What is the worst gun you have ever been around?

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New member
What is the worst gun you have ever seen, shot, heard of, all time worst gun of any kind, shotguns, pistol, rifle? Just curious what peoples opinions are.

[This message has been edited by MrBlonde (edited May 27, 2000).]


New member
An old guy at my club asked what I thought of his new Hi-point pistol. I probably could've used a bit more tact in my reply. :(


New member
The new thing that's intended to replace the M-16. I forget what it's called. It fires both .223 and 20mm (underkill and overkill), weighs as much as 2 rifles, requires batteries for its extensive electronics (calling Mr. Murphy...), is huge, has lots of programmable functions ('skuze me Mr. Enemy while I set the detonation distance), cost $15,000 or more, and the programmable-detonation 20mm shells are expensive (training: "point, pull trigger and yell 'bang!'").


New member
A Chinese made SKS of totally questionable origin. Wouldn't feed 2 rounds in a row, and you could stand 10 feet from a barn and still miss! I also bought a new 10/22 once that was about the same. Sent it to the factory they "reworked it" and it still sucked. Got my money back and have held grudges against 10/22's since!

I thought I'd seen it all, until a 22WMR spun a bunny 2 1/4 times in the air!


New member
Worst gun I've handled: Lorcin .380
What a POS! A guy I worked with (emphasis on WORKED, past tense) keeps it under his truck seat. Mind you that he lived inside the city limits and his background was quite dubious.

'Worst' gun I've heard: AMT AutoMag V
If you're not familiar with this gun, it's a 50AE semi-auto pistol WITH BARREL PORTING. Shooting it would shake the insulation off the walls of the shooting stall. Nice big muzzle flash comes out of the ports too. awwwww yeaaaaaah

[This message has been edited by jcoyoung (edited May 25, 2000).]


New member
The worst by far is a Tec-9! :eek:
A friend bought one and was having major problems with it. Since I always end up as "gunsmith" for him and several other friends, I was called on to see if I could come over and "fix" it. :D
He handed it and a loaded mag to me to fire a few rounds and see if I could figure out the problem. After a few hours and some work I FINALLY got it to actually chamber AND fire two whole rounds in a row!
Then I handed it back to him and said "Throw it down to the bottom of the hill". He laughed and did. That's when I unloaded a mag of my Fal on it, and he joined in with his Mak-90.
We "fixed" it! ;)

"Rise like lions after slumber in invanquishable number - Shake your chains to earth like dew which in sleep had fallen on you - Ye are many - They are few."
-Percy Bysshe Shelly (1792-1822)

Tony White

New member
The absolute worst to be around is any of the Brownings with the BOSS. I would heck of a lot rather be around 50's all day at work,than sit next to one of them when it's fired.


New member
A Clerke 1st .22 revolver. Bought it off a friend for $5 about 25 years ago. Fired one round through it and splattered my hand with bullet fragments. Don't know why I kept it around but I found it in a box a while back and made a book end out of it to hold up my reloading manuals. Works just fine now!


New member
My father in law has this two barreled derringer, which was his primary carry piece (and probably still is). The first barrel would not fire, and you needed a tow chain to fire the second barrel, barrels about 2". Now it was a .38, kicked along the lines of a .44. Inaccuracy...aim at the X ring of a B 27 target and hit at 11:00 in the 7 ring, at about 7 yards. He keeps it loaded with 178 gr. Kieth loads or something of that nature, but he knows everything there is to know about firearms....
Worst one ever heard about - the Thunder 5 revolver.

Gopher .45

New member
Bernardelli Model 100 .22 target pistol. The gun felt really nice in the hand and shot accurately, but the breech was so large as to allow more than one round or one round and one casing in it at the same time, resulting in continued jams.


New member
My worst gun that I own..don't ask me why I bought it, and i still have it 'cause I don't want to inflict it on anyone else...the Grendel P10 .380 ACP


New member
Gotta be a RG 22 revolver. Bought it from a co-worker for $10. I even took it to the range and tried it out. Much to my surprise it acually fired 4 out of 6 times! Of course if you needed to hit something, you'd be better off to throw it.
Took it to a gun "buy back" and swapped it for $75 worth of grocery and gas coupons.
Interestingly, when I handed it to the guy, he just shook his head and said "another RG". Seems they bought alot of those for $75 that day. :D

TFL's official "Curmudgeon Member" and damned proud of it!

Juan Hunt Greer

New member
Worst I ever owned:Clerke 22 rev; worst I ever heard of has to be the "Thunder five"; huge, horribly inaccurate with 45colt, very low velocity with 410 slug. absolutely absurd!

Jedi Oomodo

New member
Worst gun I've ever heard of...?
A Glock 17!!! :p :D
Ow!! Ouch!! Hey!! Quit throwing that 9mm brass at me!!

:D :p :D

Only in America, we're slaves to be free/Only in America, we kill the unborn, to make ends meet/Only in America, sexuality is democracy/Only in America, we stamp our god "In God we trust"

What is right or wrong?
I don't know who to believe in
My soul sings a different song, in America

-Creed, "In America"

The warrior kings lived by the sword/From hill to loch and dark fjord/Battling 'til his life he shed/leaving the throne/To the sons of Somerled...
Steve McDonald, "Sons of Somerled"

If it isna Scottish, it's CRAP! RKBA!


New member
Without any doubt the absolute worst gun I've ever had the misfortune of coming in contact with is a Jennings 22semi-auto ( wishfull thinking on the manufactures part ) pistol. If they armed all the gangbangers with these we'd never have to worry about gang related shootings again.


Staff Emeritus
‘Bout 20 years ago, my wife’s distant cousin, a Vietnam Vet, brought an old
1911 Gov’t Model .45 over to my wife’s parents’ home (where we were
visiting). He proudly announced he had checked it out of the Reserves’
Armory so’s he and I could “go shootin’”.

We were “way out in the country” (miles away from homes or people). Our
target was an old disc harrow about 150 yards away against a small hill.

The .45 rattled. The ammunition varied in sound and performance. Using
the same point of aim, some bullets hit 150 yards away, some hit less than
20 yards away. Bad ammo.

Then the .45 refused to fire. I dropped the magazine and small broken parts
fell out of the gun. (Pucker factor 2.5!)

I removed the slide. Part of a second slide spring was wound between the
two broken parts of a possibly original slide spring. The barrel link was
broken. (Pucker factor 4.7)

I asked if this was HIS .45! He said (get this!),

“I only checked it out! I didn’t check it out!”

(Translation: He checked it out of the Armory but did not check the gun for
safety or function.)

We dropped the pieces of the .45 in a bucket and used my .357 revolver for
the rest of the “shootin’”. (Never *did* find out what the three little pieces were. Was afraid to check!)

Moral? “Beware of strange guns!”

By the way, at 150+ yards, we were able to “walk” .38s right into a disc.
And (later) we learned that .357s could make a disc ring right well. :)

(Doubt my old eyes could do that now.)

Either you believe in the Second Amendment or you don't.
Stick it to 'em! RKBA!

[This message has been edited by Dennis (edited May 26, 2000).]


New member
Stoddard Arms JS-9.

The finish on that piece (and I do mean piece) was like what you find on payphones.

Never did shoot it, just handled it.

Scares me just thinking about it.


New member
My two cents worth. A guy I know lived waayyy out in the country.
Got paranoid and decided to fix up a 12 gauge for protection. Ever shot a 12 gauge less than a foot long?---------DON’T :eek:
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