What is the weirdest thing you saw a deer do?


New member
During buck season in W.V. I saw a doe squat like a dog to take a dump. The way she was straining, she must have been eating walnuts instead of acorns. I never saw that before.


New member
It made a mistake by not wearing a Black Hoody

I was picking up a Coke in a TN VP and a deer (have no idea how it got there) was standing at the check-out. It was a 6 point buck and the Cashier was just walking out of the cooler. Well, he said it, the deer followed his command. The cashier slowly went to the door, opened it and Mr. Bambi stepped out!!!!! He gave me the Coke for free. I think he was looking for directions, obviously he was lost!:D


New member
I was hunting one day in late December or early January, really cold, and the marsh was frozen over solid in front of me. The dogs jumped and headed my way. A doe came by me just out of buckshot range, and walked out onto the ice.

Her back legs started to slide apart. She did the splits and sat right down on the ice. She wiggled around and got her back legs under her again. Then she slipped again and sat right back down, wiggled her way back up, and sort of tippy-toed out to a beaver hut in the middle of the marsh, climbed up ontop of the beaver hut and lay down.

The dogs came along, hit the ice, and went on across the beaver pond barking up a storm. Never saw or smelled her apparently up there. After the dogs went out, she climbed down, then went on across the marsh the other way.


New member
About 10 years ago I was driving along a road running parallel to a mountain trout stream. Went around a sharp bend in the road and caught a small spike crossing the stream. Instead of running he dropped down under the water and hid. I stopped the truck. He was almost impossible to see. His body looked just like one of the brown rocks with water flowing over it. Only his nose, eyes and small spike horns were above the water. He looked almost like an alligator.

Once he realized he had been spotted he calmly stood up, shook the water off and walked to the other side of the stream and left.


New member
I saw a doe eat a piece of pizza out of my hand and a good buck eat potato chips with his head stuck through the window of a pickup truck. They were wild deer or at least not pets on Anticosti Island where there are no predators, not even dogs or cats.


New member
At a pistol range few years back. Had been there for a couple hours, a buddy and I. Had shot hundreds of rounds.

Largest buck I've personally ever seen walks right across an open field beside the range, stops about 5 feet from the range, not 20 yards from me holding my pistol and just stands there looking at us for a bit. Stands there for a while and just calmly turns and heads back the way he came.


New member
Pepperoni or Hawaiian?

I forget, whatever the chef had for appetizers. The doe would come up on the porch every evening about dusk and see what she could get. If you do a search on Anticosti Island and the Jupiter 12 lodge, that's where we were.

The had linen table cloths and waitresses with white aprons, three forks and two spoons, finest French wine. Dangdest hunt I ever went on. I had one good buck walk within 20 feet of me squatted down in a logging road. Looked at me like what are you doing in my way.

I shot one little spike because one of the guys wanted the extra meat, but I never shot any of the bigger bucks. Didn't seem quite right to me. But, some of the executive type vacation hunters got a kick out of it.

TX Hunter

New member
One time while Turkey Hunting I heard a Deer Blow, at first I thought I had been winded, because I had on Mosqeto replelant, but then in just a little bit, I saw a Big Bobcat run past me, with a Doe right on its tail.
I figured the Doe had a Fawn somewhere out there and was protecting her young.
But It was kind of strange, to see a Deer chasing a Bobcat.


New member
Sight of antlers moving along a shallow creek bed didn't look right.....buck was sneaking through by crawling on his knees.

10pt buck stumbling into fences and the barn......tuned out he was blind, may have lost eyesight fighting.


New member
I once saw a spike buck running through the woods with a 5 gallon bucket handle around its neck and the bucket bouncing off its chest. Man, did that make a god awful racket.


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I've seen quite a few deer run along the tops of the berms at the new Amarillo shooting complex. On a couple of occasions there were several of us out there doing either night quals or low light training, and the deer seem OK with it all.


New member
THis is not weird, but still note-worthy

One of the ranges where I shoot in Cape Town is located near a nature reserve. invariably, almost every time we shoot there will be one or two Greysbok (Grey Duiker) or Hartebeest that walk onto the range while grazing.

When this happens we just pause the shooting, chase them gently off and then continue.

Its amazing how these animals did not grow to associate man and the sound of gun shots with danger.



New member
I was running up the river one afternoon in my bass boat, and noticed a "snag" sticking out of the water. I adjusted my course to avoid it, but a couple seconds later it was still in my path. I adjusted again, and the same thing happened.

Turned out the "snag" was a doe's nose sticking out of the water. Everything else was submerged
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New member
When I was a kid my dog would go to the creek and sit in it with just his nose sticking out to get rid of fleas. May be the same thing?


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About 1,000 years ago (I was about 9 years old) I was on a deer stand alone for the first time with my single shot H&R Model 490 20 Ga. shotgun. It was a new Christmas present. Anyway, an hour or two into the morning I heard some movement off in the distance lasting several minutes, when all of a sudden the biggest buck I ever saw jumped right out in front of me. I jerked my new shotgun up and took the shot, only to see this buck jump up and over my blast, then run around behind a tree and turn and look right at me. Then he just stood there. I had some extra shells in my pocket, so I laid my gun on the ground and dug in my pocket for another shell. By the time I got reloaded, all I saw of him was his tail sticking straight up in the air as he ran away. Another shot was impossible. Always thought he must have been shot at before...


New member
While hunting elk a few years ago I was at the top of a nob looking down into a drainage when a doe mule deer trotted up behind me. She was about 6 feet away and was looking down into the same drainage as I was. I couldn't, and still can't believe how close she was. I held very still, but was moving slowly so I could get a better look at her. Then, she took a wee. She slowly moved down into the drainage. Whole thing took about 10 minutes.

She must have seen me, and I'm a firm believer in rubbing my whole body in elk urine, so maybe she thought was a funny looking and smelling elk. It was a very cool experience.


Somebody will probably call BS on this, but it's a true story. Fifteen or so years ago, four of us had landed on a remote beach to hunt blacktails and split up to go different ways. Hours later we were waiting for the last guy and spotted him coming down the slope with two dead deer and one live one following him. He would drag a deer fifty yards or so, and then go back and drag the second deer. Both of the dead deer were bucks - one spike/fork and one respectable buck. And the accompanying deer was a big doe that seemed to be following the larger buck.
When he got down to the beach he turned and shot the doe, then grinned at us like "Ta Dah!" We all kind of winced and oooohhhhed at that... Nothing illegal - either sex and a five deer limit, but it was a strange and twisted thing to see.

He told us that he hadn't planned on shooting more than two, because that's all the deer he could deal with. But, if the doe wanted to follow him down to the beach and make things easy, then why not?

Art Eatman

Staff in Memoriam
He didn't plan ahead. He should have left her alone, to raise naive, stupid offspring for easier hunting in the future. Don't shoot the stupid deer! Only the smart ones!