Whatcha going to buy with your 600 dollars?


New member
Teifmen thanks,
its a girl and i'll probably be looking for a shotgun for HD now. (you know the whole don't want a bullet to go through a wall and hit my daugter idea)


New member
I'll pay off the credit card punch I put in over the holidays. If I've already paid that off by the time we get our "rebate", I'll make a pre-pay on our mortgage (NOT sub prime)...

The way the economy is looking to me, the 1st thing I'm doing (with or without a "rebate") is pay off credit cards.
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New member
We won't be getting one.... but if you are, remember, most of us will pay for this one way or the other. Can't just keep printing the stuff.


Congrats! I have one each, boy and girl and couldn't be happier! Savor every moment! Celebrated my daughter's 24th just yesterday.... man, does it ever go fast!
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New member
What I should do is put it in the bank or pay off a bill.

What I will do is buy a couple new lowers waiting for the big, black, scary rifle ban to come back.


New member
four of five months from now

according to most of the news coverage the great rebate is not going to happen until at least May. And some indication point to June and July before your free money arrives. So if your going to plan on the great deal at the local gun shop you probably should make a deal and put some cash on it now. Or you could use your CC over the next few months stimulate the economy by paying those low CC interest rates.

There is no free luch and believing this time there will be one your dreaming!
Some place there will be user fees or some other way to weasel the rebate back to the coffers.


New member
Ammo and pay off bills... and yes we have to claim it as income for 2008 ...

Nothing like giving away money you don't have ... wonder if China is printing the money to cover all those checks.


New member
All the gun accesories I've been meaning to get but keep putting off. Couple holsters, reloading equipment, magazines, a scope mount, etc.


New member
Are you crazy? This will NOT be free money. The Gov't will consider this an advance on your 2008 Tax return that you file in 2009. It will work against you. If you have to pay extra taxes as I, then you'll have to give it all back to the Feds. If you get a return that exceeds what you're advanced, then your return is reduced by the amount you were advanced.

Again, it's NOT FREE money


New member

ciwsguy I've stated a number of time exactly what your indicating. But it seems every time I claim its not going to be free money I get slammed by a few of the all knowing. You'll notice I closed that post with the indication that there is no free lunch. Exactly what your pointing out.

Meanwhile there seems to be an interesting development surrounding the rebate. While listening to the Dems explain the need to add a provision for those on SS I caught a few words that made me wonder. As I understood the commentary some SS recipients would not qualify under the current plans becasue they did not have pay check earnings over $ 3,000. So I guess since I'm retired and have no wage income nor does my wife we might get left out of the program. I'd sure like to see more about that issue.


New member
Are you glad to be retired? Kinda wish I was, but can't afford it now. Still got teens at home. I've come to the conclusion that should that check come, I'm going to put in into a short-term CD and gain interest on it. When I have to pay it back in 2009, cash in the CD and pocket the interest. The only real rebate check was the one that came back during the late Ford or early Carter administrations. I think mine was a whole $80 back then. wow, huh?:D

I give up on telling others "don't be fooled". So let em' dig themselves a deeper hole than alot of em are likely already in. As for me, no way I'm digging a deeper hole as I am shoveling the dirt back into the hole.

nice chatting with you.



New member
retired is good

the only problem with being retired is trying to figure out how when I worked full time I could participate in so many things after work. Now I do seem to have time to do just the other things. Retirement is nice most of the time. But working had a few benefits as well (besides the pay check.)


New member
IRS Rebate

What do you plan to do with your check, that is if your getting one. I will probably put money down on that Hornady Lock And Load AP instead of buying another gun.