What has been your most dependable pistol?


New member
All my CZ's have been reliable, 2, 75B's, PCR.
HK P7M8, and PSP
Beretta 92FS
All four Makarovs


New member
Of the handguns I own, I can't say which is most reliable. They all are. I've owned some dogs, but they were quickly discarded.

Dogs I found unreliable and discarded:

Sig Mosquito -- FTF, FTE,
Walther P22 -- FTF, jamming
Colt Delta 10mm -- FTF, broken extractor first time out.
Colt Python -- fall out of time, fail to lock up.
Charter Bulldog .44 -- light primer strikes,
Kimber Super Carry -- FTF, FTE.

These were guns I purchased new. With the exception of the Mosquito, all took trips back to the factory and the problem was resolved and/or the unit was repurchased or traded for something else either at the dealer or by the mfg.


New member
My Beretta 92fs and my Colt Gold Cup. Jury is still out on my Sig 1911. Haven't shot it quite enough yet.


New member
Only have two 9mm's. A sig 2022 with many thousands of rounds and a p938 with a couple thousand. Both perfect so far!!


New member
My Smith Model 6906 is the most reliable pistol I've ever shot-it eats everything. I have other pistols that seem just as reliable (including a CZ Model 85, a Beretta Model 92, SIG Models 220, 227 and 226, an HK USP 40 and a SIG 1911) but I haven't fired nearly enough rounds through them in comparison with the number of rounds fired through Smith & Wesson "Third Generation" models that I've shot to make for a viable comparison.


New member
Have to agree on the reliability of third generation Smith&Wessons, as I have owned both the 5906 and 6906 without a malfunction. So far my Kahr K40, and Ruger SR9c have been perfect too. I also own a Ruer SR40, but has failed to extract with Winchester white box...no problems with any other ammo though


New member
Mine has been my compact CZ-75D PCR... An alloy frame/steel slide 9mm 14+1 w/decocker piece of perfection ;)

Eats everything I feed it and fits my hand perfectly.


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New member
My main carry which is a 2007 Colt Commander. The only thing I have changed are the grips for some in hard rubber as grips take a hit on a carry gun. It has been 100% from round 1 to its now over 4K rounds. Saying that it has only shot 230gr FMJ, 230gr JHP, and 200gr cast SWC hand loads (mine).



New member
Most of my pistols have been very reliable, but to pick, I would take the cZ75. I have never had a problem with one in many thousands of rounds.


New member
  • HK
  • CZ
  • Beretta
  • Glock

Never had one of these jam. Most Sigs are as good but I own a used p229 357 that jammed once when it was real dirty.


New member
Put over 16,000 rounds through my EDC gen 3 G26 last year alone, the previous four years I carried it I shot allot also but never kept track of round counts as I wasn't reloading then. I'd guess total at least 40k rounds through the gun, I can't remember a single malfunction in that pistol.

My BHP has never malfunctioned but doesn't have a significant round count yet, likewise a S&W PC 1911, G19, M&P 45, PPQ, and actually a little Bersa Thunder that's over a 1000 rounds has never malfunctioned.


New member
In my two Glocks (23 and 27) I've witnessed after a couple of thousand rounds, maybe four malfunctions. Two malfunctions occurred when a new shooter limp wristed them and the others two times were bad ammo.

The one pistol that has never had a single malfunction is my Keltec P3AT. It has only seen about 400 rounds (because it's so fun to shoot :eek:), not near what the Glocks have seen, but it has never malfunctioned. It fires everything I've ran through it except for Lehigh Xtremes. Those won't chamber, so they don't count as a malfunction.