What is your best bragging rights shot?

Adventurer 2

New member
Found this coin today going through some junk. Back in the late 80s myself and two friends were shooting a tube fed, semi-auto, 22LR, Marlin with open sights. We wrapped up with an agreement that whoever could hit the penny (about 20 yards) would win a free pitcher of beer courtesy of the losers. I went third and miraculously hit the thing. I know a penny at twenty yards is not very spectacular and I could do this all day long today off a bag but back then it sure seemed that way to me and my friends.

What is your best shot?


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New member
I was at the farm shooting with a good friend of mine. We were shooting .308's at 200yds when an opossum started to scurry across the range at about 300yds. We both saw him at the same moment and we both acquired him and fired almost simultaneously. Both of us scored hits and Mr. Opossum was darn near split in half. We thought it was pretty good shooting at 300yds on a moving opossum...

Glenn Bartley

New member
My best bragging shot was actually one taken by my son on his first big game hunt this summer. We have black bear in the freezer because of it. If you wonder why I should brag when he was the one who took the shot, well because I taught him how to shoot.:)


New member
I saw a picture when I was little of someone splitting a playing card so I decided I was going to do it with my air rifle. After I set it all up, I did it on my first shot by chance. When I went up there I realized my pellet gun did not have enough power to go all the way through, So I had a playing card split half way with a pellet stuck in it. I was a proud 12 year old.

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
I've made some pretty good shots at fair distances, but my father has one of the best.

He and three friends had gathered up to go walking hunting on a ranch in west central Texas. Whitetail country. Before spreading out to walk up a valley, they stopped to look around the country and talk about the "what to do" stuff. A norther had blown in, and the wind was some 25 to 30 mph.

They spotted a big buck and a small buck with a group of four or five does, way out there. Around 500 yards. One of the guys sat down and looked at the big buck through his scope. He passed the shot because of the wind. They talked about getting closer.

My father said, "I'll break his neck, from here." He took a shot, offhand, and missed, but that gave him the windage. The next shot, he broke the big buck's neck.

One of the guys was telling the story, a few years later. My father, afterwards, commented privately to me that the holdover made it more likely 550 yards.


Geoff Timm

New member
Many years ago, three runs on pins. 15 for 15. I still finished 3rd, but it felt so good.

Who isn't usually that good. :cool:


Toss up.....175 yards (paced off) at the only Mule Deer buck that I have ever shot. The deer was doing the four legged gait and I broke his spine just behind the shoulder with my Model 742 Remington 30-06 carbine. The other was a 150 yard shot (estimated) on a Whitetail doe with a 20 gauge shotgun, foster slug, 2 1/2 power scope. The Remington slug took the top of her heart off, she kicked, ran 50 yards and piled up. Worst shot....last year opening day, missed a buck clean at 30 yards! I really don't know why but I did.!:)
100yrds ,Encore 16" 223 with handloaded 55gr fmj,Using bushnell 3200 on 6X.I said to my friends I would shoot the bottle cap off my gatorade bottle.I leaned back and rested over my legs and knees and shot that cap off exactly in the center of it:D .Even though that encore was very accurate ,I don't think I could do that again:)..Breaking the rules but the other one is hitting 4 out of 5 shots under 1/4" ctc @ 100yrds with my 24" stainless ar15 using 77gr smk,that being my last 5 shot group out of 50 rounds I fired..I am lucky ,,I happen to have a very nice DPMS barrel that does well out to at least 600yrds:))..


New member
I don't evidence of it because it was a gong, but it happened yesterday actually.

I don't know the exact size of the gong, but I am certain that it's less than 18"x24", and it sits at least 450 yards from the firing line.

With a 1939 Mosin Nagant 91/30, using surplus ammunition, open sights, standing and unsupported, three out of ten shots were ringers.



New member
My best bragging-right shot was taking out a crow at 100yds with a scoped .22lr rifle (Marlin 39D, 4X scope).

Having made that braggadocio, I think Glenn Bartley is the big winner here. Nothing better than a dad who teaches his son to shoot, and shoot well.


New member
+ on Glenn Bartley way to go dad.
i have two shots that i like to brag about over the course of 20 years of hunting. the first is not due to the fact that it was that long of a shot or small target matter of fact it was a rather easy shot; a doe at 90 yards that had just bedded down but it bedded down on my weak side and i was in plain view no way to move around in the stand so i shot it left handed. i dont know how many of you practice shooting with your weak side and non-dominant eye but that was the first for me the doe never woke up, she passed in her sleep.
the second was a fox at 100 yards at about 100yards at night all i saw through the scope was eyeballs; the 400 grain slug landed between them. both shots were made with a mossberg 835 using sabots.

Daniel BOON

New member
ok ok here it is

it was many yrs ago, and i had just returned from south east asia; 2 friends and i were at the local club, and one had brought along a remington '03. so after they played with it for awhile at 100 yrds with open sights,and not hitting anything, I asked what they would give if i hit the gong at 300 yrds.:) both said 1 buck for every time i hit it. neither of them had much experience with shooting, where as I fell out of the womb holding a deer rifle. sooo... after the 3rd shot of smacking that gong, they started to sweat:( :) after explaining how I did that, they both sat down and smacked the gong also. I never did collect my $$$, but watching their faces after they hit the gong was well worth it;


New member
How about a street biathalon?

