What is your best bragging rights shot?


New member
Not to be a ****, but is a hip shot at 460 yards any better than the same shot at 25 yards? I think the argument could be made that it's worse.
Well, since a lot of hunters take the cape to the taxidermist it could be argued it was a "perfect" shot.

Anyway, the best "shots" I ever made was a triple on pheasants coming right at me. Not spectacular in and of itself except I was using a side by side 20 ga. I managed to get the 3rd bird after reloading one shell in the right barrel and get him going away after flying over my head. The birds were fleeing some other hunter somewhere. My pointer just stood there and watched.


New member
No crap 50 yards on a Nuthatch. I think the statute of limitations is past by now. My brother and a couple of freinds bird hunted with our BB guns when we were youngsters over 30 years ago. Aaron and William told me there was no way to hit a bird that far away. I proved them wrong. 50 yards for a daisy 840 was a heck of a shot even if some luck was involved.

N.H. Yankee

New member
I shot a 12 point buck that dressed out at 214 with a Vanguard 30-06. I shot him in the head at 80 yards offhand as he was at a flat out run. The head was the only shot I had as he was running through Mountain laurel and his body was not open to a shot.

last year I shot a 35 pound coyote through the heart at 50 yards on a trot through the brush with a 50 cal muzzle loader offhand. Here in new Hampshire most of your shots will be moving especially since I prefer to stalk. I have taken numerous running deer shooting offhand, but I practice quite a bit before the season begins. I feel shooting is like any other sport, practice is the key to success.

But my hunting partner made the best of all, he shot the family jewels off a buck at 300 yards, using my vanguard: eek: He shot across a pit and the deer was facing away, he sights his guns high at a 100 yards and I sight mine dead-on. He aimed at the base of the tail and the bullet went low, we finally tracked him down the next day soaking in a swamp and finished him. The bullet had taken the Jewels and then shaved a line across his belly 1/4 inch wide. ou would swear it was done with a razor. Had the shot been an inch or two higher, he would have field dressed him on the spot.


New member
best shot

i was at work i work in the southern oilfields of nm my coworker and i typacally shoot about an hour or so before going home he spotted a set of blackbirds on a distant rock and range finded it 596yards i had my savage model 12 in 22-250 with leupold mark 4 scope i pulled up on the bird(considerd a nuisance by local ranchers) and cold bore shot killed both with the first shot through the left breast of one and the right of the other they just dropped side by side instantly dead while not a great distance for the caliber it was an impressive cold bore shot and still talked about by my buddy today.


New member
A long time ago when a teenager, I reloaded some of my 7.65 Argentine ammo with smallest bullet available and a reduced powder charge to try squirrel hunting with it. LOL, after about 12 shoots at same squirrel with this ammo, I had no more rifle ammo. By time of my last shot with the ammo, the squirrel was sitting in the open on one of the lower branches of a huge oak tree laughing at my lousy shooting while nibbleing on an acorn. Completely irritated at both squirrel and myself, I pulled my browning 9mm hi-power pistol out of its holster to shoot. I had about 30 rounds of 9mm with me and was willing to use every round of it in an attempt to kill that d__n squirrel. With the hi power, I could hit the wall of a barn, while standing inside it, and that is about all when shooting it.

Much to my surprise, shock may be a better word, my first shot with the pistol was between the squirrels eyes. I did a victory dance around the little sucker.


New member
I was out clearing a field of woodchucks that were causing problems for my FIL and his farm. managed to get a few with a .223 before I decided to come back to the house for a coke classic and a snack. as I rounded the side of the barn a chuck ran out to cross the farm path in front of me. I had the rifle slung over my shoulder so I pulled my buckmark from my holster and drilled him in the head at 20 yards running at a full speed. I didn't even have time to really aim, it was just a snap shot before he got into brush at the side of the path. I couldn't do that again if I spent an afternoon trying to do it....


New member
Using a remington summit air rifle- while taking aim at a watermelon on top of a stick for target practice from about 110 feet, it richocheted off a piece of metal behind the target and clipped one of my chickens in the nearby coop. Chicken had only a flesh wound, but several weeks later, we could see the effects on the drumstick bone during sunday lunch!


New member
When I qualified at the academy and shot a perfect round, other then 1 round that I parked right on the outside of the targets left ear! I still don't know where that round came from!


New member
A groundhog at 260 paced yards with an old Remington 788 in .243 Win, with a Tasco 3x9 scope from a sitting position. This was in the '80's, and I don't have the eyes-or hands- that I used to.



Greatest Dove shot I ever saw!

I was dove hunting near Kankakee Illinois. Well after a good morning of shooting we decide to have lunch. My Dads friend had is twelve gage on his knee, while sitting on a bucket, pointing skyward with his hand hold the gun near the grip area. While as he was eating this dove flies right over head. not to high but 20 feet or so above us. He never put the samwhich down, he probalby went for another bite. Just pulled the trigger and the thing dropped like a rock! He keep chewing and then said to me real cooly, could you pick that up I'm busy eating lunch". My dad and I sat dumdfounded! Still I am in awe. His name was Roy Stoner, he now lives in Naples, FLA. If you ever run into him ask him to tell it.

Great thread and great posts!