What's your least favorite over-done thread?

Which is your least favorite over-done thread?

  • Best lube thread

    Votes: 14 13.7%
  • Best caliber thread

    Votes: 37 36.3%
  • If you could only own X number of guns . . .

    Votes: 25 24.5%
  • Which gun should I buy?

    Votes: 26 25.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


New member
As the title said, which one of these threads do you like the least? I've participated in each and everyone of these types of threads.

My least favorite? Hmm, probably the best caliber thread.


New member
I also picked caliber, but honestly there are only so many things we can discuss. Even though you may wade through a bunch of repetitive post often someone has something new to add and that makes it all worthwhile.


New member
The best caliber and best hunting/defence bullet threads . Makes me want to say do a little homework and use common sence .


New member
The "If you could only have X guns"- because unlike the others, it's an issue that just doesn't arise for us. The limit is more space, spouse, or cash- not a legality limit on number.

Even more, it's really just a "what's the best _____ kind of gun?" discussion. You're just having more of them at once.


New member
I voted for "which gun should I buy", for the simple reason that I get tired of seeing a thread where somebody ask which barrel length should he get on the new revolver he wants, and inevitably somebody who hasn't even read the entire title will answer "get a Savage 30-06" because that's what they have and they like it.


New member
Well, I voted "If I could only have x..."

But all the thread choices are pretty much equally useless. But, IMHO, best caliber is the least useless.


New member
Mini14 vs AR

these two rifles are not the same lol.. They share caliber and semi auto... And you can hang a big magazine under them....


New member
I realize that this thread probably should not be a catch-all "dump all your anger here" thread where we list every single pet peeve we have in the history of gun forum discussions.

However! :D
Of all the different "least favorite" items I could choose amongst, I find nothing more annoying than folks who drop in on a productive topic (typically of a non-mainstream chambering) and crap all over that particular chambering. Happens in a wide array of different calibers but I see it often in .327 Federal Magnum.

And the coup de grace is always the knuckle-dragging, low-IQ loudmouth that believes he is the first cute moron to coin the phrase "well, it's an answer to a question that nobody asked!" :rolleyes:


New member
I picked the best caliber one as well but I have to say that I really don't mind the what gun should I buy posts at all. Everyone's situation is a little different and it seems that most people are very nice in offering their personal opinions. They are usually a very civilized thread.


New member
A hobby is a hobby... And talking about it, learning about it, even repeating the same info from time to time is fun. I've learned much from gun forums for two years and am grateful others are willing to repeat and share their knowledge.


New member
Life is good !!!

Well, It use to be;

1) Can I legally shoot my neighbor's dog?
2) Are Coyotes, good to eat?

Of the choices listed, I'd say;
Anything that has to do with, This Vs. That !!! ..... :mad:

Be Safe !!!


New member
My least favorite has got to be the "Why won't my Mauser barrel band stay on/Why are there black specks in my bore/how should I clean my <insert C&R Rifle Here>."

I'm pretty sure a few would agree with me. ;)


New member
Of the choices, I voted for caliber.

But my ultimate pet peeve thread that occurs regularly is when the guy asks a question asking what we would recommend in $XX price range, and then gets responses telling him to go to $XXXX price range range.

Optics is the easiest example and it happens all the time: a guy wants a scope to hunt deer with once a year and maybe shoot at the range twice a year, and has a $200 budget. Instead of telling him that a basic 3-9 from any reputable manufacturer (Nikon, Bushnell, Vortex, Mueller, insert your favorite here) will work, someone comes along and says that unless you buy the Nightforce NXS for $2,000, you are wasting your time, maybe a $1,500 Leupold could work if you want to slum it...

Pond James Pond

New member
A lot of good points, but for me it is the "If you could have X..." type threads, simply because they don't tend to be a dialogue.

They usually generate big numbers in posts, but they are just a soap-box for people to say what they have or what they'd have and there is usually no real interest in other people's views.

People just post and forget and I sort of wonder, what was the point in that?
I've been guilty of it myself now and then.


New member
The op said least favorite thread, so doesn't mean that my response meant disliked, lol

I love this forum, repeated questions don't really bother me, it's part of the game.
If a question is only allowed to be asked once, then a forum won't last long

44 AMP

Maybe it's the phrasing of "if you could only have "X" (usually 1), that bothers me. It simply doesn't apply to me at all.

If it was "I'm only going to get one, which one ..." that would be different, to me. And I can even empathize with "if you could only keep one..." because I have been in that kind of place, and don't plan on being there ever again.

I don't mind repeated questions, we get new folks all the time. Its a good thing. Just that question, asked just that way, irks me. Makes me think I'm only being allowed X by some "higher" authority. Don't care for that concept.

and since I'm whining, why do people post pics with only rifles in them, in handgun threads? "Family" photos are fine, as long as the family member under discussion is in them. Don't show me Uncle Max in the cornfield if we are talking about cousin Rita at the beach, please!


Active member
I love a good caliber war. I like fantasizing about "if I could only have one gun"... The oil/lubrication threads are good for a few laughs.

But, what really bothers me are some of the "which gun should I buy" threads. Especially when they give me a choice of 4 guns I don't like. How can you not know which gun to buy but expect others to tell you which one you need to get? I just don't get it.

I can't imagine asking a bunch of car guys on a car forum "hey what car should I buy". It's sort of like a lady asking some random guy "what skirt should I buy". Yeah, the red and pink striped one with green sequins and a picture of the Punisher on the backside.


New member
Mine would have to be the caliber wars. I don't really mind the "which gun should I buy". Folks are just wanting people's opinion of a gun from people who actually OWN said gun. I've recently posted a question along those same lines. It helps a ton.

Evan Thomas

New member
Pahoo said:
Well, It use to be;

1) Can I legally shoot my neighbor's dog?

My ultimate pet peeve is threads in which the OPs are basically asking "Can I legally shoot my neighbor?" Or anybody else, for that matter. :mad::mad:

Least interesting = Best lube? Get a life, for heaven's sake. Quit messing with it and go shoot it. :D