What is the weirdest thing you saw a deer do?


New member
I watched a doe run between my legs once.

We were rabbit hunting in really thick, really dense, really tall brush. I was walking along the game trail parallel to the sound of the beagles barking when a doe came running straight at me. I was paralyzed for a second and she figured she'd take the easy route I guess... Right in between em... I was probably 15 or 16 at the time...





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On the 4th of July twelve years ago my brother in law was having a big party. My wife and kids were driving over to his place and we took the long way by gravel to check out the country side. We turned a corner and while I was accelerating a small deer jumped in front of us. The deer crossed the road and then entering the waist high corn, turned and proceeded to run up the 1st row of corn. I sped up to so the car was parallel to the deer. The deer put on a burst of speed and pulled ahead a little bit. I accelerated to match his speed. We played this game a couple of times, then I backed off because I had a feeling that the deer would jump back across the road. Sure enough after I backed off the deer came across the road right in front of us. To our amazement instead of jumping the fence on the opposite side of the road it put its head down and was going to go through the fence. The deer had miscalculated a bit, for the middle of its forehead connected with the top strand of barbwire, the wire stretched to about 2 1/2 to 3 feet past normal. The wire reaching a point of stretching no more along with the momentum of the running deer sent the deer into a back flip over the top of the wire. It landed on its feet and kept running no worse for the wear except fore maybe a couple of barb wire holes in its head.

Over a dozen years ago on opening morning of east river rifle season my grandfather who was in his late 80’s was driving me up one of his bean fields to drop me off in some tall grass. There was about two inches on snow on the ground and a light snow was still falling. A monster buck appeared in the headlights and stopped the same time we did. I looked over at grandpa, he looked at me and said gee’s I have not seen a buck like that for over forty years. The buck just trotted off into the darkness. I was still about a half mile from where I was supposed to be dropped off. I told grandpa that I was getting out here and would find a place to sit in the grass. I found a small tree about twenty yards in from the edge of the field and sat down. It was still about half and hour before legal shooting hours. After some time I could hear something in the grass moving towards me. About five minutes before shooting time I see a deer torso about ten yards from me and it has this really shake gait. After seeing this for several seconds I shoulder the rifle and take off the safety. I did not shoot, one it was still too early, secondly I could not see a head or legs just the body. This thing went by me for about thirty yards. I thought shoot I am sitting right next to a drainage ditch and the deer are running right by me. When it was light enough I walked over to where this deer came by me and there was no ditch, just strange shuffling tracks in the snow. This dang big buck had shuffled by me on its knees and elbows with its head down. I found this hard to believe and told many people over the years about that and they always say what ever. I did have the opportunity to miss this same buck with all five shot the next day at fifteen to twenty yards. Man I had buck fever and was shaking so bad. The rest of the group just stood there with jaws dropped for I was the only one with a buck tag and he was a big boy.

Two years ago I saw the same kind of thing. It was late September the harvest had just started to get going. I was turning onto a highway in my work truck pulling a six hundred gallon fertilizing trailer. To the south was a soybean field that was ready to be harvested. As soon as I turned I saw about sixty yards to the south was a tan body in the beans that was moving parallel to me. My first thought is it’s a mountain lion, but then a head sticks up with antlers and looks around and goes back down. Ok it’s a buck, now my truck pulling the full trailer is slow and takes awhile to pick up speed. I paralleled this buck for half a mile and it would raise its head every fifty yards or so to look around then drop it back down. All I could see was a couple of inches of its top torso above the beans. The weird thing is that this deer was going about twenty five to thirty five miles per hour for this half mile of bean field. The highway I was parallel with the deer was going east/west. When I was done with work for the day I came up the highway that went north/south and stopped about where I saw the deer cross the bean field. The beans in this field were only about two to two and a half feet tall. This buck was scooting on its knees and elbows for a half a mile going over twenty five miles per hour.


New member
Back in 2000 my wife and I were driving the edge of the woods bordering a field. She was in the field. All of a sudden a 12 point buck walks past me from right to left and never flinched. He was within spitting distance of me. I called out to my wife and she could not believe what she was seeing. And to top it off it was a late season hunt for DOES only I could have cried! I wonder if the old fella had CWS.


