What do you think about slide fire stocks?


New member
Maturity means making mature choices. This is not a mature choice.

Can you please explain why it is not a mature choice. I don't see owning something for pure enjoyment is any less mature. Most of us don't NEED a sailboat... or a $600 Fly Rod.... however they are the same function... a toy for an adult with a decent income. The speed limit is 65 on the highway so why does anyone need a car that can go faster? Is that also immature?

Next we won't need 5 round tubes on a shotgun to kill a squirrel so those will be considered high capacity and scary too.

I don't own a Slidefire but I have shot them on friends guns. They are FUN, and a lot less expensive and hassle free than buying a true NFA item. Truth is they are less controllable than a standard m16... however they are still plenty controllable. 3 round bursts on a standard target are fairly easy to accomplish when even first messing with the stock.


New member
I have no interest in them. It was fun shooting up the Army's ammo and man, with the A1s and the 60s we did burn some up on occasion in Korea. But on my own dime, no way. Besides, the best in the business spend most of their time(combat), shooting semi so I think that's all I need.


New member
This seems like an idea that might have made more sense 10 years ago.

I'd like to try one, but ammo costs are prohibitive.

If I had a suitable rifle, I'd rather dremel up a cheap stock and try to make my own than blow several hundred dollars on one.


New member
It would be cool to put on something like the S&W or Ruger .22 AR's, otherwise it is just too expensive to burn through ammo like that, for me at least.


New member
ive got one for my AK-74. when i first bought it i had a blast! but now it mostly sits in the safe. whenever my friends ask if ive shot one i say "yup come to the desert with me and we will go shoot some jack rabbits with mine" you should see the look on their faces when they lite off that first mag. i keep it to watch peoples reactions now. BTW shooting at running jacks with it is really entertaining but mostly unsuccessful :p i dont like how short they are is the only drawback i see in them. but its a cool toy. just like my 1911 and my Hi-Power. am i ever going to to carry them concealed? no. am i ever going to have to storm the beaches of Normandy with them? 99% sure im not. so whats the point? because i enjoy shooting them. case in point


New member
I agree with Willie Sutton. Its not like a magazine. Its a lot of fun, I'm sure, if you can find ammo.

But when politicians bring it out, it's not an accessory, its the gun. And its the kind of scary machine gun that politicians, liberals and progressives believe should be banned.

The truth of the matter is that the pro gun folks have been pushing the "mil spec" guns. And I'll be the first to admit that that's the AR I would buy if I'm buying. And contrary to our public statements, the only difference between a true M4 and a 6920 is the fire control group and the auto sear. So I am not surprised when liberals don't see the difference. For them, a slide fire stock seals the deal.

As was previously inferred, perception in many cases wins the argument, not fact.


New member
My friend has one on his AK. I heard him shooting at friend#2s house ,went over to see! Along came friend #4, so we all got to shoot this toy, a couple of times each! So that was 7, 30 round mags gone in seconds each! A lot of fun, for sure! Friend #1 went thru a lot of ammo!!
I have to say, after the second time around, when the gun wasnt given enough time to cool, it would start to jam, and only do one or two shots. We let it cool, and it would shoot well for a mag, then get slow again!

But, damn, it was fun!!!!!!

I also have played with full auto when uncle sam was paying, but they wont let me back in! So to play full auto, this worked great! Just cuase I played with it back then dosent mean I dont wanna play with it anymore!!!


New member
Well it will come as no surprise that I am in 100% agreement with Willie Sutton. Very early in this thread I said that slide fire stocks are for gun-clowns, and I took a fair bit of push back over that comment.

There are some activities which are legal, and should remain legal, but which are also dumb, socially unacceptable, and which result in ridicule and ostracization. Publishing a racist newsletter would be one example. Using profanity around other peoples children is another. Failing to bathe regularly and use deodorant would be another. None of these activities should be illegal. But none of them are desirable either. If I do these activities I can expect to be ridiculed, avoided, and eventually ostracized. Positive peer pressure works, and it serves a positive social function.

Bump firing and slide fire stocks should remain legal. But this falls into the same category as farting in an elevator, or getting drunk at your daughters wedding... legal? yes. Good idea? no.

By using the term "gun clown" I was trying to promote a standard of behavior. Some things which are legal under the 2nd amendment should, nonetheless, be frowned upon and discouraged.

Well it will come as no surprise that I am in 100% agreement with Willie Sutton. Very early in this thread I said that slide fire stocks are for gun-clowns, and I took a fair bit of push back over that comment.

There are some activities which are legal, and should remain legal, but which are also dumb, socially unacceptable, and which result in ridicule and ostracization. Publishing a racist newsletter would be one example. Using profanity around other peoples children is another. Failing to bathe regularly and use deodorant would be another. None of these activities should be illegal. But none of them are desirable either. If I do these activities I can expect to be ridiculed, avoided, and eventually ostracized. Positive peer pressure works, and it serves a positive social function.

