Whats the longest shot you"ve taken with a 308 while hunting


New member
Two years ago I dropped a 6 point mule buck in Nevada with one shot from a Remington 700 in .308 Winchester with a 165 gn. Hornady SPBT and Varget. I saw his tail sticking out of some brush and set up my cross sticks and waited for him to come out the other side. When he did I fired the one shot and it hit the heart and both lungs; bullet expanded perfectly. He looked around as if to see what had happened, took two steps and started bleeding out of the mouth and nose. He just folded up and never moved. A friend came up who had a laser range finder and it came out at 185 yards, which, considering that I normally hunt in brush, is about the longest deer shot I've ever taken.

Good Luck :)


New member
2,542 yards.

From right here at the keyboard at you gullible readers on that far away slope in cyber space.


mitchell koster

New member
Reply to MooseMike

You have a good point there Moosemike, i suppose I didn't be terribly precise on the question. Something for us all to think about. Thanks for you input.

Stay safe MK


New member
Downed a coyote that was skirting the back edge of the cotton-field we were hunting over... IIRC, it was about 450ish yards from the ditch to the treeline...


New member
My longest shot was a cow elk in colorado in 2005. First shot that hit was lo;)w and lodged into her sternum at 395 yards as per a Bushnell range finder. That shot slowed her down and she came to a stop at 452 yards. The next shot went through her heart, lungs and sholder. The 165 grain barnes X bullet passed clean through breaking through ribs on both sides. She took 3 steps and fell. I was able to recover the first shot that lodged into her sternum. The x bullet was all intact making its signature x expanded shape. The bullet left the muzzle at 2710 fps. It showed signs of pressure deformation on the primers using 45 grains of Varget fired in a savage 11fc rifle.


New member
I took a 325 yard shot this year at a cow looking in my general direction while she was chewing. She was across a canyon. After I settled my breathing and heart rate from the climb, and did a quick calculation of the bullet drop (9" which actually turned out to be closer to 10") I steadied and took the shot. The 180gr Fail Safe punched a hole in her breastbone, entered her heart about 1/3 of the way down and gouged a large channel leaving out the stomach. A few seconds after the shot I could hear her die across the canyon.

My longest elk shot prior to that was 104 yards. Pretty rare to see them at that range (300+) where we hunt - darn too many trees.
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New member
I've only taken two shots with my M1A while hunting. 60 yards and 70 yards, two whitetail does, about 5 seconds apart, at 7:30am. Both dropped where they stood.

My hunting buddy called me on the talkie asking "Did you get it?"

"I got them both" I replied.

Not impressive by any means, but it was the quickest I've ever filled both my tags;)


New member
My Dad

The short answer is, I watched my Dad drop a doe once from ~320 yards.

When my Dad was in the Army, he fell in love with the M14. He bought a brand new Browning Semi Auto .308 in 1969. That was his "Baby" all my life! No matter what new guns me or my brothers came home with, he always let us "trash talk" for a while and then humbled us down with his "Baby". (We're a competitve bunch.....) That's the only gun he's ever hunted with, NO MATTER WHAT!!! He always said, "Those new guns out there can't kill them any deader than I can with 'Baby'!!!!"

Dad left for the big ranch in the sky in August. "Baby" will be with me opening weekend, this year. She will be WELL taken care of....sorry for the misdirect, just got me thinking and had to share.


New member
That's a heck of a story about your dad and his rifle! Take care of that gun and it will probably kill animals just as dead. :) The longest shot I've taken on game with a .308 is a hair over 300 yards with my mom's vanguard on a cow elk about 4 years ago.