What is the weirdest thing you saw a deer do?


New member
deer troll

I was riding my mountainbike during the rut when i must have gotten between a buck and a doe, because the buck was snorting and stamping his front hooves in a most aggressive manner..

The way the path leads, you either have to go in the direction i was headed, double back and turn around, or go through the rough brush. I decided to keep moving forward and to try intimidate the buck by yelling curses and throwing sticks and rocks at him. Didn't work. It only served to tick him off even more, and he started heading towards me now!
Did i mention he was over 200 pounds and a 10-pointer? :eek:

I headed in the other direction...

This video is of Bambi puttin' a whoopin' on Rover for being stupid:

check out the kitty cat LoL


New member
Dip eater

I had a doe eat my winter green long cut. Came right under my ladder stand and eat my dip.. That I had discarted a few minuted earlier.. Nasty but true.


New member
Nearsighted deer

A number of us were sitting at a rural traffic light in the early morning. Over the crest of the hill on the drivers side, a herd of deer came running towards the cars. Everyone threaded themselves between the cars except for one..........who was heading right for my door (drivers side door). I'm staring at this deer running full out towards my door expcting him to veer off at the last minute. Nope, ran right into my side view mirror. Fell down. Got up and ran away. Damage - $300.


New member
Nards for Nard

My cousin took a pot shot at a Five point whitey with his new .243Win. on the edge of alfalfa (sp?) field.The deer just dropped like a head shot.We both looked at each other-WOW! When we got to the buck it looked D.O..A..Cousin attempted to cut the throat & all hell broke loose.The buck, obviously not dead,came charging up to gore cousin. The horns ripped his pants up to hs crotch- he scrambled back for his rifle & finished off the "wounded" buck.During field dressing we both wanted to know where the first shot had hit.Well, to our surprise, Mr.Five point had no balls intact! A nice little hole in the flap of hide, gut to hind quarters.Man-one in a million shot.This deer was gonna even the score that Sunday morning.