Where are the Ammo and Reloading Supplies? - Merged Threads


New member
OUCH, that's truly gouging. At that price its worth driving out of the area to buy supplies. Call ahead and place on hold with a credit card. Even in CA things aren't that expensive yet. My local gun shop has limited supplies but still only $30 per thousand for any but bench rest primers, those are only a few dollars more.


New member
Looked at T&T and I see they show the HazMat shipping of $22.50 on orders.
You stated they ship without this, not legal if they did from what I know.
Unless they pay it themselves, on large orders.
Small Pistol primers are not to be found locally around here! Wonder if it is people hogging up, or military needs coming first?


New member
A gamehog, Their web page says no longer shipping without haz charges due to the increase in hm chgs of $22.50.

Did you call to save on the charges or was it not listed when you checked out ?

Thanks for the info, Mike


New member
nope i got charged. but they only charged $2 for the rest of the crap i ordered. im more than happy to pay it right now since i havent found any primers in a few weeks.
i bought 10k! lol


New member
T& T Reloading.....

good luck! they were shipping without hazmat!

Another thanks for the link. S&H charges added up to only $2.40 for 6k primers. Plus $22.50 hazmat. Pretty darn good at this point in history.


New member
They were not charging Hazmat

I just joined a few days ago, Glad I could help out guys. I loaded my first 30-06 round in 1971.

I posted this link in another post last week, guess some missed out. We need to have a better way to communicate this info like the moderator's first 3 posts and warnings, we could have a source of currently available shooting componets hedder also. Just my 2 cents..

Last year it was not charged, this year they started like everyone else. In the past I never paid Hazmat from them it was included with the orders, extra$$, now the prices are lower and you pay it.. They still have good stocks, join with some friends and get a good deal? In these times you need to get stock for shooting any way you can. Depending on your past local sources is like wiping your ass with a Hula-Hoop, sooner or later it's going to get ****y. By the end of summer they will all have good stock and this Y2K type scare will be over.

Remember if you order from the web, you only pay the Hazmat fee one time for up to 50 lbs an order. So for example, you and friends order 40 lbs of mixed powder, you pay a 22.00+ fee for the entire order. Plus the standard shipping (weight fees).

Good Luck!


This site has almost everyone in the business listed with Guns and Ammo and reloading..
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New member
My local shop is selling primers at 50 bucks a brick. Craziness.

A dedicated forum for listing in-stock items seems like a good idea, at least for right now when supplies are scarce.


New member
Tough times are here.....

"My local shop is selling primers at 50 bucks a brick. Craziness"

That's if you can find them!

The worst part is, you take your time, work up a load, then save your secret recipe, then you can't get the primers or powder of your go-to loads...you improvise and find similar componets that also do the job.


New member
Sorry about causing the shortages.
Doby I'll forgive you this time.:D Welcome to reloading.

I for one welcome all the newb reloaders, despite the current shortages. I only see long-term good coming to both the reloading industry and to the "sport" of reloading as more people gain interest in it.
I couldn't agree more with that. The more growth we see the better off we will all be. Around me the local place has plenty of powder and primers the problem is they want $40 per 1,000 primers with no break for buying 5,000. That's hard to take when you can buy them on-line for around $18 per 1,000. Powder here is going for around $23 a pound.


New member
T T Reloading certificate error

Hey everyone. This is my first posting on this site.
Just getting started in reloading and I'm anxious to find some SR primers like everyone else. :)

When I tried to place an order on the T&T Reloading site, I got this error:

"This CA Root certificate is not trusted because it is not in the Trusted Root Certification Authorities store."

Anyone else getting this error?
Is this something to worry abt?

Thx in adv!


New member
Is the primer shortage that so many post about due to manufacturers not making them, suppliers not ordering them, or is it consumer driven, i.e. we're going to our local gun shops and buying them by the thousands. I was heading down I64 from Green Top in Hanover, Va. and thought about this after I had purchased 2000 primers.


New member
Is the primer shortage that so many post about due to manufacturers not making them, suppliers not ordering them, or is it consumer driven, i.e. we're going to our local gun shops and buying them by the thousands. I was heading down I64 from Green Top in Hanover, Va. and thought about this after I had purchased 2000 primers.
JMO but I think most local places have primers and powder in stock because they want double what you can buy it on-line for. That's why I wait and when I see it in stock on-line then I buy 50,000 to get my moneys worth out of the hazmat and shipping. I think most of the shortage is with the on-line vendors.


New member
Is the primer shortage due to manufacturers not making them, suppliers not ordering them, or is it consumer driven

Manufacturers are running full tilt, suppliers are ordering them, and the consumer demand is higher than what is being produced. Small rifle primers are presently being ordered by the military in an unprecedented amount. Those will be the last ones released for the increased consumer demand.

James R. Burke

New member
My local dealer says there is no shortage. He stated that they can buy thru places we can not. I asked him if there was no shortage then why did'nt he have any large rifle primers. He stated they would be coming in. So I asked him if he could give me some type of time line. His reply was 2 months. I told him seems pretty long to wait if you have some special source no one else has. For some reson he just acted like a jerk about the whole thing. So I told him with that attitude no wonder people were buying on line, and told him to stick his primers. I think in the future we will be o.k. people are just unsure of whats going on, and stocking up when they can. No doubt will cause a price increase. That just my opion.

blue dingo

New member
When I go in a store and see them raping reloaders on powder or primers or die prices I don't spend a dime in there, ever. There are way too many businesses that appreciate their customers. I also make it a point to relay that info to my friends.


New member
Gents, let's not gang up on all the local dealers (I am not one, by the way). Keep in mind that the local guys have bills to pay too, and do not move the volume of supplies that the well known internet suppliers move. They also may not be able to obtain the same volume discounts either. They are smaller operations and have to make a little more per item to cover their expenses.

One of the local shops in my area has two sizable shelves stocked with primers, at a reasonable $27.95/k. Not as cheap as online, but figuring 29.91 including tax, that isn't bad against the internet suppliers and their shipping/haz-mat fees.


New member
i placed an order with t&t, no word from them, i sent an email as well. they havent charged my card yet either.

anybody else use them?

i also found some primers/powder at my shooting range.