What's the proper etiquette when shooting a 44 magnum at the range?


New member
me and a buddy would go to one particular indoor range that was always full of gang bangers, and such RIF RAF, shooting small semi autos.

i have a sbh in .44mag, he has a srh in 44 mag.
we would pick lanes as far apart as possible, and make our guns "talk".

a continuous 12 shot barrage from both sides, it was great! obnoxious as hell, but still great! lol


New member
As far as I'm concerned, fire away. That's what shooting ranges are for.

About 90% of the time I shoot .22s. And, I'm also the guy who takes an interminable amount of time between shots because I'm so focused on perfection. When I'm really concentrating -- I mean REALLY CONCENTRATING -- I don't even hear the magnum rounds going off in the lane next to me.

But, if I do hear them, curiosity almost always gets the better of me. I just lay my piece down and watch the guy in the next lane firing his cannon before I resume shooting.


New member
The range I frequent now - membership outdoor range - has plywood over most of the shooting positions at the rifle range so you can over-elevate. I made the mistake ONE TIME of firing off my .460 from one of those positions. Luckily it was just me and my buddy, because the sound just rocked us both.

Solved the problem by moving to a position that did not have the plywood, so did not get the sound reflection...as bad.

Navy joe

New member
Use the etiquette I applied with my Mosin Nagant or Remington 870 at indoor ranges. Just shoot your .22 until some fool next to you starts shooting wildly, showing off, or bragging about how cool he is. Then fire your .44 a few times, they usually shut up.


New member
all good thoughts here....nice of you to be so considerate of others at the range.
Common courtesy isn't so common anymore.
Wish my range had an area for rifle shooters with muzzle breaks.


New member
This is silly!

Going to the range and expecting the volume to be controlled is no different than going to a Metallica concert and expecting the volume to be adjusted for the sensitive people. This is why we have earplugs.

It is my understanding that suppression is not only legal in most European countries, but is required for this same reason.

I could not agree more with tex45acp in regards to:

"I have seen husbands try to teach their wives to shoot by handing them their 4" 44mag and then wonder why she never wants to go back........

I cant believe that these guys get away with this! I worked at an indoor range in Atlanta, and we would have a young lady that worked with us direct the man, taking his wife or girlfriend to shoot a 44Mag or other Magnum Pistol, to wear a helmet that we had. It was great!


New member
Ok, I know some of ya'll are going to flame me here so go ahead.
The second gun I bought back in my youth was a Ruger SBH with a 10.5 bull barrel. I have been hand loading before then so I have a lot of trigger time on a 44mag. I currently own two 44mag. A Ruger SBH listed above and a Ruger RH.
Any time I go the the range I have one or the other along with whatever other gun I am shooting that day.
I paid my money just like everyone else and have as much right to be there as they do.
I give the shooter notice in the lane next to me and try to shoot my rounds while he is reloading.
Most people are pretty cool about it but some are just a-holes.
A lot of times they want to shoot my 44mag and I let them take a test drive.
I'm sorry if it seems I have a bad attitude about this but after years of people whining about the "Guy with the hand cannon" I just don't care to be any more considerate that what I stated.
If they think the 44mag is loud, I can bring out my Ruger 30 carbine pistol and that will give them something to cry about.