What do you think about slide fire stocks?


New member
Is modern day slide fire stock still just $300? I would think they got high with everything else, but I haven't looked.

I still see them for $360 for an AR and $299 for the AK.

The FosTech stock I ordered was $600 all done but I bought the left handed attachment so that I can swap it out if I want to share with friends (not just yet though). (That one's going on a bigger gun)

With Slidefire's plastic you are locked into one handedness. That's great if you are a righty; not so great as a lefty.
I'd like to rent one for the weekend. Does any one know where that would be possible? I think a couple of hours for a couple of days would be sufficient.


New member
At today's ammo rates, that's $30 for a couple of seconds. A high class escort or a trip to disney world would be cheaper than that. But seriously, they look fun yet not very practical. I'd be all for it on somebody else's rifle if they're giving me ammo. Otherwise, I have no more opinion on someone else owning one than a Ruger Blackhawk or a Remington 700. Just a different type of gun or tool and if you can use it safely and effectively (or safely and have a lot of fun with it) that's all that matters.


New member
I have the 2nd gen SF stock for AR variants.

I put a total of 1 (one) 20rd magazine of .223 through it.
Yep, fun for sure but $12-$25 in 3 seconds is too rich for my budget.

The SF now lives on my M&P 15-22.
With a light (3lb) JP trigger in the lower it cycles just fine even with the minimal .22 LR recoil.
With rimfire ammo it is a LOT of fun and is plenty affordable for me. Got a couple extra 25rd magazines.

I don't see them (the SF stock) as available forever, and so I bought one when I could.
Plus, I can always throw it onto one of my 'real' rifles if I ever want/need to.


New member
After shooting an M60 and the M2 (when Uncle Sam is buying the blammo)...

... no interest in (buying, or feeding) a slide fire. It would be nothing more than an expensive, unremarkable experience.


Active member
.. no interest in (buying, or feeding) a slide fire. It would be nothing more than an expensive, unremarkable experience.

The real question is "can you get good at aimed fire with a slide-fire stock". If you can get almost as good as someone using 3-burst on an M16, with practice, I'd think they could be useful in certain situations. Some people turn their noses up at magazines with more than 5 rounds, claiming that's not really useful for average Joe gun owner. We have to use what we have. Slide-fire is legal and (apparently, because I haven't tried one) works.


New member

Seems like it'd be the proverbial hoot to shoot, but I will not shell out for the stock, or the ammo it would take to enjoy it.


New member
They look rickety and stupid.

Where are you going to shoot it? No range is going to allow it.
How accurate is it?
Are buyers envisioning taking on the cartels (who have machine guns, rockets, and mortars) or the government (who have machine guns, rockets, and mortars)?

Although I wouldn't make them illegal, I see no need for me to spend precious dollars on them whatsoever.

Willie Sutton

Anyone see the demonstration of one that Diane Feinstein put up in a video in her hearings?

This is just the sort of stupid toy that can cause us all to lose more than any possible benefit for these things.




Active member
This is just the sort of stupid toy that can cause us all to lose more than any possible benefit for these things.

Ever see one of those 120 round drums - that's a stupid toy that can cause us all to lose more....

And, 50 round magazines? - More stupid toys

And, bayonet lugs? - dumb stupid toys

And, folding stocks? - senseless stupid toys

And, pistol grips? - who needs those for hunting - more stupid toys

And, rail systems where you can mount high powered LASERS and NIGHT VISION SCOPES? - Really stupid toys. Who needs a high powered laser that can burn someone's eye out anyway

And, HAIR TRIGGER systems - gotta ban those dangerous, stupid toys too! No one needs anything less than a 5 pound trigger on a rifle or handgun. In fact, anyone caught altering triggers to less than 5 pounds should go to prison for 10 years and pay $250,000.

And, Tannerite - nothing but stupid explosive toy - ban it!

And, flare launchers that look like grenade launchers - stupid toy that can be made to fire ROCKETS!!!!

And double-barreled shotguns............

Willie Sutton

The public impression of Modern Sporting Rifles is one of first impressions, and they are indisputedly confused with machine guns.

The video shown in Senate hearings, and then trotted out by every anti, showing a AR-15 being fired "full auto" with a Slidefire stock with Feinstein saying in the narration "and this is perfectly legal today" causes more harm that can ever be caused by a scary looking bayonet lug.

This is a war of perception. We can win the battle but lose the war... with the greatest of ease if we're not smart enough to be wise men and not smart asses.

I like full auto, BTW. I live where we own them and shoot them. I do, in fact, own and shoot them. I also contribute 5 figures a year to the ILA and the SAF. I am an activist. And I think that this particular device can cause us to lose more points in the war of impressions than any single other accessory sold today.

Maturity means making mature choices. This is not a mature choice.




Active member
This is a war of perception. We can win the battle but lose the war...

We've lost the war - lost it big time in November. So, buy what you want - it's all for sale, but just for a limited time. Slide-fire stocks won't be the reason we lose our rights. There have been gat triggers, double-pull trigger "staples", gattling guns, and other things that simulate full-auto fire, legally. This is just one of many.

The argument to be made is that machineguns are legal, and should be legal to manufacture so that people don't need to come up with innovative ways to make them fire more rounds faster in semi-auto.

You and I both know that you can make even a revolver appear to be a machine gun, with enough tweaking of the action and lots of practice. 1911's with trigger jobs can be emptied at near-full-auto rates of fire, and are known for going full-auto, due to sloppy trigger work or worn fire control parts. You don't have any problem with them taking away your 1911's do you?

I suppose when the antis put Feinstine on TV to show that ANYONE can buy an 80% AR receiver and complete it so that it is exactly like an M16 full-auto assault machine gun, you will be for banning 80% receivers as well? What about grandfathered open-bolt guns that can be made into a machine gun with a simple piece of cardboard?

We are losing the war because we keep losing our rights due to those in our ranks that want to cave in every time an Anti figures out how to make guns look more evil. Today it's the slide-fire......."stupid gun-clown toy". Next it will be 1911's with hair triggers. Where do you want to draw the line?
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New member
The perception was lost back with the NFA.

I find pandering to peoples irrational insecurities to be rather retarded.

I don't moderate my speech either, so that those who are offended do not try to take away my right to say it. ;)

The mature choice is not to cower. The mature choice would is to be honest about the 2nd Amendment, not hide behind a pretense of Sporting.


New member
They look like a lot of fun.

They sure look like they would eat a lot of ammo.

I'd play with it, but they are illegal here in California.:eek:

But I'd never buy one....I'd rather get a 3G trigger, and be almost as fast, and way more accurate.:cool:
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New member
I love mine, a lot of fun to shoot.

To save money I installed a CMMG Sierra .22lr upper and Timney 3# trigger (necessary for .22lr function).

It can still run through $50 worth of ammo very quickly but at least I can get some full auto trigger time.


New member
I noticed several people saying the Slide Fire stock is too wobbly and too expensive to shoot with an improper reach.
You guys do know that the slide fire feature can be turned off returning the rifle to a normal semi-auto statis, don't you?
You don't have to fire in full auto mode, you have a choice.