What is the worst gun you have ever been around?

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Rainbow Six

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>A Glock 17!!![/quote]

You'll smoke a **** in hell for that one, buddy. :D

The Glock freak formerly known as Chris...

Rainbow Six

New member
My vote goes to an RG .22 that I shot recently. I think it held 7 shots but was empty after 4 trigger pulls and splattered my hand with lead on every shot. Seems that it was double firing and sending lead out of a chamber and into the frame in front of the cylinder!! Piece of crap!!!

The Glock freak formerly known as Chris...

Hard Ball

New member
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Slowpoke_Rodrigo:
Le Chauchat, certainement![/quote]

Slowpoke is absolutely right. The Chauchat is without doubt the worst gun I have ever seen. I cannot imagine a worse weapom! When you consider it was actually issued to the Army and Marine Corps when they fought in France during WW I it is amazing, The closets we have ever come to having a mutiny in the Marine Corps was when the Marine Brigade was ordered to turn in their Lewis guns and use Chauchats.

[This message has been edited by Hard Ball (edited May 26, 2000).]


New member
Anybody see the Japanese (WWII) pistol that could be made to fire by squeezing the outside of the frame? I saw something about it on "Tales of the Gun" on the History Channel.
Also saw the Chauchat, parts not interchangeable, dirt holes built into the magazine, and when it jammed it had to be completely torn down, which was a lengthy process. Yeah, that's a bad gun.

Jedi Oomodo

New member
Rainbow 6,

I myself am a SIG man. If you feel the need for revenge, take now this oppurtunity to expound upon the defects in workmanship inherent in the fine Swiss engineering of my P245, and elighten me with the virtues of Tactical Tupperware!! :D :p

Only in America, we're slaves to be free/Only in America, we kill the unborn, to make ends meet/Only in America, sexuality is democracy/Only in America, we stamp our god "In God we trust"

What is right or wrong?
I don't know who to believe in
My soul sings a different song, in America

-Creed, "In America"

The warrior kings lived by the sword/From hill to loch and dark fjord/Battling 'til his life he shed/leaving the throne/To the sons of Somerled...
Steve McDonald, "Sons of Somerled"

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!


New member
One I still own - a Browning BAR-22 .22LR (not to be confused with Browning centerfire BAR's). It's a semi-auto rifle.

I bought it back in the early '80's. It looks great, feels great and is pretty darn accurate when it doesn't jam.

And therein lies the problem - the rifle is a real jam monster. Not the cycle the bolt to clear kind of jam - No... the kind of jam where the bolt is frozen solid back in the receiver and you have to field strip to clear it.

Field strip takedown is easy - reassembley is a PITA - much worse than reassembling a Ruger MK II .22LR pistol. Those of you that have the Ruger will know what I'm talking about. :)

Browning discontinued the model. Mine has been to "gunsmiths", to no avail. A pity, as the materials used are first rate. No plastic anywhere. The bolt is damn near a solid block of steel.

A sad case of the sum of the parts equaling less than the whole. :(



New member
Worst gun ever, Clerke 32, second shot split the barrel, a real POS. Tried to melt it with a cutting torch and it burned, it didnt melt.


New member
I will have to say it was my Ruger P-90, had the grip comfort of a 2x4, and in 7 shots of 7 shots that my gunsmith tested, he got 7 different trigger pull #'s

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Rainbow Six

New member

Actually I'd rather burn a few rounds through your P245 instead of berating it. I hear they are nice.

I simply had to defend the honor of my pistol of choice. However, if you want to rumble, you'd better hope it ain't in the mud or sand. I mean, toting a SIG, these conditions would put you at a disadvantage to my Plastic Fantastic!! :D

Ok, I had to throw that in. I hope you know I'm just pokin' fun. I prefer Glocks for my use but I am not so ignorant as to think that they are the only quality pieces on the market. It's all for humor, broh. :)

Take care,

The Glock freak formerly known as Chris...

