What Wild Game Are You Eating Today?


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wild game

Just made a batch of this at hunting camp although I did use 2 lbs. of sausage.

Sausage Corn Chowdah

Olive oil enough to keep sausage from sticking
1 Lb Moose or venison sausage patties or links
2 Lg Onions
2 Stalks Celery
2 Lg Cloves Garlic (optional) I can’t cook without garlic
2 Cans sweet corn
4 Med/Lg potatoes (I prefer skins on)
1 Can evaporated milk not condensed it is too sweet
2 Cans creamed corn
1 Qt - 1/2 Gal whole milk
Oregano 1/2-1 Tbsp or to taste

In large stock pot brown sausage (casings removed) broken into bite sized pieces or crumbled. Saute sliced onions, garlic and celery till onions are translucent. Drain off most of the fat but leave some for flavor (your judgment.) Cut up potatoes into bite sized pieces,( some of us have chunky style mouths,) and add to pot along with canned sweet corn with liquid. Cover and simmer until potatoes are cooked through. Add creamed corn, evaporated milk and whole milk to the consistency you desire, or according to how many mouths you need to feed. Add Oregano and taste test for addition of salt. Heat through on low and serve.
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New member
Rabbit I shot yesterday... Marinated in Bud Light overnight, par-boiled for 10mins, basted with a family secret recipe and grilled to perfection...


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Roasted Ruffed Grouse

Some sea salt,
a little rosemary,
slice of butter and some olive oil
wrapped in thick cut bacon

Served with a helping of plum jelly



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Me likey duck gumbo. Momma is from Louisiana. She makes good gumbo. I also mix up balsamic vinaigrette dressing, lemon and Worcestershire sauce, white onion, bacon with a pinch of brown sugar and grill it.

Getting There:





Elk loin steaks last night. Couple of days from now elk hamberger chili. The steaks from this critter are going fast. Cooked some up on the grill for some of the kids a week ago, and all I got was one bite. Dern kids ate it all that night, and me and momma had to settle for beef rib eye. Last night momma said "Your going elk hunting again next year!" :D I vote for that!

Going deer hunting this weekend. Hope that brings home more meat. Make that into summer sausage.


New member
Just finished a plate of antelope kabobs, antelope cheezy brat's, and olive oil marinated vegetables grilled on the barbie.


New member
Nothing! Not even aa damn stick of jerkey---and only two days left on our tags! I'm so sick of the rich-rich--mine-mine attitude that seems to have bought up so much private land here in southern Colorado...:mad: I'm originally from Montana, but the old-timers I've met here say it wasn't much different not too long ago than where I came from...
"Have a private land tag? Sure---got my herd tucked up into that draw over there--but we see plenty of game crossing over in this direction. Take whatever you can tag, it keeps 'em out of the hay stacks."

But now?? "We only have guided hunts--it's gonna cost you X-dollars each for the morning to take you out to a spot to sit" -OR- "Oh, we don't hunt our land--we bought it so we can come up here on the weekends and watch all the pretty animals..."

Guess what--I'm not interested in supporting some twit's 10,000 sq. foot weekend "hunting lodge" so all his buddies can fly in from who-knows-where, or sympathyzing with some other moron with Disney-delusions. But I wouldn't mind putting a little meat on the freaking table. Man, I'm sick of people who think they just "need to get a piece of the country", experience nature, whatever twisted little story they like to tell themselves, but will stop at nothing to take the country way out of the country they want a part of so badly, and think cash earns the right to. All hail the all-mighty dollar...

/Rant (maybe...)

Had no choice but to take 4th season draw this year (private land only tag) because my wife was due with our little girl somewhere right in between 2nd and 3rd general season---wasn't about to be out stomping around the mountains during that time (right on time, too--Oct 13). And wasn't too worried--I figured there HAD to be some decent land owners here somewhere that would atleast let my son fill his tag--first time going after his own elk. Nope--I was wrong. All the decent folk here have been bought out and sent packing. If you don't have plenty of green bills hanging out of your pockets when you pull up, you don't even get to look over their fence. Out of four districts our tag covers, a month worth and hundreds of miles driven trying to contact people, make arrangements, and try to possibly work out someplace that might let us walk a ridgeline, and we're still SOL. Out-of-state trophy-hunters coupled with plenty of financial backing have effectively ruined and taken a near-monopoly on one whole section of what was great hunting and the last opportunity for some of us average working-class types to put some winter meat in the freezer. So unless something truly amazing happens in the next 36 hours, looks like its just gonna be.... beef....:mad:

/RANT (for real... for now anyway...)


New member
I have been eating my bear sausage 2 times a week for breakfast, elk steaks about the same frequency but am down to my last 10-15 pounds, and deer burger about once a week. I just got a big doe the other day, still need to fill my buck tag, and I hope there is an elk out there with my name on it. I got to make room in the freezer cause there is still 2 weeks left in the season.


New member
Deer sausge... MMMmmm....

Venison Sausage
Ground venison
Ground pork fat
Morton's Sausage & Poultry Seasoning
Pork casing

Mix ground venison with ground pork fat at 2-1 ratio.
Sprinkle Morton's Sausage & Poultry Seasoning over meat and knead into the meat with fingers until seasoned at rate of 1 pkg. seasoning to 12 lbs of meat. Stuff into pork casings as links or as rope sausage.


New member
Been too warm for deer, apparently, so far, but Squirrel smothered with Onions and Gravy over Rice, tomorrow!

Curse this Southern Weather!!! Need some cold!


New member
No pics at the moment; sorry, but did someone mention venison chili?!!!!! Dang, that just made me mad. I want some.... NOW! LOL! I also see the pic with what looks to be some jalapeño' peppers too. Mmm good.

A tip for chili lovers... add a bit of brown sugar. It really adds a unique flavor. Not much, just enough to get a hint of it.