New member
I once had to chase a small buck away as I was dressing the larger buck I had just dropped. It was a 4-6 point ( I don't remember exactly) and it just kept staring at me from 15-20 feet away. I would yell, wave my hands and raise up at it and it would run a few yards away. After a couple of minutes it would come wandering back.

I always wondered if it was trying to figure out what I was doing with its friend. It finally wandered off once I began dragging my deer away.


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I was hunting mule deer in a jackpine thicket when i saw a herd of deer coming right to me. The herd was several young deer and a couple old doe's. These two old doe's where slowly trailing the young deer holding a long conversation of whistles and calls while looking at each other. Just as if they where talking while taking the kids for a walk in the park. After about 10 minutes of watching these deer feed whithin 10' of me, I moved a foot and scared the crap out of the young deer closest to me. The two old doe's looked at each other, like I hope he did not hear us. Then herded the deer off.


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A few years ago while elk hunting, I was walking the side of a ridge in a forest and spooked up some mulies. No problems; I IDd them and didn't shoot. Walked around the next bend in the game trail--no joke, like 20 yards and there was a herd of elk. Bang. One filled tag. My buddies find me; we gut the elk then start back up the ridge to camp.
As we rounded the bend in the ridge, the mulies were still there. And they just stood there 15 yards away from us chewing grass as we trudged up hill past them.
Normally you can't get within a zip code. Scentlock? Buck musk? Who needs them? I think someone needs to invent an "I don't have a deer tag" scent.



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the weirdest thing i ever saw a deer do was it was swimming well deer swimming isn't weird the weird thing was that it was in the middle of a giant lake ten miles to the closet shore it was just swimming around haven a good time


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I had set a ladderstand in the State Forest outside of Cumberland, Va overlooking a meadow of about 3 acres. I was using a shotgun with slugs which gave me about 100yds of effective range. I heard a pack of dogs coming from the far side of the meadow and thought I might get a shot at whatever they were chasing. I began to glass the far side of the meadow and soon saw a large 10pt whitetail come out a rather leisurely pace, bounce about 50yds into the high grass of the meadow and lie down. I could just see his antlers above the grass and I was thinking about how dumb he was to think he could fool the dogs this way. About then the dogs, 8 beagles, came out of the woods and charged almost directly at the buck. He never moved and about the time the dogs got to where I was sure they were going to run up on him two small does jumped up from the grass and took off running. The dogs happily followed after and about 15 minutes later the buck got up and walked back into the woods the way he came. I never got a shot because of distance and have pretty much stopped hunting with dogs since I believe the big ones know how to outsmart the dogs and I am not really into shooting the yearlings.


New member
Not too weird but I was bow hunting from a treestand one year and spotted a good 8 point walk out into an old logging road about 100 yards away. As he got to the middle of the road he suddenly stood straight up on his hind legs. I don't mean reared up a bit on his hind legs, I mean 90 degrees straight up with his front legs folded flat against his chest. Then he stretched his neck up and wrapped his tongue around the tip of a limb and snapped it off. As I walked out that night I stopped and stood there looking at the limb he had reached ,which was well out of my reach, and thought, "if you showed that limb to someone and told them that a buck did that with his tongue they would call you the d@##est liar God ever let draw breathe."

My wife, back when we were dating, was out driving her fathers small truck one evening. When she stopped at a stop sign she heard a thump and felt the truck rock like someone had jumped in the back of it. It scared her of course because she thought it might have been a person up to no good. But when she turned around to look it was a small spike standing there in the back of the truck. It just looked at her for a few seconds and then jumped over the side of the truck and headed into the woods.
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years ago when i was a kid we had a deer walk into our house following my dad after he got done feeding the cows in the morning.

the deer always come to the feed troughs and eat with the cows, but this young buck just decided to see what my dad had in the house. the screen door was open and he just walked in. my mom tossed an iron skillet at him and she shooed him back out. my little brother later shot that same buck when the junior rifle season opened. he got him at 10 feet in our front yard (we lived on a farm that was 1 mile from the road) on opening day right after my dad fed the cows. really good tasting 2 year old corn fed south dakota whitetail.

another thing is if you go deer hunting on my family's land and wear camo you won't see a single deer, but wear some work clothes and make lots of noise and the deer will be out in the open and not pay attention. every year when I go home to bow hunt I wear old jeans, old flannel shirt and old work boots and stink to high heaven like a cow lot or pig stie and the deer don't even notice and I usually have a 20 yard to 30 yard shot and have bagged one every year. the folks that have come hunting with me and wear camo never get a deer :p

Hog Hunter

New member
Thank you Mr. Hunter!!

