Whats the best looking sixgun of all time?

Hammer It

New member
Hammer it,

Thanks for posting your pictures of fine S&W revolvers. Every time you post them i get the urge to go pester the local dealers till they manage to find me one just like yours.

Thanks 100% totally to you I now have 3 new revolvers this year...I am running out of cash and the wife is getting suspicious every time we go to the range..

She says" I thought you had X number of revolvers, where did you get THAT one? "

I reply " Which one? , That? , Oh, That one....Iv'e always had that one, I just don't bring it out often to the range " or some other lie to CMA...

Thank you for throwing gasoline on my personal fire LOL

I use the excuse of buying all these extra S&W revolver's as an extra life insurance policy. Tell the wife, you are buying them at low prices to place them in your safe at home and when you die she can sell them all off for a Hefty sum because you care for her well being, and they appreciate in resale value yearly, & after you are gone you want to make certain she has money to do the things she wants to later in Life. Try It.. It's fool proof and I Have been using it for over 20 Years.. Hammer It


New member
For all of you colt fans

Thats one purdy anaconda!

Hammer It

New member
How are you doing Hammer It?

Hello 22 Rimfire
Great. Last weekend was a Super one for new addition's. I Bagged a Pre-War M&P that shipped in Oct. 1939 a Post War M&P that shipped in June 1947 and a 29-2 that shipped in Sept. 1972. I also added a set of K-Sq. Diamond targets, a set of -N-Sq, magna grips and a set of K-Sq. magans.. Life is good. Hammer It








New member
Hammer It

Did you polish that Model 10 with the Pre-Lim and Renaissance wax?

It shines like my jump boots did when I was in the army.

Hammer It

New member
Did you polish that Model 10 with the Pre-Lim and Renaissance wax?

Hello Nate
Those arent model 10's. They are Before the model 10 and are called M&P's or Hand Ejects. In answer to Your question I Polish every gun I have with Pre-Lim and Wax them when done. It keep's Grubby Finger prints Off, makes the Cylinder face Powder Burns and residue a snap to clean off as well as make them Shinny. ;) Hammer It


New member
Hammer It: You definitely did score last weekend. I guess you went to the show in Knoxville. I didn't go. I have too much stuff either on order or I'm paying on them. More for you. :)

You know me, I buy mostly Colts with a few Smiths thrown in. Been shooting 22 rifles more lately.


New member

Nice snubbies, I noticed you have Black Talons, guess you bought them before they were taken off the market? From what I understand Winchester makes the Ranger SXT which is nothing but a redone Black Talon.



Well, not my fault. First off, the Ruger Max revolvers should start at about 800. The conversion's start at 2200, and, go up, and, Jacks and others, are really 2500 and up. It's about 2 bucks a round to shoot, even if you reload.

Good news is, the 500 Max, in a 3.6 pound revolver, makes a .500 S&W look like a canon, on wheels.

Jack likes 525 grain bullets, at 1350 fps. I'm going for 350 grain Hawk HP's at 1500 fps, half the recoil, and, last time I looked, no one wants to try getting hit with that round...



New member
I'm sorry.
I thought you said the best looking sixguns of ALL time, as in 1847 !


I know, really bad pic. Hey, I am using a damn cell phone camera what do ya expect?

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New member
The S&W Registered/Unregistered Magnums traditionally enjoy the reputation as the finest revolver. I'd argue they are the best looking in 3.5 and 4 nch barrel lengths.