Where are the Ammo and Reloading Supplies? - Merged Threads

James R. Burke

New member
I always try to buy from small guys in my area. There is one about a half hour a way that I buy alot of stuff from. They are really nice, honest, people to buy from. They are a little higher but I understand that, plus I am not paying no hazmat or nothing. The place I was talking about is right next door, and he treats his customers like garbage. Says we dont now what we are talking about etc. He had large win primers, but I was looking for cci. He keep saying how they were better, and I should just buy them. I tryed to explain that no doubt they were just has good or maybe they are better, but all my loads for the rifle were worked up with the cci, and I did not want to rework them. Then we got into it about there being no shortage etc even though he did not have anything. A few other reloaders told me he treated them bad also he is right in town two. But I am not buying nothing from him again, or the other people I talk to. It's o.k. what you charge or if your out of something, but you dont need to treat people like they are idots, and expect them to come back. Just my opion.
I just bought 1000 more wolf SR primers yesterday for $24 from the local guy. Last case he had, though. He also only had 200 CCI SRs left... :mad:

Dave R

New member
Small rifle primers are extinct in Boise. None to be had nowhere.

No H335, either, which is my preferred rifle powder.
I bought some H335 last week from the same little shop. They had 3 jugs left. Now they have none, but they have BLC(2). Needless to say, I now also have BLC(2). :)
My guy also has a bunch of primers. Tons of shotshell, a bunch of large and small pistol, and plenty of large rifle. He's just low on the small rifle that I need. Wolf is the cheapest at $24/k. His most expensive non-match primers are like $31/k. He's also got a bunch of jugs of winchester and alliant powder, too. I just don't regularly use it, but I'm gonna try some soon I think. I wish rifle powder lasted me as long as pistol... :D


New member
Where are the primers and other reloading supplies? - Merged Threads

Anyone know where to get Fed 205M or CCI #$1 primers these days?

James R. Burke

New member
I got lucky finding some CCI primers in two differnt shops. Try the small ma and pa type if you have any by you. Sometimes they are just over looked and have what you need.


New member
"Where are the Primers?", good question. Small pistol primers are almost nonexistent around here. Had to drive 100 miles, to buy the last two boxes
of WSP that store had. Plus stores say their suppliers have no idea when they will have more. Was it panic buying that dried up the supply? Can't go online, even if you wanted to pay the Hazmat fee, they are backorderd.


New member

Talk about primers...lol
I can't even get rifle brass for my 308...

I recently got some primers of http://www.natchezss.com
Those were cci #200 rifle primers

You just have to check every day....When they are in stock, people buy them right away, and they go out of stock again...

midway is a lost cause...


New member
I was lucky enough that my local store had happened to get in 6000 small pistol primers the other day when I called to see if my lower parts kit had came in. I promptly went there and bought 1000 of them. Today when I went in there for a cleaning jag they were all gone.


New member
I have some on order online and called because they let me order them and they have been out of stock for some time. I am 75th in line on the Wolf primers for small and large pistol. At that rate I will have them by Christmas 2010? I have heard stories of layoffs in the ammo biz, that is bad for the reloader. If the common man can not get it from the store, they will be online looking to start reloading.


New member
I was enlightened today.

I was at one of the oldest gun stores around here. After losing count at 37,000 primers being sold in less than 30 minutes.... I over heard a conversation between two store employees and a customer.

The employees claimed to still have over 100,000 primers in the back room (shelves still somewhat stocked at 25k-30k primers), and the ability to get any primer the customer wished... in less than 2 weeks. The gentleman that has been working their longer than I can remember said there is no actual shortage of primers, anywhere. It is simply a matter of what stores are willing (or allowed) to put on their shelves. He claimed to have not had any supply issues, or shortages of any brand or type of primer since 2007.