200 foot sprint in a foot pursuit followed by a 20-30 yard shot (based on the Internal Affairs and State Attorney investigaions) from a duty Sig P226 as he was trying to pull a S&W 686 on me? Late night, alley, no light, etc. I also got the traffic cone at the end of the alley that they "recovered" and gave me. Still have that. :)

Now that I posted this I see it was a thread under "Art of the Rifle". Sorry about that. New to the forum and pulled up "new posts".


New member
Have several that I'm particularly proud of, but one of my favorites was hunting with my dad. We went out after whitetail on his bosses ranch. The caretaker was suppose to "show" us where a buck was frequenting but he brought his rifle too. My thought? "This idiot thinks he's shooting my deer for me---yah, right." Sure enough, a 3x4 buck bursts out of the willows right next to us and the caretaker starts rattling off shots at it right away--couldn't hit water if he fell out of a boat. As I watched the buck almost at the far edge of the clearing from about 350 yards and booking fast, I thought "better take him, we aren't going to see another thing today with all that racket." So I raised up, fired, and the buck did about three rolls before falling over into a small ditch at the far end of the clearing. As I brought my rifle down I saw my dad was lowering his too. We both said "Did you shoot?" and answered "Yes" at the same time. Turns out we both thought the same thing, fired at the same time, and both hit the buck. My dad tucked one in right behind the rib cage and out just in front of the opposite shoulder taking the diaphram and lungs, and I broke the buck's neck right above the shoulders. The caretaker promptly slung his rifle and left.


i guess the best bragging shot i've ever done was the first time i shot my 1022 custom after the heavy barrel and a thumbhole stock was on it.... took it out with some friends to see how well it shot and to sight in my scope .. took three shots for a group first then went to inspect the target.... looked at it and was disappointed because i had thought only one shot had hit the target from 30 yards... upon closer inspection we could tell that all three bullets had gone through the same .22 caliber hole!! the thing has been shooting like that ever since! if i do my part it'll shoot one hole groups all day!


I have a few on critters large and small I felt good about but my favorite was 25 years ago or so. Local gun club was having a shoot to qualify to purchase a M1 Grand from the CMP.
I called up to sign up. While talking to the guy I told him " I could out shoot all the guys I went shooting with". He laughed at me and said "You'll find out huh".
There was about 60 of us over a two day shoot. All I had in centerfire with open sights was a Mini 14 with a V rear sight I had made with a piece of aluminum. I never could shoot with a peep and that was all I could afford to do. Other guys there had from regular rifles to fancy open sights with crosshairs and level devices etc. like I had never seen to a couple of swat guys.
After the two days I had the best score up on the board. I tried to say something to the guy I had talked to over the phone but he completely ignored me. I signed up on a sheet with other guys that wanted more info to join but I never heard a word back.
When I was a kid I hit a pheasant flying straight away at around 75 yards with a .410 single-shot. It had an insane choke that would put a good percentage of the pellets on a trashcan-lid sized target at that distance but none of the guys I was hunting with knew this... They thought it was some sort of miracle.

My dad once got a pheasant without firing a shot. It flew right at him and he punched it. He was about 85 at the time and the bird died where it fell. I'm not sure I will ever be able to top that one.


New member
Sorry to get off topic, but my best bragging rights shot was done with my Security Six revolver. What my friends and I love to do is blindfold the shooter and then the shooter waits in the car or just sits on the ground or stands if he/she chooses. Anyways, while blindfolded, the others go around the shooting area with clay targets and put them all over the place and then after they are done they come back and take the blindfold off the shooter and then the shooter tries to find all the targets and shoot them and break them as fast as they can.

Well, my friends thought it would be funny to put a clay target very far away. Like over 300 yards away. So I broke all the close ones and saw the one far away and I laighed of course, but took a shot at it. Didn't even see an impact anywhere. On the 2nd shot however it actually hit it and broke it. I so badly wish that was recorded because it wasn't nothing to do with skill, it was just pure luck. I went around forever it seemed talking about that shot.


New member
Hmm there is a bit of a tie for me.

First would be my best lucky shot, we were at the sand pit we shoot at and there was a quarter of a clay pigeon about 200 yards away. The mosin nagant I was using had the sights canted so they were no help, so I tell my brother "I'm going to get that clay out there" I pulled the rifle up and took a guess at the range and shot. Dead on :D

Next would be the "snake eyes" (what we called them) at 90 yards with my SKS. The first two rounds with the gas valve off hit right next to each other (they looked like eyes).

The worst shot would be my 20 shot partridge. We spooked up a huge group of them and I was snapping off rounds as quickly as I could, but I forgot to aim. So I had this line of shells from me walking forward while shooting, my brother is still laughing about it, and it was almost two months ago. It was funny because it looked like some crazy half hour long shoot out with almost two boxes of shell between the two of us.


New member
Another favorite was quite a few years ago when a buddy came knocking at O'dark-thirty to go duck hunting without giving me a heads-up prior to. OK--I'm still asleep, grabbed my vest, shotgun, jammed a couple handfulls of shells in my vest pockets and off we went. So we're sitting in the blind. I'm still mostly asleep and have no ambition to be out that morning because it was supposed to be my first morning to sleep in for over a month. Not paying any attention at all, I grab a few shells out of my vest and load up. Within a little while (not sure how long because the coffee hadn't kicked in) a lone duck is coming in. So I call the shot, raise, and fire. "POOF!" Duck explodes. Now I'm awake, my buddy sitting next to me has his jaw in his lap, and the poor dog isn't quite sure what to do. As it turns out I had a couple slugs in the mix, probably left from the last time I wore the vest for deer. I hit the duck square-on, right out of the air with a slug. The dog brought back a wing.