What's YOUR investment into reloading?

serf 'rett

New member
Two years and six months since I fell over the cliff..

Equipment (single stage Rock Chunker with assorted bells and whistles) - $743.66

Components - $4,055.89...

...or was that $4,055.98...

but who's counting?


New member
Over the last several years I probably have 3k in reloading tools but the real cost is the components like others have mentioned. When I lived in AZ I shot every week so in Powder,Primers,Lead,etc,etc i'm guessing well over 4k.


New member
Equipment wise...im probably around 2-2.5k. Component wise i dont even want to know. I know in the last 2 months ive spent close to 1k on bullets and powder....but those should last me a while.

Its my hobby though so instead of dumping money into bars every weekend like friends do i buy stuff to shoot


New member
I have no idea. Too much to try to add it all up, and I really don't want to know anyway. I sure don't want the wife to know either. :eek:

Sure shot wv

New member
Hey all, well for me unfortunately I didn't start reloading when I started shooting. I kept saying I didn't have the time. Well a couple years later I started competing. After my first year of competing I said I'm literally going completely broke shooting, time to reload. So I started with lee products mostly and some misc odds and ends. My initial investment was maybe 300 dollars or so.

Well, after 6 months of loading single stage I could not keep up with shooting. I started getting very good and practicing more and more. Next thing I new I'm shooting 3-5k rounds a month. Well at that time one of my newer friends I made in the shooting world who holds 27 sponsors said let me see what I can do. So he called up dillon and told them about me and a week later for a VERY GOOD price I had a completely new set up in the mail to me. At this time I sunk roughly another 1200 dollars into equipment to load.

So fast forward 3 more years and I'm now sitting on around 2k of equipment. Retail for everything would be around 3500. So I've been lucky on my prices.

Now components I've become very very lucky on. I started off paying retail for everything. Again my now best friend called up rainier and hodgdon ( 2 more of his sponsors ) and spoke to them about me and sent them some shooting videos. Ive since been very blessed to receive thousands upon thousands of free bullets and about 60 pounds of powder. If it wasn't for my buddy and rainier and hodgdon helping me I wouldn't be where I'm at now.

So since I started loading I have fell in love with it and now make time for it lol. All in all I've spent maybe 3k on components in the last 4 years. The rest have been sponsor provided. And let me tell ya using dillon presses ammo just flys out. But then again I shoot even more than ever!


New member
Careful you don't wear yourself out.
The average shooter is only good for about a million rounds, before needing an overhaul.

Sure shot wv

New member
G. Willikers, I thought this whole trigger finger getting raw and sore would go away. Nope!! No matter how much I shoot after about 400 rounds in a day I'm sore. So my tune up may be due prematurely.

I'm actually on vacation right now and brought 1800 rounds with me to take to a local range I found online. But there's a few buddies that are gonna help me fire all that off. After all I am on a "vacation" right. :D lol


New member
Be nice if I could score sponsors. :( lol

I have been thinking about taking up competition shooting though, but do not want it cutting into my family time on the weekends.

Plus note...my equipment will be here on Monday. :)


New member
Dillon RL550...about $400, four or five years ago. (Not a whole lot more these days)
Roller Handle and Strong Mount, about another $100 (another $10 each these days)
Dies, maybe $50 per caliber (new, you can find them for a lot less).
Powder dies, tool heads, etc, another $30-50 per caliber (likewise).
Calipers, scales, manuals...probably $200...again, if you buy used, you can cut that in half.
Equipment (single stage Rock Chunker (sic) with assorted bells and whistles) - $743.66
Wow. I've seen used Rock Chuckers for $60--got mine for free.
I have less in my Dillon 550, with the peripherals, than this dude has in his single-stage "Rock Chunker". :)


New member
I was lucky when I started. I got a Lyman turret press and a box full of 'goodies' for $25.00 at a yard sale. Other items came over time.

serf 'rett

New member
orionengnr - here what I stated:

Equipment (single stage Rock Chunker (sic) with assorted bells and whistles) - $743.66

What I didn't detail was the assorted bells and whistles included over 90 items; such as, dies sets for 4 calibers, additional crimping dies, scales, powder measure, pair of calipers, Uniflow small pistol drum, Uniflow micrometer, Hornady quick change bushings, 31 Berry's ammo boxes, etc. and etc.