Stephen Ewing

New member
Personally, a buddy had a Jennings in, IIRC, .380. The only time the slide would lock back was when it failed to eject, which was fairly often.

Then again, I saw a Chauchat in a museum once.


Jedi Oomodo

New member
Rainbow Six, if ever you're in Dallas, or if you go to the End of Summer meet (provided I make it, too) you'll get the chance to shoot my 245. It's a beaut, too. It's the K-Kote, so the slide, trigger, takedown lever, decocker, and slide stop are all silver, and the frame is black (as my LEO cousin put it "You got one a' them Calicos!" :D). I like the way it shoots, though the only other compact .45 I've ever fired was a 1911 clone, so I can't really compare it to others in that class. And, if ya could show me how to fieldstrip a Glock when Jupiter, Wolf 359, and my left nostril aren't in proper alignment, I just might change my mind about them! :D

Only in America, we're slaves to be free/Only in America, we kill the unborn, to make ends meet/Only in America, sexuality is democracy/Only in America, we stamp our god "In God we trust"

What is right or wrong?
I don't know who to believe in
My soul sings a different song, in America

-Creed, "In America"

The warrior kings lived by the sword/From hill to loch and dark fjord/Battling 'til his life he shed/leaving the throne/To the sons of Somerled...
Steve McDonald, "Sons of Somerled"

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

Rainbow Six

New member

How do I put this? Let's see... Ok, it's like this. There's no need to field strip a Glock. They will shoot forever without cleaning them. :D

I'll take you up on the offer to try out yor 245 if I'm ever in Dallas. Wouldn't mind getting down that way again some day. :)

The Glock freak formerly known as Chris...

Jedi Oomodo

New member
Dallas has a lot to offer: 120degree-in-the-shade heat in summer, poorly timed traffic lights, insufficient freeway capacity, a state DOT that tends to schedule repairs on major roads and highways to take place ONLY during rush hour, panhandlers on just about every corner, a metro PD that investigates even HD and SD shootings as murders and has a policy of always taking the shooter into custody :mad:, a city council that can't stop bickering long enough to even agree on what they're going to bicker about... someone remind me why I stay here? :confused:

Seriously though, the 'burbs ain't that bad. Most of the folk out that way at least have some sense, and a few good places to get a burrito! ;)

I'm particular about keeping my guns clean and lubricated. Even if a Glock can go 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,
000,000,000,000,000.......,000,000,000,000 ,000,000,000,000,000
rounds without cleaning, if I had one I would clean it (but that's just me :)). Am I to take that you've never field stripped your Glock(s)? I guess I'll never find out the secret trick... <sigh> :D

Only in America, we're slaves to be free/Only in America, we kill the unborn, to make ends meet/Only in America, sexuality is democracy/Only in America, we stamp our god "In God we trust"

What is right or wrong?
I don't know who to believe in
My soul sings a different song, in America

-Creed, "In America"

The warrior kings lived by the sword/From hill to loch and dark fjord/Battling 'til his life he shed/leaving the throne/To the sons of Somerled...
Steve McDonald, "Sons of Somerled"

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Jedi Oomodo (edited May 27, 2000).]

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited May 31, 2000).]


New member
Outlaw1, I've never had the "pleasure" of firing (or trying to fire) a Tec-9. It seems to be one of the guns that Schumer and his ilk are always trotting out as menacing, evil guns only designed for crime.

Personally, I'd love to see every criminal with a Tec-9, instead of a decent pistol. The Tec would jam and couldn't hit squat.

Cliff, I have to thank you for listing the Browning BAR-22. Back when I went to buy my first .22, I had a serious thing for the Browning BAR-22 after reading about it. After searching high and low, I couldn't find one and ended up with another rifle. I've kept the interest, but never found a decent rifle for a good price. After reading your post, I'm going to stop looking! Thanks.


New member
Colt Mustang II, in blue steel, purchased new in late 1999. Slide stop peened off the slide stop cut after 150 rounds. Sent it back, did the same thing.

Colt has promised to refund my money, AND my dealer's postage. We shall see.

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