What Guns Have Had Parts Break Or Fail?


Active member
I'm currious to know what breakages people have experienced, or have witnessed others have with their semi-auto pistols.

The only breakage I've ever experineced was a locking block on a Taurus PT-99 about 15 years ago.

I've watched torture tests of glocks and other guns, but was wondering if anyone has actually experienced a part breaking in one of their guns. If so, please describe the gun, the part that broke, why you think it broke, and whether you fixed it and kept the gun, or got rid of it.


New member
Personal guns:

Original Colt 1911 (c.1913)-- Front sight came loose. Have not fixed it yet, gun sits in a safe.

HK P7M13 (my carry gun)-- Extractor, Drop safety Catch, Firing Pin Bushing. These were all at different times, and all were fixed by me.

Seecamp LWS 32-- Bent Trigger Spring. My fault, as I did not reassemble it properly. Larry sent me a new one for free.


Witnessed failures? Oh my, that would fill a book. I've seen two Glock kB!s, various broken parts on Glock, Sig, 1911, Beretta, HK, etc.

chris in va

New member
Sig 220 trigger return spring broke, rendering it INOP. Easily fixed. Common issue for an older gun.

CZ 75 Kadet slide, firing pin retainer plate jumped ship, sending pin and spring flying behind me into the dirt. CZ sent a new spring, works now.

Not mine, but friend just bought a new P22. Takedown slide broke, then the front sight popped off (plastic parts).


New member
CZ82 - lost front sight, lost slide release spring, worn out sear, worn out mag release. Result of being worn out. Tried to repair but couldn't 100%

Seecamp - Bent trigger bar, broken trigger spring, cracked slide, broken grip panel (from a drop to the floor). Result of much use, poor maintenance, old age. Larry fixed it all except for the grip which I paid for. Still carried today.

Sphinx AT380 - Extractor retention pin lost while shooting (the gun still worked??). Parts not to be found in U.S. Bought replacements through Sphinx in Switzerland. Manuel is a good guy. Fixed and back in service.

Other that the above my guns have been great, only requiring an occational spring or two, which is normal.


New member
Ruger Mini-14 Ranch rifle, rear sight broke and fell off. Gun was 3 years old at the time.

Sig 239- Decock lever broke, it was about a year old.

Taurus 85ul- firing pin broke while dry firing an the first night that I had it.


New member
only a llama 380, altho i owned a ruger no1 that i think had a bent barrel cause it shot worse groups than the llama.

B. Lahey

New member
SA1911A1- barrel link broke locking up the gun after about 10 years of frequent use. Fixed by my usual local smith and now it runs even better than before (I still used the failure as an excuse to buy a Colt, though :)).


New member
I've seen a lot of different guns break -- Beretta, Taurus, Smith& Wesson, Ruger, HK's, Glocks, 1911s of various make & size
Bottom line -- anything mad made will break ;)

Shadi Khalil

New member
My Sig 239 just got sent back for a broken roll pin after only 3000 rounds. I have had the sights fly off a MK9 and a Taurus that need cylinder gap adjustments. I guess the latter isnt really a failure, just a lemon. Anything can fail.


New member
Grip safety on my brand new Springfield TRP 1911 jammed after 55 rounds. Sent it back, in a week Springfield had replaced the grip safety, hammer and sear for free, including shipping both ways. Not happy about the quality, but impressed with the customer service.


New member
Budishowski(?) .25 TPH clone-sear broke and a pin fell out, this is before even firing, parts unobtainium-junk, gone. Win 94 cast lifter broke. Fixed and sold later. HK 4 pistol .380 extractor broke-took 9 months to HK to fix-sold it then. Late 50's 870 Wingmaster, discovered broken firing pin after I bought it. Fixed myself and still have it. Vektor 9MM compact brand new, rear sight fell of on first firing, gun was worthless super jammamatic anyway, sold quickly. And let's just forget the guns that came to me broken due to gun show dim lights and unable to fully test them, of course. Gone with the money too!


New member
Kel-Tec P-3AT - little trigger pin dropped out of the gun turning it into a small plastic toy.

Bersa Thunder 380 - Trigger spring broke

Beretta P92 Centurion - slide cracked and came partially off frame (that was SCARY!)

Superhouse 15

New member

I work at a range that rents a bunch of different handguns. Every brand has suffered from breakage and failure. Some are better than others, some break in predictable patterns. (one heavy use S&W 22A breaks a firing pin in a regular pattern, like clockwork. Replaced it 4 times) Everything fails, jams, or breaks with enough abuse and neglect. I've had some minor failures with my personal guns. I had a couple of S&W revolvers go out of time over the years with high round counts. Still have all of those after repair. I had a couple of small .22s, a TPH Walther and a foreign semi auto (Galesi?) that failed after all efforts were exhausted. Sold. My most common CCWs are a Glock, a P7, a Kahr .40, a (Colt) 1911, and one of a few S&W revolvers, dependng on my mood of the day. I don't own a Taurus semi auto or a Para Ordinance based on my experiences at the range. YMMV.


New member
Anything mechanical especially under that amount of stress will fail at some point. HK USP's firing pins used to break I heard, but HK fixed the problem. Luckily none of my guns have ever failed me.


New member
Sig 220 trigger return spring broke, rendering it INOP. Sig mailed me new part and easily fixed. It shouldn't have broken as <1000 rounds were through the handgun.


New member
Rg 38 caliber revolver went out of time after 250 rounds,

It sprayed me with lead everytime I fired it.

But it remained accurate and fired every time.

I sent it back to RG.

They sent me another revolver just like it.

Just like the first,after 250 rounds,it started spraying me with lead again.

Still fired everytime and was still accurate.

I told a guy (one of my bosses at the time)I worked with about it and he still wanted to buy it from me.

Sold it to him for $25.


New member
My BHP in .40, a Mark III, had the extractor tip break off after about 300 rounds. I thought it was slipping off the rim when it stopped ejecting, then I looked more closely.
This has always bothered me, I have about another 600 rounds through it since then and always I am wondering if another will snap and leave me hand cycling the gun. This is the main reason I don't carry this one. I love it (as much as a sane fellow can love a gun:)), I just don't completely trust it.