Whats the longest shot you"ve taken with a 308 while hunting


New member
This last deer season hunting over a field. The buck walked out as I was getting to my truck. Braced acroos the bed of the truck I shot across the field. 1st shot stopped him walking (would not stop for me) then the 2nd DRT (dead right there). I walked off 257 steps. I was shooting a NEF Survivor 308 with a Nikon 4x32 scope. Ammo was Federal Fusion 180 grain round.


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New member
The longest shot I've taken with a .308 while hunting was around the 500 to 525 yd. range. Whitetail buck, 8 points, in an open soybean field .... opening day of 2009 not 2 miles from my house. At that range he dropped before he knew what hit him.

I was firing a 165gr. Hornady SST on top of a charge of H4895.

James R. Burke

New member
Using a 30-06 with a Nosler 165 grain Partition, about 225 paced yards. I was on a little hill, and he ( 8-point 186 pound buck on the scales ) was all the way accross a swamp standing between some trees. I knew he had a big body but all I could see good was from the neck up. He was looking straight at me. I held on him waiting for him to just make a little move, but no go. I finally started to shake from holding the rifle up so long. I brought it down slow, and watched for a few minutes. He would not move. It was a free arm shot, because there not that far away most the time around here. I reload and shoot alot, so I brought it up again lined up on the base of the neck, and squeezed the trigger. He fell so fast I almost missed seeing him go down. Went almost right down his spine. I know that dont sound like much but for here that is a really long shot, the woods is really thick, I got lucky just seeing him. Most the time the shots are 50 yards or so, and fairly fast so there is no time to use a rest etc. No doubt I had some luck on my side.


New member
I dont hunt with a 308. Longest for me 460yds (range finder) on a mule deer with 300WM. Went through the boiler room and made 1 leap and dropped.


New member
I don't understand why some come on to a .308 thread to tell about their longest shots made with other .30 cals. The OP should have been more specific and said '.308 Winchester' perhaps.

James R. Burke

New member
Maybe just in a hurry and forgot. But mine was with the 06 so thought I would mention it. Probably should have not, and stuck with the quetion, but have not had real long shots with a .308 even though I had a few, and shot a few bucks with them just nothing very long. So I am sorry if I got off the caliber.


New member
Ground squirrel at 497 yards. 3 more yards I would have made the 500 yard club for the VHA..... DRATS the Rats... 168gr SMK Hornady Match brass

Custom bench rifle made on a 1917 action....


New member
My longest shot with my .308 Win was a 275 lb black bear at 225 yards, using a 200 gr Nosler Partition. The rifle is a customized military Mauser with an 18" barrel and mounted with a Leupold 1.75-6 scope. The bear dropped in it's tracks.

Paul B.

New member
The two longest shot for mw with a .308 Win. were both on Mule Deer.The shorter of the two shots was 250 yards laser measured, rifle a Ruger M77 RSI, 18.5" barrel. Load was a 165 gr. Speer Hot-Core at 2550 FPS at the muzzle. That was aboit 20 years ago
The longest shot though was up in Northern nevada. The Mule Deer was running off after having been wounded by one of my huntin partner. I swung on the deer and at the shot he dropped, never to rise again. My buddies and I paced it off and then we averaged the steps. It was 427 paces. To this day though, I have to admit it was a very lucky shot. What are the odds of breaking a running deer's neck at 427 paces? THat rifle was a Remington 660 with 20" barrel and the bullet was the 150 gr. Sierra Pro-Hunter although I don't think they called them that way back then. Velocity? Damned if I know. No chronographs back then.
Paul B.


I don't understand why some come on to a .308 thread to tell about their longest shots made with other .30 cals. The OP should have been more specific and said '.308 Winchester' perhaps.

Yeah, and some think "decaffeinated" is still coffee. :eek:

I have a bucket full of .308" bullets (in boxes). Used to reload four calibers here. Hell, I have some .308" Winchester bullets, which I load into four calibers.