What to do with Avila?


New member
Are you blaming the jury from the previous trial or the procecutors? As it has been stated, the procecution may have been prohibited from presenting evidence of other crimes by the judge. The judge him(her)self may not have even wanted to do that, but as a matter of law had to. The jury voted based on the evidence they got to see.
Another problem with the vigilante system, besides its use in personal grudges, is that often the wrong people are targeted.
There are no easy answers, and there never will be. If you truely believe in the Bible, then you realize that real punishment (and rewards) come after death. This life is more or less a test.


New member
I agree, that lethal injection is crap. I must admit, I thought about shooting him myself. He needs to be tortured and then murdered.


New member
Avila should die

He needs to die. I prefer that he die in prison at the hands of his fellow inmates while waiting his appeal on death row (this is the PRK after all).

That being said, this mornings news had another story here in LA that has really gotten me pissed off. Yet another toddler has been killed by it's mother having left the baby for over 4 hours in a hot car in the son. I'm sorry, but I am aware of at least 6 babys dying this way this spring/summer alone. *** is wrong with these women?!?!?!?!?!

Avila is a sick MF and deserves to die, but where is the outrage and news about the deaths of these infants? How could you "forget"your own kids in a car for 4+ hours? I'm trying to imagine my 13 month old son cooking to death in the back of my wifes truck and it sickens me.

Sorry for the rant, but these women deserve to be in the same place in hell as Avila.


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


New member
Let's see... General population vs. wood chipper.


I've got it! A few years in the general population and THEN throw him in the wood chipper!

Good F-N riddance. To steal a line I've seen here before, rehabilitation through reincarnation.

Bud Helms

Senior Member
This is a Nation of Laws. Avila has not been convicted yet. He may be guilty, but strain your credulity for a moment and imagine yourself in his position. A lot of minds are made up here.

Off to L&P.
The problem with prison is that they don't put these monsters in with the general population. They put them in a seperate area with other child molesters.
Ask him the question - Regular or extra crispy?


New member
Tie him up and let the parents go to work on his sorry excuse for a human face with pins, scalpels, knives, acetolyne cutting torches, everything and anything that inflicts pain. Then let me go to work, because I hate child killers. I also hate that woman that killed her 5 kids.(I forget who she is, please refresh my memory) She deserves the same that he does.

I hope there is a special place in hell for people like this.



New member
Almost forgot. General population would eat him alive. Put him in with Bubba and let him be the bitch. After that, do the stuff in the above post.



New member
AND YET---a few years ago, he was accused of molesting 2 other girls. HE WAS AQUITTED by a jury. The prosecution apparantly did not present other girls who also said he had molested them, did not present a school official to whom the girls confided and perhaps other information available to them.

The prosecutors may not have "failed" to present other evidence as much as they weren't allowed to.

Not allowed to is right. My mom was a felony prosecutor for the State of Florida, and we've discussed this issue several times. It's a due process protection, and it does sacrifice our ability to lock up bad people in order to help ensure that we don't lock up those who are not guilty. The fourth and fifth amendments contain similar sacrifices.

Think of it this way. Let's say that a couple of years ago, you made an ass of yourself and ended up in a fistfight. You were convicted of assault. Time goes by, and suddenly the cops knock on your door and arrest you. You are the prime suspect in the severe beating of some dude. You didn't do it, weren't anywhere nearby, but they have a couple of good reasons to think it was you and you have no alibi since you were alone posting on TFL at the time.

Your trial comes around. The prosecutor wants to talk about your prior conviction. Your attorney argues that the established fact that you did that crime has no bearing on whether or not you did this crime.

Now, tell me honestly, do you agree with the prosecutor, or with your attorney?

Yes, due process can protect the guilty. It can also protect the innocent and prevent abuse of power. Price of freedom.


New member
The only place torture has in our society is when it is necessary to gain valuable information that will prevent heinous crimes. Torture for the pure sake of inflicting pain is cruel and unusual punishment. If convicted, execute him quickly. His eternal destiny will be far worse than what we could ever do.


