we just need your prayers


Member In Memoriam

Just back on-line after a few strange days.

I can't begin to tell y'all what your being "family" means to me & mine.

At the time of my initial post, we had just received confirmation of "the Pager" & I wuz a wreak (more of a wreak).

Shane's looking at the heart transplant & also has kidney & liver failure going on .... bleak, but I swear I hope to have 1/2 the fortitude this young man's got .... he's 32 tomorrow.

5 hearts "available" this past week, but none deemed suitable enough. The "donor states" have been expanded to the 5 surrounding.

Again, folks, thanks more than I can ever express.


New member
Labgrade, This is my prayer for you and your family: "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight." (Proverbs 2, 5-6) It is so hard to be faith filled when the testing is powerful. More powerful are the prayers that are offered up for you and yours. So let your faith be reinforced by our prayers.

Mike in VA

New member
Hang in there, sir. When My wife had brain surgery a couple years ago, we received prayers, support and good vibes from TFLers from Oz to Oslo and everywhere in between. We're all pulling for you and your family!:)


New member
Somehow missed your post until now, Labgrade. It's especially hard to see your child have such problems. God bless your family.


New member
Best wishes and prayers to you and your family. Draw strength from this special community, and know that you can lean on us.


New member
May God gant us this boon. May He shine His healing light upon your son, and may He give your family the strength and fortitude you will need in the interim. Insh'Allah.