What Wild Game Are You Eating Today?


New member
Pressed duck breasts with a pesto tonight.

Our daughter will be coming in from Europe on Wed. and I've shifted two venison tenderloins from the freezer to the reefer in anticipation. Add in some shrimp etouffe, fried okra, pecan pie and life is good!


New member
For lunch, good ol' Aussie feral rabbit, left-overs from yesterday's slow cooker dinner. Dee lish.
Product of York, West Australia farm, eatin' the lady's house garden. Head-shot off-hand (gd luck more than gd management:rolleyes:) with CCI sub-sonic hollow. God bless America!


New member
Dont talk to me about making room in the freezer, shot a nice 8-pointer this evening.(archery) Honey, I guess we'll have to throw out all that ice-cream and frozen pies to make room!:D:D


New member
Yesterday Halibut, today snowshoe hare ,tomorrow either salmon or moose,many bear sausage for breakfast.
.. go shoot a couple of them ruffies of the edge of the flats and eat them! the my favorate

Suwannee Tim

New member




New member
Crow! My wife put me in my place today.:rolleyes:
:D:D:D BigBill, let me know if you ever find a recipe that make`s 'Crow' taste good. Having eaten more than my share I still haven`t acquired a taste for it yet:eek:. Tonight we`re going to have pheasant with garlic and mushroom sauce.:)


New member
3 days ago was deer breakfast sausage, 2 days ago was deer steaks...the best I have ever cooked. Yesterday was deer chops...they were "ok". Today is deer steaks again. Of course there has been an abundance of deer jerky the last 5 days as well.


New member
If anyone has mass amounts of homemade jerky (venison, elk, buffalo, etc) and can let some go, please PM me...Ill gladly pay for some:)

Last night we had my favorite, venison chunks in my moms classic tomato sauce simmered slowly for a few hours with peppers, onions, carrots, and lots of hot sauce and jalapenos.

Mmm so good.

Don Gwinn

Staff Emeritus
We'll have venison steaks this weekend sometime . . . deer season is about three weeks away and we're using the last of it. Timed it about right.


New member
well i still got some venison burgers in the freezer and this topic is making me hungry for em lol.