New member
A lot here have their minds made up......
I'll concede that point. We find good cause to what this fellow in prison hell or the real one or both.

BTW....what is it about finding that this guy's semen was found on or in the body of a deceased 5 year old child that makes you want to reserve judgement?
Consensual contact....with a 5 year old. NOT!

We are not on his jury, as private citizens we are entitled to have

Mine is Burn Him!!!!!!



New member

True, the enternal punishment is worse than what we mere mortals could do.

However, a "coming attractions preview" is in order here, methinks.

nsf003, unless I am grossly mistaken, you are probably referning to Andrea Yates of Texas. I am also reminded of Susan Smith of Union, SC. Divorced or in process of divorcing husband. Strapped the 2 boys, both under age 6, into the car seats, then rolled car into the lake. Claimed to have been car-jacked at first. When the full story came out, she didn't want the boys, because her "new guy" didn't want kids, but didn't want ex hubby to have the kids either.

I don't know how Mrs Yates is faring in the Texas DOC, but I remember several stories in the press about Mrs Smith getting pounded by other inmates. The beatings are not nearly severe enough or often enough, IMHO.

Sexual Predators and Murderers that randomly pick victims are bad enough, but parents that murder/molest their own children.......There are not enough ways to descibe the contempt and loathing I have for them


New member
Andrea Yates and Susan Smith. They deserve to be killed.
Preferably drowned. Do you realize how scary it would have been for the kids in the back of the car? The police say it took about 5-6 minutes to sink. 5-6 minutes of hell for the two kids.

Makes my blood boil.



New member
That's OK.

We had another one in LA yesterday.

Dad goes to run errands with baby in mini-van. Comes home, goes inside, goes to sleep. Forgets 3 year old in van for 4+ hours. Estimated temp in van is 130oF plus. 3 year old is dead. That's two in less then 1 week here in LA. And it's still not a major news item.

How long does those kids suffer?

I guess it's OK to kill your own. :mad:



New member
The death penalty is too good for Avila (BTW the DNA extracted from skin cells under the little girl's finger nails was HIS!). The way it is administered now, as an act of euthanasia, is far too humane for this societal flush item. He should be summarily hanged by the neck until dead or face a firing squad following conviction; preferably within 24 hrs.

I am reminded of a true story I read to my students while a teacher many years ago. Young boy in Louisiana is molested and murdered by a freed sex offender. Offender flees to a neighboring state but is aprehended and extradited to Louisiana. Father of dead boy obtains information as to airline flight offender will return on along with local police escorts. Dad goes to airport with .357 magnum revolver concealed and feigns phone call at pay phone bank. As handcuffed offender and LEO escorts march through the terminal coming abreast of Dad, Dad wheels toward offender clear of LEO's and puts a round into the temple of offender from about two feet away. Small entry wound, very messy exit wound; kinda the definition of "blow his brains out." (This is the best part) Dad is arrested for murder. The DA REFUSES to prosecute! Says "There's not a jury in the state who would vote to convict."

Ben Swenson

New member
Quite a few nasty ideas here.

Frankly, I consider them all too elaborate and/or expensive. You do realize it is difficult to keep a human alive through the pain many of you wish upon this man (and I use that term loosely).

I see two possibilities for such people.

Firstly, when their execution date comes, they are taken into a large field (perhaps with some dramatic name such as "Field of the Damned") where a hole has been dug and they are shot once in the back of the head before being tossed in and subsequently covered up with a bulldozer. If, for some reason, a followup shot is required, the cost for the cartridge comes out of the executing officer's pocket. Inexpensive, quick, relatively humane and final. I figure, an hour pay for five guards and "combat pay" for the shooter plus time on the 'dozer. That's got to be one of the cheapest solutions.

Idea two:
Isn't everybody always wondering how well their defensive loads would perform?