What scope for Remington 700?


New member
It's a .308 & I shoot up to 100 yds right now, but hopefully out to 300 yds if I can find a range that isnt an hour away. I'd like something good to 500 yds or so though.


New member
The glass you buy is limited only by your wallet, laddie. Bushnell Elite, Burris, Leupold, Kahles, Zeiss, Swarovski, yada yada yada. How serious are you? I shoot an old Redfield on my '06 and it replaced a Weaver V-10 because the Weaver was just too much glass for the deep woods. The 2x7 works great for the ranges I shoot, and it's crystal clear even when it's 20 below. CB.


New member
Limit yourself to Leupold & Swarski.

Why do that when there are so many better scopes than the VX line for far less money.

Swarovski makes a good product but do you really need something in that price range for what it gives you over say a quality Nikon, Leupold, or Bushnell?

I wouldnt put any scope on my gun that starts with a "B"...........

Why not? Just shows that you are closed minded and not willing to accept the truth in optics.

Swift's rock!

They are good to chuck rocks at! I wouldn't put one on a 22 let alone a centerfire. I have seen way too many with tracking, fogging, and POI shifts to even consider them.

You would be served well with any low to mid range variable from any of the big makers today. Most all are quality scopes that will fit your needs, some do things better than others but all are good. Jump on over to http://www.opticstalk.com/ and ask them what they think. There are a few very experienced hunters who frequent that forum and they can give you an honest review of most any scope you have a question about.

My choices are (not in any particular order):

Leupold, Nikon, Zeiss, Swarovski, Burris, Bushnell, Weaver, and Redfield.



New member
I recently put a Nikon 3x9 40 Prostaff on one of my rifles. So far I am pleased with it. It didn't break the bank and seemed brighter than a couple others I looked at which were priced higher. I guess it may depend on how you will use the rifle. This is on a 222 and will do just fine for varminting up to 300 yards which is about the max range for the caliber.

I have a weaver 6X on my 270. This scope has been over the mountain to see the elephant and back. You couldn't ask for a more dependable scope. Alas they don't make the straight 6 anymore.

I don't subscribe to the idea that you need to pay more for glass than the rifle. That has never been within my budget even if I did.

Hope you find a nice one.


New member
Ok well ill help you out
i have been getting some info for both of us..

anything between.. 3x-20x like (3x-12x or 5x-20x) are good..
streight 10x fixed are ok but not the best..

and 50mm scope lenses are good sizes.. so are 40mm.. but 60mm+
is a little too much unless your like mad competition shooter.

also you want one with turrets for windage and the adjustments..

but im getting alot of nikons/leupholds and bushnell referals..

so just find the best you can get for the cheapiest price in your
price range.. some can go for $100.. some go for $1,2500..


I wouldnt put any scope on my gun that starts with a "B"...........
Why not? Just shows that you are closed minded and not willing to accept the truth in optics.
Nope wrong guess.........its called experience, keep trying.

Swift's rock!
They are good to chuck rocks at! I wouldn't put one on a 22 let alone a centerfire. I have seen way too many with tracking, fogging, and POI shifts to even consider them.
You really think I was serious??? TIC my friend.


New member
Just picked up a 700 SPS and now need to find a scope for it. I know most folks here seem to say spend more on the scope than you did on the rifle, but that's not what my budget will allow.

I don't need anything that can pick up something a mile away. Although it'd be nice.

What chambering is your rifle and what will you be using it for? Different scopes for different applications. Are you a target/varmint shooter or are you going to hunt big game, or are you looking to start tactical shooting? The cartridge you got will help as well to know, no need to overpower your cartridge.

For a most hunting rifles I prefer a 2-7 to 3-9 power range. For tactical shooting 3-12 or 4-16 with mil dot reticle seems like a good range. For target shooting I like a fixed power going from 12X and up.


New member
My thoughts on expensive scopes!

Is a $2000 scope better than a $200 scope? You bet it is. Is it 10X better? Heck no. I realize we all have different budgets, but feel that most sub $200 scopes are a waste of money. The best inexpensive scopes I have used currently being made are the Nikon Prostaff line. 20 years ago the Tasco World Class scopes were pretty decent budget scopes, but I would not touch a current production Tasco.

