with a pistol.

....nate dims light, drinks shot of whiskey and quietly sobs....


New member
I think Jeff Cooper sums this up pretty well for me. "The handgun is what you use to fight your way to your rifle, so you can finish the fight"