What to do with Avila?


New member
A. Avila apparantly kidnapped, molested and killed Samantha Runnion. AND YET---a few years ago, he was accused of molesting 2 other girls. HE WAS AQUITTED by a jury. The prosecution apparantly did not present other girls who also said he had molested them, did not present a school official to whom the girls confided and perhaps other information available to them.

This problem should have been handled THEN, thus saving Samantha. When is our justice system going to be revised so that the victims and the tax-paying public is protected instead of spending all our time and resources protecting the scum who prey on the innocents?

Traditionally throughout history, the absence or ineffectiveness of law enforcement and justice systems have fostered a vigilanite system. Those work-only too well!- because they invariably fall into the trap of being exercised for personal grudges or to enforce prejudicial beliefs.

Where are the answers? Who is working toward finding them?


New member
Toss his miserable worthless oxygen-wasting sub-human azz into the "general population" area of prison. Tatoo "CHILD RAPIST/CHILD KILLER" on his forehead and back.

Wish him good luck and good hunting, with a long and unhappy life in prison.


New member
.45 caliber lobotomy.

You cannot rehabilitate child molesters. They are damaged beyond repair. The only sensible thing to do is send them back to the factory.


New member
Critter44, good points and questions, but this should have been posted in Legal & Political.

Avila's former defense attorneys apparently succeeded in casting a reasonable doubt so the jury acquitted him.

The prosecutors may not have "failed" to present other evidence as much as they weren't allowed to.

As intended, juries should rule on the law and the evidence to establish the law and the facts of a case. As it is, a judge rules on the law and the evidence so juries only get spoon fed what a judge thinks they need to know. To me, that's a show trial instead of a trial by jury.... :(

Chuck Dye

New member
If you are aruging that the police and prosecutors need improvement, I am with you, although I am curious to read how you will go about it.

If you are arguing against the existing constitutional and statutory due process protections, please don't do us any "favors."
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New member
Dunno who your post was directed toward, Huck, but I'll take the bait.

Our actual "due process" protections are anemic compared to what they're supposed to be. Just consider the 2A alone. You have the RKBA guaranteed under it. But you'll find yourself in the slammer if you're caught with a handgun in the D.C., because the only "due process" you'll get is that you had one without consideration of it being prohibited despite the 2A enjoining that.

Look at the wording of the 6A and 7A plus do some research on what a jury trial was all about. Basically, the 6A was to ensure that the people in the form of a jury were the last check on the legislative and judicial branches of government. For example, most cities prohibit firing a gun within the city limits. Strictly speaking, you're guilty even if you did to stop an attacker about to split your head with an axe. The jury was intended to say "that law doesn't apply here" and acquit you even if an "anti" judge thinks you should have ducked instead of violating the "perfect" law. If the attacker's axe wasn't allowed into evidence because of a technicality about its dicovery by the police, the jury may never know why you fired. That's why juries are intended to determine what the relevant evidence is.

In a civil trial, a party requests a jury perhaps because of the lack of trust in a judge, and that right is guaranteed by the 7A.

I'm arguing FOR the existing and Constitutional and statutory due process and other protections, and I'm saying that we're not getting them now.

Avila undoubtedly went free before because the now bastardized protections you speak of are easily manipulated to "show" the jury what the defense wants them to see, which gave Avila a dark corner in which to hide, and he's not alone....


New member
What his mom said, before she found out that her own son was the accused.

"I hope they find the miserable $?#&% who did it, tie him to a stake, and burn him alive!"

After "due process", of course.


New member
What to do with him??? Ahhh, how about try the case first and see if the prosecution obtains a conviction. If this time they do, move on to sentencing?

Those above are correct. Child molesters, convicted or those held pending trial, do not fair well in the DOC or county jug.

Ala Dan

Member in memoriam
First of all, hang him by his heels, butt naked and pour
Red Devil Lye on his private part's. Then as the Lye
start's to work, let me shoot at the S.O.B., knocking
off as many limbs as possible; before he sucumbs.

*Range Distance = 15 feet
Weapon = Sig-Sauer P220A .45 ACP
Load = 230 grain Federal Hydra-Shok's

Best Wishes,
Ala Dan, N.R.A. Life Member


New member
He should be executed if found guilty by a jury of his peers in a fair trial.

If California can not find in it's collective soul the moral fiber to execute a human predator, the state can execute no one.

Some crimes cry out for blood justice.


New member
I reckon the perpetrator of this horrendous deed (presumably Avila) isn't fit to live on the planet with other people. I don't see that such a person can be salvaged for any useful purpose.

Sad...but this guy needs to answer to God as soon as is possible.

We have got to protect our children better. I don't see that this poor little girl was being supervises at the time of her abduction. So parents....look out for the wee one's.......

Maybe we better shoot him (my statement to make this a "gun related" post).


New member
A clearer case for the DP there never was.
Unfortunately, no matter what the State does with this non-human bast-rd, it will not be near rough enough by a dam- sight.

Dollar to a doughnut he gets life in prison.