If you are serious about hunting and shooting you wil eventually want to own a quality scope and where you draw the line is up to you and your budget. For me I could be happy with Leupold VX-2 scope that sells for around $300. If you can afford and want a $2000 scope then I am happy for you. The Zeiss Conquest I own that sells for around $550 is a better scope, but not worth the extra money to me. I bought it used for considerably less. I also own one of the Zeiss Diavari scopes that retail for around $1500. Once again I bought it used for a fraction of that from a guy who lost his job and needed cash. It is an amazing scope and I am glad I am able to own it, but seriously doubt I would be able to make a shot on a deer with it, that I would miss with a $300 scope.


New member
taylor, it's .308 & just paper punching at 100 yds right now until I find a 300 yd range that isn't an hour away. I'd like something good to 300 yds at least.


New member
Here are the scopes I have it narrowed down to. I'd like to hear from folks w/experience w/these models as to why one would be better than the others.

Right now, the rifle will just be for paper punshing at 100 yds. I'll be doing 200-300 yds when I find a range closer so I want the scope to be good for that with ease. I'd prefer to not have it maxed out at 300 though. ;) At this time, I do not hunt, but would like to eventually.

Nikon Prostaff 3-9x40
Leupold VX-I 3-9x40
Leupold VX-II 3-9x40
Bushnell Elite 3200 10x40
Bushnell Elite 4200 3-9x40
Super Sniper 10x42
Nikon Monarch 3-12x42


New member
Several years ago I had a fixed power Leupold in 12X one time that I really liked, money got tight and I sold it. I really regret letting that scope go it was hell on varmints. I don't know what your budget is but I imagine this one will cost you as much as your rifle but I'm going to get one of these again someday.


Since you didn't state your budget for the scope here is another option for less that would work well for you. For target shooting/varmint shooting I would prefer a fine cross hair of target dot unfortunately it isn't offered here. However I'm sure you can shoot great groups with this one as well.


I know neither are in your list but worth checking out.


New member
I've owned the 1st 3. The Prostaff is the best of the 3 for the money. The VX1 is no better, maybe worse, and around $50 more. The VX2 is a better scope and would probably be my choice of the 3 if it fits my budget. The Nikon Buckmaster, which you have not listed sells for around $200 (about $100 less than the VX2), and has better glass than the VX2 in my opinion. I would personally rather have the VX2 on a hunting rifle because it has a larger eye box, is lighter, shorter and is probably more durable.

I have no experience with the others but have never heard anything bad about any of them.


New member
The SS 20x42 is on sale for less than the 10x42 right now. Would that be too much magnification or should I jump on it?


New member
What calibre ? What range ? What light conditions ? How much ?

I put a Leupold VX3 2.5-8X36 on my 700 in .308 (hunting rifle) which is an awesome scope - highly recommended.
I was also considering a Bushnell elite 4200 3-9X40.
I couldnt detect any difference when I looked through them both.

Depending what you are doing, I don't see the point in high powered scopes or large objective lenses. I rarely adjust it to more than 4X and usually have it at the lowest setting.


New member
I'm going w/the SS.

The SS 20x42 is on sale for less than the 10x42 right now. Would that be too much magnification or should I jump on it?

A/C Guy

New member
taylor, it's .308 & just paper punching at 100 yds right now until I find a 300 yd range that isn't an hour away. I'd like something good to 300 yds at least.
A fixed power quality scope will cost a lot less than a variable scope of the same brand.

These scopes offer great value and have high end German Schott glass in them. A 6x42 will do everything you need out to 300 or 500 yards.


Also on sale for $595 at:

A/C Guy

New member
The SS 20x42 is on sale for less than the 10x42 right now. Would that be too much magnification or should I jump on it?
There is a reason the 20x42 is on sale; it doesn't sell because experienced shooters know 20 power with a 42mm objective is a very poor combination. Also, 20 power is great for 1000 yard, but not much else.
A 10x42 will be much brighter and clearer.