Whatcha going to buy with your 600 dollars?


New member
Doesn't anyone remember what happened the last time the Feds did this, what was it, 1992, 93 or so? Yeah, I thought it was great then.... Until I did my taxes the following year and found out that "REBATE" was nothing more than an advance on that years tax return. :barf:
Had to turn around and give it back to the Gov't the following April.:mad:

So you may want to think twice about spending it.


New member
I'm just going to reflect on the fact that I probably won't get squat -- and buy a couple more magazines for the M&P.

Shadi Khalil

New member
Edit: Sorry I have been at the hospital for the past week (new baby was born). and didnt catch this on the news yet.


What a bunch of inconsiderate A-holes we are,

Congrats on the new baby!!!!!

boy or girl?


New member
We won't either.

If we did, I'd stick it in a six-month CD and then use the interest to buy some Vaseline and ankle grips come tax-time.



New member
Assuming the ecomony isn't totally wiped, I'm putting it in the bank for a rainy day.

However I would love to find a used Ruger in .41. If the price was right, I might be willing to part with some hard earned cash.


New member
Don't hold your breath waiting for it. If you do get it be prepared to pay it back twice later. This is the government we're talking about.


New member
I won't believe it till I see the check in the mailbox. Assuming, however, that the check does arrive, it would pay for most of a very nice Colt GM .45 that was manufactured about 10 years ago and is now in the display case at the local gunshop.


New member
I do believe the TANSTAFL crowd here, I really do.

But if the government sends me a stimulus check it goes to the economy of self defense.


New member
Don't be shocked folks when you file your 2008 tax returns and find out that you have to pay that REBATE back to the Feds. They did that back in the 90's. What a joke it was.

I'm considering doing one of two things:
a) Put it in a short-term CD and bank the interest. Send the loan amount back to the Feds when I have to pay them in 2009 with a thank-you note for letting me make some short-term interest.
b) Mailing it to the White House with a letter to the Pres telling him "thanks, but you'd best spend this on paying down the National Debt. Don't want this because you'll just want it back next year anyway. Here ya go, you bunch of MORONS - utilize some common sense, will you and stop spending money you don't have."

Of course if I did (b), I'd probably get the Secret Service showing up at my door and then the IRS would likely audit me just for mean-ness.

Independent and Proud of it. ;)


New member
You fellows don't need more of those nasty old guns anyway. Why don't you use the money to buy carbon offsets to compensate for all those nasty carbon emissions that you have been discharging from those nasty old guns for years, anyway?:p


New member
I'm thinking about renting a U-Haul and getting out of this state before microstamping comes down or it gets any stupider.
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