What is your best bragging rights shot?


New member
My dad once got a pheasant without firing a shot. It flew right at him and he punched it. He was about 85 at the time and the bird died where it fell. I'm not sure I will ever be able to top that one.

This is the winner as far as I'm concerned.

That is funny as hell.


New member
Fairly well-known in some circles...

I used a custom 6.5-06 to centerpunch a golf ball at 500 meters, cold-bore, first shot, during a sniper rifle match in May of 1999. I still have the ball and rifle (entrance hole is the black dot nearest 3 O'Clock on the ball's face):



New member
Golf is not supposed to be played like that. If you don't like the lie of the ball, just take a stroke and move it with your hand.;)

My best was pig hunting in California with my 8mm Rem Mag. My buddy told me the pigs were running out the end of the valley, I ran to the edge of the hill I was on, flopped down, sighted somewhere to the left and somewhere north of the pig and touched it off. As I recovered from recoil, I saw the pig nose into the ground, then roll off the path and back down the hill. About 500 yards. My luckiest (the pig's unluckiest) shot.


New member
.308 7600 rem, kneeling one shot, 125+yards, head shot on buck, he dropped at the shot like wile e coyote when the big wieght drops on his head. Deer never moved. Walked up, no bullet hole, just blood out the ear, one shot, in the eye ball, out the ear hole, perfect pelt.


.'course i was aiming at his chest and neck junction, found out later the fancy distance compensator cam was set on 1300 yards. Brother was playing games with me at lunch...

Best planned shot, 3 prairie dogs, one shot, with 6.5 284, on first try at a range no one will believe.


Gewehr98, that is without a doubt nicest/best shot I have ever seen or heard of, perfect.

As a kid rabbit hunting I killed a rabbit that a .22 bullet went in one eye and out the other. Strange things like the rabbit happen, but that golf ball at 500 yards didn't just happen and is fantastic.


New member
The luckiest shot

When I was a teen, I had a deer sneaking past my in a deep ditch. But out of the corner of my eye, I was able to see just the head and horns of the 4 point buck. Unfortunatly the deer was now on the wrong side of the tree, which prevented me from aiming at him. So being young, and foolish, I grabbed a branch with my right hand (yes right handed) swung out from the tree, and holding the Winchester model 12 pump with must my left hand fired at the bucks head. Somehow with lots of luck I hit the buck right at the base of his left antler. DOA. It was my first buck, luckiest shot. I still have the one antler mounted on a plaque, and the shot off antler hanging with the steel deer tag. No b/s

Nuff said.


New member
Best bragging rights shot,,, when I was about 14, (17 yrs ago) my dad and I were "controling" his bat problem... Amazing how those suckers can dodge a wad of shot out of a 20 ga... With a lot of practice we could knock them down maybe 6 out of 10 shots with #8, no choke...

One night on the way back from a rabbit hunt, near dusk, I hit one on the first shot, offhand from a walk, with my 10/22.... Very few ever believe me, but me and my Dad know...

Me, my Dad, and the bat were all quite shocked.....


New member
1 Buzzard taken in mid flight at well over 200 yards.
Rifle: Ruger M77 in 308,
Scope: a cheap Bushnell 3x9
Ammo: Remington Accelerators


New member
Best for me so far is a few .223 and .410 shells at 100 yards. About 10 cases, maybe 11 shots and hit I think 8 of them before handing the gun off to a my little brother to 'play with.' Thats with a stock Savage Mark II 22lr, with a simmons 3-9x and a bipod. I've come to the conclusion that the only setback for that guns is it's shooter.



New member
Brno 8mm Mauser with a Williams peep sight shooting golfballs and claybirds at 100 yards.

Green army men at 50 yards with an old Stevens .22 and a 4X weaver scope.

Jack O'Conner

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We were shooting the edges of a big dogtown in SW S. Dakota near the Nebraska border one hot summer day. About 175 yards away 5 dogs lined up single file on their mound. I shot the rear one and he came apart. The rest fidgeted a little. I shot the remaining dogs and until the last one figured out what was happening and went underground. Four dogs on the same mound is my best shooting.

A prairie dog is not canine at all. They're rodents about the size of a COKE can.
My Savage heavy barreled .223 has done in several thousand of these pests.



New member
Camp Perry this summer during the National Trophy match. We were on the 300yd line and I went up to take my postion--but I didn't recognize anyone on either side of me. So I spent about 2-3 minutes asking shooters, scorers and line officials which of the six relays was supposed to be on the line.

We're now into prep time and the firing point is still empty. I decide it must be me that's supposed to be up there, so I grab my rifle, mat and magazines and start setting up the point with about 60 seconds left in the prep time. When they called for the shooters to rise, I still didn't have my sling on. Well, I got that on and adjusted just as the command "Load" came over the loudspeaker. I cranked on my elevation and threw in two minutes of windage while waiting for the targets to appear. In spite of all the hustle and hurry, I shot a 98 with 3 or 4 X's.

Hell, I had the same thing (almost) happen to me at Perry... it did not work out well. They moved me to a point on the line a few points down from where I had first set up at the very last minute. In the confusion, I forgot to look for the new number on my target-stand and fired about half a dozen shots onto the target belonging to the guy who had just set up on my old point. Luckily, I was firing at the sighting-in bull, but I think they still penalized me a few points...

I can still hear that guy yelling: "Crossfire! Who the hell's shooting my target?!"


New member
A gopher at 100 yards with a Remington Model 597ss or the big ol mule deer doe i took at three hundred with the .270 that demolished both lungs.


New member
I used to shoot wood boaring bees (about the size of your thumb) from about 20 feet with my bb gun. That was before I had real guns.


New member

100 yards - straight up

20 guage slug...

side by side double

I still feel guilty... because Ravens are carrion eaters and do no harm... :rolleyes:


New member
A few years ago, hunting whitetail in a NW Missouri beanfield with my Remington 700BDL in 270 Win. I was sitting on the corner of a patch of timber looking at the beanfields on 3 sides. I heard a doe bleat behind me and to the right in the timber. As I turned to look over my right shoulder, she popped out of the timber into the field with a grunting 8-point buck behind her. He chased her around fo a while, then they both stopped at about 250yds. Late in the season, so I decided I better take the shot. BANG! The buck hunched up from an obvious gut-shot, and took off runnning angling away from me. Great, I thought. I wonder how far he'll run before he bed's down. About that time he stopped broadside looking right at me. I guessed it at 300yds. BANG! He just looks at me.:confused: BANG! He just looks at me. :mad: Last round in the rifle, so I'd better make it count. I took a prone position, looked through the scope, and could only see about 1" of the top of his back above the rise of the field. Some quick thinking, and I remembered that my bullet path is nearly 4" above the line-of-sight at 175-200yds where the rise in the field is. I leveled the crosshairs on the top of the buck's back. BANG! He disappeared. :D When I stood up, I could see he was laying right where he was standing. Paced it off at 325yds. The bullet caught him about 6" below the top of his back. That bullet could not have been more than an inch or two off the ground at one point. :eek: