What's your least favorite over-done thread?

Which is your least favorite over-done thread?

  • Best lube thread

    Votes: 14 13.7%
  • Best caliber thread

    Votes: 37 36.3%
  • If you could only own X number of guns . . .

    Votes: 25 24.5%
  • Which gun should I buy?

    Votes: 26 25.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
They should have an All of the above, answer.
I did vote for," What kind of gun should I buy". This is some thing
each buyer needs to sort out for them selves, too many variables
i.e. how much ya' going to want to spend, how are you going to use it,
what caliber ,how big a mag, short or long barrel ,finish,blue ,stainless
parkerized, painted. YaDa,YaDa,YaDa.

I'll never answer this one again.....................Jack


New member
Dang I didn't notice that there was a poll lol.

I voted best lube...that is way over thought in my opinion....

Worst lube starting lowest being worse:
0. Diamond chips
1. Gravel
2. Sand
3. Mud
4. Water
5. Spit
6. Cornflakes
7. Nacho cheese
8. Peanut butter
9. Corn oil
7. Olive oil
8. Shortening......
9. Used motor oil

And the best answer is
10. Anything meant to lube a moving machine...


New member
I agree with "all of the above".
Unlike many here, I just ignore it and move on.
Many feel the need to give their 2 cents just so they can bully the OP.

On the same vein, there are several really irritating statements.
Such as:

The boating accident posts. Really guys, give it up. It hasn't been funny for decades.

The "what is the cost of defending your family" when trying to justfy why you spent double what you needed to for a "better" gun.

.22LR or .25ACP or .32ACP only anger the attacker. Really guys? Maybe you should do some research into how deadly these rounds can be.

The answer to "use the search function" to a new poster. Why should they? Why not just ignore the post and move on? That is easier than using the useless search function.

"using your pistol to get to your rifle". Uh huh, you just have the bad guys lined up trying to get you. Sounds tough but means you are full of hot air.

The list goes on. I'll admit that these types of sayings and expressions make coming here less and less enjoyable because some guys just can't help themselves.


New member
None of the above.

My least favorite are those that keep discussing the non-existent difference between .308 Win. and 7.62x51.


New member
You really need an all of the above option.

I've certainly contributed to some of those threads myself but all of them can be mind numbing for us long term guys. I find I don't read as many threads as I used to as a result. That's a shame on my part however as there is still a hell of a lot of good knowledge in this place.


New member
I'm not really turned off by any particular topics too much as long as the responses show some thought or explanation. What seems pointless so me are the one or two word responses that end with "period" or "nuff said."

Common examples:

Glock. Nuff said.

30-06. Nuff said.

00 Buck. Period.

45 ACP. Period.

This stuff contributes nothing to the collective thought process or discussion. Maybe it's nice for those OPs who already have their minds made up and just want people to agree with them.


New member
This was a tough poll, since all of the choices annoy me. And I agree that posts that add little or nothing to the discussion are annoying as well. What's the point of adding "+1" or ""this" without anything further to keep the conversation going? I also get irritated by those who think their type or brand of gun is the only one worth getting, which obviously shows the insecurity of the writer, with comments like "if it ain't a Glock it ain't s___" or "if it ain't a 1911 it ain't s___" or similar useless comments.


New member
For me, by far, it's when a non-beginner asks, "Which of these [four or five guns from reputable manufacturers] should I get?"

(1) Use Google and/or the search function. There are thousands of iterations of this very thread spread across dozens of forums.
(2) No one here can answer that. When choosing among quality guns, personal fit should guide your decision. You're not a beginner. You should know this.
(3) Did you really expect anything other than a bunch of people chiming in to mindlessly promote their favorite brand? Really?
(4) And shame on all those people who should know better for pumping their favorite brand instead of correctly answering that only the OP can make that determination.

The "if you could only have/keep" threads are silly, but they're less common than the above type and they produce smaller quantities of poor advice.

The best caliber and best lube threads are a bit of a guilty pleasure for me. Plenty of bad info, but there's often a level of accompanying drama that makes them fun to follow. And every now and then, someone with a chemical engineering background (or actual technical knowledge acquired some other way) will pop up on a lube thread and actually have an illuminating insight or two to offer.


New member
None of the above- Glock versus anything. Very old, very boring and most of the time gets closed because people can't debate right.


New member
I hate caliber wars. They're just *$(%-measuring contests. They all work. They've all worked thousands and thousands of times. Those threads never stay civil, they never stay respectful, and they never stay realistic or reasonable.

Conversely, I quite enjoy "what gun should I buy?" threads. They're fun. We all share our faves and at the very least it gives the purchaser some ideas to look in to.


New member
If you could only have one X, or one of each type of Y.

There is at least some small excuse for bears and x vs y threads. The only one threads are just a twee way of asking what's your favorite.


New member
I voted for the "Which gun should I buy?" not necessarily for that exact reason, but more specifically "Glock vs 1911." That is definitely a dead horse that no longer needs beaten...