What's the marque revolver to make the heads turn at the range..........


New member
If a nickle S&W RM with, say, a 4 inch barrel won't turn their heads nothing will. That, or they don;t know what they are beholding, which is likely the case.


New member
Funny thing is, sometimes the loudest gun draws looks. Last time I was at the range, a guy walked up and wanted to know what I was shooting that was so loud. I said well, it could have been the 9mm, but I doubt it. Could have been the .38 special, but not likely. Probably was either the 45ACP or .357 Mag. or maybe it was that guy over there shooting a .44Mag.

Heck, I get more looks & questions about my SS Ruger Mark 111 .22 with a cheap BSA silver red dot than my frigging Colt Python. I just think, that good looking weapons that shoot well and are reliable, are better than average looking weapons that shoot well and are reliable. My Kahr PM9 is just about the most homely thing around, but that's ok because it doesn't get displayed very much from its concealed location. Much the same with my old Charter .38 Undercover that feels quite comfortable nestled in my night stand table. Or the OD green Colt .45 that rides "shotgun" in my car. But when it comes to plinking, target shooting, the the SS comes out, long barrells, and variety. Just looking for ideas to have fun and possibles to add to the collection.

Thanks for all the ideas. Trying to acquire a new Colt right now.......................................ck
The biggest head turner I have taken to the range turned out to be my .44mag Ruger Alaskan. Guys were coming from both endes to see what I was shooting.


New member
My new to me pre war Colt Officers Model .22 managed to draw a fair amount of attention at the rage lat time I was there. The crew that hangs around there seems to be far more into the "vintage" stuff, than any new wonder guns. Some really cool "vintage" firearms seem to wander through the door there on a regular basis. :D

Larry C.

New member
Royal Blue Colt Python!


Bring a shiny Royal blue Colt Python in either the 4 or 6-inch barrel and watch heads turn as your steel plates fall to the steady report of your .38 Sp bullets!

Larry C.


New member
trying to resist, but just cannot...

I have no idea, and could care less.

My puchases, whether they have a roof and X-number of rooms, whether they are two-wheeled, four-or-more wheeled, whether they are powered by outboard or inboard, whether they feed from a magazine or a cylinder...are bought to please and impress just one person. Me.

Nothing anyone else cares to bring or shoot is going inspire lust or envy in me.


New member
I guess I kind of feel bad for you ^ ^ . Part of the fun of going to the range is to see what cool stuff our friends have brought in to shoot. We enjoy the conversation, and admire each others firearms. Personaly, I've managed to learn quite a bit from listening and talking to the other guys at the range about their weapons, and have got to see a lot of wonderful, sometimes awe inspiring firearms.
the report from any magnum seems to get attention at the ranges I frequent.
Lately with my new Ruger GP100 .357 6" in SS.It's one fine piece of metal!!!
My rugers are in the attachment - GP100 6" .357
GP 100 3" .357
SP101 2.25" .38 special+p
SP101 3 1/16" .38 special+p


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New member
Obviously, I don't buy something just because someone else "lusts" after it. I only buy what I like and what pleases me. That however, is not to tune out the rest of the world and see what others view as great guns, either in looks or performance. Personally, I don't favor blued handguns as I prefer that for rifle and shotguns. Others do. If everyone at the range hated SS guns, I would still buy SS guns.

One of my favorite guns is a recent purchase of a Taurus Tracker 455SS, which I bought because 1. Wanted to try a Taurus 2. Like the looks of the tracker models 3. Wanted a .45 ACP revolver 4. Ventilated rib and 5. Ported. I polished it with mothers mag, and bought it up to bright stainless. I like it, actually better than my Smiths, cause it shoots well and groups quite well. A Taurus head-turner? Yep, that's the reason I bought a Taurus, for a head turner.

This thread is about great looking or unusual handguns, a marque, if you will, it's not about showboating.

Savit260.........spot on. I've have many conversations and gun sharing experiences with many at the range as we often share our guns for others to try. I know that I've let many others shoot my Python as they just want to know how it shoots and feels. I'm fortunate to own one, as most will not be able at today's prices. I gladly let them, as well as any of my other guns. The Glock guys love my Colt 1911. Many a small fry, out with his dad plinking the .22 rifle, have shot my Ruger Mark 111 with a red dot if for no other reason than they asked what it was. I've never had a desire for a Uzi, but due to its "difference" I struck up a conversation with a Uzi shooter, and was offered the opportunity to shoot it, which I gladly accepted.

75thRangerRegiment.........very nice collection. Great looking wood on all four.

Marque guns, of any shape form or fashion open up our sport.....................ck