Only things I've gotten free are three pounds of W-231 powder and a Dillon 450 press. :D


New member
Thank Goodness for this thread! I'm at work but when it gets slow I jump on the internet and start buying more reloading equipment and accessories - was feeling guilty about it but now I realize I ain't the only one spending literally HUNDREDS of dollars for my hobby. Reckon I got all I need for now, but it definitely added up to a lot more than what I originally figured it would cost.


New member
Figures UPS delivers my new equipment 5 minutes before I leave for work.

I'm going have tomorrow morning though. I'll probably have to buy more components soon now since I upgraded from single stage to auto index turret. :)


New member
No,No, Nova, The hollywood single stage has to be purchased, after that you're gonna want the turret and ALL the junk that goes with that, It never ever ends. I speak of my obsession. Just be prepared for yours. LOL.


New member
I keep a spreadsheet inventory of reloading presses, components on hand....and guns..../ and its important that you do that, for insurance purposes if nothing else....so that if you had a major fire, a theft, etc....its important to have data that is accurate, serial numbers, descriptions, etc...

Reloading presses ( Dillon 650...and quick change kits for 7 calibers ) and MEC 9000 HN's one each for 12ga, 20ga, 28ga and .410 ...replacement cost right now is about $ 9,000 ....with dies, etc...

Components...replacement cost right now is:
a. Primers ..... $ 1,250
b. Bullets ...... $ 1,500
c. Bags of shot ... $ 900
d. Powder.... $ 1,120

So call it about a $15,000 investment right now...

Shop July 08 030.jpeg.JPG

For Insurance purposes ....a good and accurate inventory and some good photos ....are important..../ so yes, its a smart thing to have, just in case !

Most of our wives know how much stuff we have ...reloading, and guns, etc....and while they may think its stupid / most of them don't really care ! ....or maybe I'm just lucky....because I know my wife doesn't really care....

I try to update photo's about twice a year..../ or if I add something major ...
and take a few good photos of my reloading area, shop area....
just in case...../ and I update the inventory about every 3 months...unless something really big changes..
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Lost Sheep

New member
EVERYONE over-buys.

Everyone, when they buy their first set of equipment, almost inevitably buys some items that do not fit their needs. Ultimately, those are traded off, usually at a loss of varying degrees.

So, my subject line: Everyone over-buys to an extent, more or less.

If I had known EXACTLY what I needed when I started, I could have bought what I needed for about $650 (7 calibers, 200 rounds per hour press) and lacked for NOTHING. As it is, I probably spent an extra $500, and that is surely because I am cheap and frugal and started my loading minimally and added gear slowly and carefully.

If you have more time than money (as I did when I started, as an enlisted Airman in 1975) or have more money than time, whatever conforms to your situation is best for you.

To drop over a grand on your first setup seems folly to me (in my frugal, cheap-o mind), but I will not judge it wrong. If you need to hit the ground running at full speed and have the wherewithal to do that, more power to you.

Lost Sheep


New member
Finding Lead ??

Lead is hard to find! The best you can do for cheap lead is,,,Look around the local Marina for diving weights , sailboat keels,,etc. I also found a chunk of lead ( 1,940 pounds * Lot 9003 ID 5400 ) on "Government Liquidation". This is an auction.


New member
I don't want to know. I have 2 Dillon presses and load for a few different pistol calibers. I load about 25k more or less a year. I'm good for the rest of the year and maybe a bit longer now. Since the money has been spent I don't really want to know what it may have been. Last year it was probably too much to say the least. I normally stock up prior to election years.

I have 2 Dillon Presses and all the equipment that goes along with them. I also have enough components to load over 20,000 rounds of ammo across 7 different calibers. Total cost would be close to $10,000+ if I totaled everything up. But the investment may go higher because I am thinking about adding another Dillon press.

I'am in the same boat. I've been reloading seriously for 21 years; but started with a Lee set-up way before that. Serious means DILLON. Like anything you love to do, you never add up the bucks.:D It's the same for my other hobby, sailing. Whether I use the boat or NOT, it still costs me $1200 a month to cover the costs sitting in a slip in Southern California.

I take reloading seriously with adult kids that use Dads MAN CAVE to feed their hobby once in a while. In reality, I've spent much more on guns; a large collection over a lifetime of shooting. Gun Games can add to the weekly 'round count' and in those months the Dillon 1050 can crank out 1200 rounds per hour if you shut off the cell phone first. :D

Reloading is therapy for me. I lock the door; run some classical music and enjoy the time.

This thread needs photos.

My Man Cave