My brother and I discussed this later, and he summed it up pretty well.
If Joe Schmoe walks into a gun store, seeking 300 primers... When he sees only 1000 primers on the shelf, he is likely to buy all of them. The store then replaces their "shortage" stock of 800-1000 for the next guy to hoard.
If Joe Schmoe walks into a gun store, seeking 300 primers... When he sees 10,000 primers on the shelf; he is likely to believe the "shortage" has subsided, and buy only what he needs.
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New member
i much prefer to buy quantity when possible lately that isnt always possible ,online is rare to see them in stock ( at most the major places anywayz) cci's i havent seen in quite a bit -anywhere ! that being said the small mom and pop and out of the way places being the best places ermm most likely to check, i settled for a sleeve of wsp's for the kids plinkin loads -they will never notice anyways ,on a second note i have noted at gun shows folks are tryin to scalp on them to those who need them perhaps i understand but i also know that if patronized these scalpers they will only proliferate -not good IMO and $50 for wolf's small rifle mag's are totally out of the question :barf: the funny part the guy seen me walkin by with that sleeve of wsp's and a sleeve of rp's 7 1/2's he asked me what i paid and it gave me great joy to tell him 28 & 31$ @1000 respectively ( he was wanting $65 a 1000 for the 7 1/2's)btw ? the guy i bought them from had plenty of ww's no cci's few federal's and a decent selection of rp's and he is a small mom and pop dealer-i love helpin the lil guys out especially when it's to my benefit as well:cool: my best advice ? dont panick buy and have patience when possible,i dont believe the war on terror is what's behind the primer shortage between the current government wishing us to not have guns or bullets and the guys who go lookin for a 1000 primers yet buy everyone they see even tho they dont reload for will indeed in the end make prices rise to where it will end up being cheaper to buy factory ammo and we know how cheap that isnt

Mr Odd Six

went to a gun show today, small rifle and pistol primers are selling for $50-70 a 1000 :eek:

Some one there said all the factories are shut down, waiting federal government law changes, and tracking system to be incorporated


New member
Having trouble with availability of primers and powder

I'm at my witt's end trying to find Power Pistol powder through my normal internet contacts/companies. I reload for two particular clients that also own 45 supers and Power pistol is perfect for the little space available in the shell. For example I use 11.2 grains for a 200 grain bullet and more for 185.

I only use Federal 150 primers as they hold up best for the loads I use. Right now I have had these items on back order for 4 weeks. I could sure use some advise on the matter. Some of these Items are being scalped on GB.

Thanks Doc


New member
I can tell you here in NC in an hours driving distance in any direction at any gun shop your not going to find any primers other than a few boxes of LR or LP once in awhile. It's been like this for months and all the store owner I have known for many years and done lots of business with them all tell me the same thing none of there suppliers have any in stock and can't get any. There all just as frustrated as the customers.
Pretty much everything is like that right now.

It's an odd time for the hobby.

Gunshow a few weeks ago in Northern Virginia had over 17,000 people through the door.

Normal gunshow for that site is 7,000 to 8,000.

Ammo was just FLYING out of there. The people carrying reloading supplies looked like their stands had been picked over by vultures.

Georgia Arms recently said that because of the huge surge in orders they're running nearly 2 months behind.

Fortunately I have all the powder and primers that I need right now.

Bullets for a couple of my calibers, though? I guess I won't be shooting them for awhile.

Pity you're not in Virginia. I THINK I have a 1 pound container of Power Pistol left. I'd cut you an excellent deal. $1 billion, Mr. Bigglesworth. :D


New member
Grafs & Sons says they are out of stock on virtually all primers. (I get dealer pricing.) I ASSUME that they are simply filling orders as they get shipments in, but I haven't been able to get an answer from them.

I did the same with Brownells for my P-mags. Placed an order for the out-of-stock product and they shipped when my turn came up 3 weeks later. Is G&S doing the same or are they not getting regular shipments? Should I place an order with them or not?



New member
Gander Mountain here had Power Pistol today when I went scavenging for supplies, would you like me to pick some up for you?