Bump firing and slide fire stocks should remain legal. But this falls into the same category as farting in an elevator, or getting drunk at your daughters wedding... legal? yes. Good idea? no.

By using the term "gun clown" I was trying to promote a standard of behavior. Some things which are legal under the 2nd amendment should, nonetheless, be frowned upon and discouraged.


Most sensible argument in thread. +1

Also, even though it isn't illegal, nor do I have anything to hide per se, I'd rather not have my neighbors wondering whats making those bursts and calling the authorities. I know class 3's who won't bring their toys outside, even with federal law behind them, for the exact same reason. Underground or indoors. Besides, most outdoor ranges I've been to, and every single DNR range, prohibits more than a few shots bursted at a time, and state ranges prohibit trigger devices altogether. Rubber bands included.

Not to mention the thirty minute wait when some yahoo with a slidefire hit the ceiling and bent two target channels out of shape completely. Guy cost himself like 500 dollars because he wanted to have fun, but hey, isn't this the story of everyones life at one point or another?

As someone else said, a decade or two ago, this would have been awesome. But with the price of .223 and .308 approaching sell-your-blood-plasma levels, its prohibitively expensive for Joe Everyman the Plumber and if you're rich enough to rip through perfectly good ammo like that, with the shortage going on right now, karma will probably bite you in the ass.

With the publics stereotyping of gun owners in general as militant and impulsive anti-government maniacs, we don't need to give them any more ammo. Ha.


New member
The only cons I see is that it costs too much for the bump fire stock.

I think it can be a fun tool if you have the ammo/funds to back it up. Its definitely better than going the ATF route, applying for a stamp, waiting, getting registered into the ATF system, then paying for the full-auto weapon of your choice.

I would say it is not so bad on a 22lr platform.


Active member
If the ammo shortage keep up the way it is, I bet AK and AR slide-fire stocks will come down in price a little. Do I need one? No. Would I buy one at some "acceptable" price point? Yes.


New member
By using the term "gun clown" I was trying to promote a standard of behavior. Some things which are legal under the 2nd amendment should, nonetheless, be frowned upon and discouraged.


You have the constitutional right to call people "gun clowns" It isnt very mature of you, so it kinda negates your whole Mature argument!
I dont consider myself a "gun-clown" by any means!
Was it fun to shoot the slider? By all means, YES!
Would I buy one? NOPE!

I also have a problem with you trying to change the perception of ,,,,,I dont need it,nor do I want it! Who died and left you in charge? Obamma and his liberal cronneys are trying to change the perception of the peopls minds in all kinds of ways, and I wont/dont stand for it! Shall I put you on my list of people to swamp with e-mails and phone calls to uphold the second amendment?

I ignored the first Gun-clown statement, but you want to push it, I'll speak my peice! Many have died for my right to do so!


New member
Yeah, meanwhile Sen Ted Cruz is trying to explain to the Senate and the World that a semi-automatic firearm is fundementally different than a military weapon because each pull of the trigger results in just one cartridge being fired....

..... Oh but wait !!! Cooter and Uncle Jesse have a youtube video of an AR-15 going full-auto-equivalent with their stupid slide fire stock... then Fatboy Marvin bump-fires his glock and throws that up on youtube also... all accompanied by adolescent guffaws and snorting giggles... yuk-yuk...

Thanks a lot clowns...


New member
btmj said:
Well it will come as no surprise that I am in 100% agreement with Willie Sutton. Very early in this thread I said that slide fire stocks are for gun-clowns, and I took a fair bit of push back over that comment.

btmj said:
Yeah, meanwhile Sen Ted Cruz is trying to explain to the Senate and the World that a semi-automatic firearm is fundementally different than a military weapon because each pull of the trigger results in just one cartridge being fired....

..... Oh but wait !!! Cooter and Uncle Jesse have a youtube video of an AR-15 going full-auto-equivalent with their stupid slide fire stock... then Fatboy Marvin bump-fires his glock and throws that up on youtube also... all accompanied by adolescent guffaws and snorting giggles... yuk-yuk...

Thanks a lot clowns...



New member
..... Oh but wait !!! Cooter and Uncle Jesse have a youtube video of an AR-15 going full-auto-equivalent with their stupid slide fire stock... then Fatboy Marvin bump-fires his glock and throws that up on youtube also... all accompanied by adolescent guffaws and snorting giggles... yuk-yuk...

Thanks a lot clowns...

They could also prove the same point by taking 5 mins and ripping the disconnect out of the firearm so I don't see your logic in this statement.

You are encouraging our government to knowingly mis-lead and misinform the masses due to their lack of experience with some firearms / items. What should be ban next to appease your super serious life you lead? Maybe national match triggers since experienced shooters can firearm almost at full auto speeds. Or should we ban person type targets because they promote violence, or just out right ban any combat style shooting sports such as IPSC/IDPA?