I was sitting in a two person buddy stand by myself down in a swamp during the middle of the rut. Been sittin there bout an hour befor I seen the first deer of the mornin. It was a big mature doe. She came runnin in snortin and blowin, I get ready cause Im thinkin there is a buck bhind her. She run right up under my stand and stoped, looked up at me blew some more and run back the way she came. She stoped runnin after about 75 yards started blowin again and run back towards me. Once again stoped at the base of the stand and started smelling the ladder where I climbed up. Again she starts blowing non stop but this time she dosnt run off she stay right under my stand. For maybe 1-2 minutes she stayed within 5 yards of my stand and keept blowing. It was getting really annoying so I tried to shoo her off and she pays me no attention. Im gettin ready to shoot the doe and I catch movement out of the corner of my eye as I am raising my rifle. Its two cyotes. So I ease around and shoot one of them, throw another shell in the chamber and shoot the other one, luckily!! I look back down to see if the doe is still there and she is lookin at me standin in the same spot she was when I was gonna shoot her, then she bounced off bout 50 yards and went to grazing. She never blew again after I shoot the dogs.


New member
if you go deer hunting on my family's land and wear camo you won't see a single deer, but wear some work clothes and make lots of noise and the deer will be out in the open and not pay attention. every year when I go home to bow hunt I wear old jeans, old flannel shirt and old work boots and stink to high heaven like a cow lot or pig stie and the deer don't even notice

Now ya gone and done it, you let the secret out. :) the city boys buy up all that camo and keep the hunting shows going. I find it true for turkeys and pheasants too. The quail are always there so it dont matter on them. I been telling guys this for years, in the 60s we had no camo and still managed to kill some game. :)


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Well, a friend who doesn't tell tall tales and brag about various feats of skill told me that back home in Virginia, when he was a young fellow, he and some friends were coming back from Turkey at hunting in the dark, and found a freshly killed buck lying in the road. They put it in their jeep, with canvas cover, and the "dead buck" came to while they were driving down the road and was NOT happy about being there. It was touch and go for a while but they all escaped injury (mostly) before they could get rid of their passenger.

Second hand, yes, but I believe every bit of it.:cool:


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Attact buck!

Back when I first started bow hunting we were taught about the second hunt! That was finding the deer after you made a good hit on them! Well here I was in the woods all alone in a make shift tree stand and I hear a noise! I look up and there standing behind a tree is a 6 point buck! So I gather my bow up and get ready for the shot he just needed to take two more steps. I made so much noise I thought for sure he would run! I was so nervous I was shaking! He took one step and I drew back and waited, he just continued eating! Finally, I let down now I was sure he heard me, My mind was trying to remember what I was taught about the second hunt, look for the arrow, watch the direction, wait, get a compass heading as to where he runs etc. Just about then he decided to take the second step and I drew back and let the arrow fly! I hit him almost perfect, he turn and looked up at me and bolted! Now here is the funny part! Instead of bolting away he ran right towards me hit the tree I was in so hard I almost fell out of it!:eek: He must have knocked himself out as he just fell flat at the base of the tree! I could see he was still breathing so I waited. I called back to the cabin that I had got a buck and needed help! So about a half hour later the guys showed up! Which way did he go they asked, I pointed straight down! They checked the buck and he did indeed expire! I was safe to come out of the tree! Being the newbie to bow hunting all I could say was, "I was looking forward to that second hunt!" So much for the bow hunter’s second hunt!

Mike -:rolleyes:


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My buddy and I dip Skoal when we are up in the tree stands. We have both had deer walk up between the ladder and the tree, stand there and then start licking our spit. Never fails that we have a couple a year do that. Mostly yealing but have had a few year and a half olds do it.