we just need your prayers


New member

May the God who creates and sustains the Universe bless your family and you.

The Great Physician cannot fail; and always knows best.

In the All Powerful Name of Jesus, may your son live, and live abundantly.


New member
Labgrade, I hope all goes well for your son and family. Heart transplants have come a long way and are so much more successful since Dr. Christian Bernard did the first one so long ago.

Kentucky Rifle

New member

Add me to this list.
When things looked really grim for me, and the doctors had given my wife "the word", people around the country who I didn't even know prayed for me. *That was more than 20 years ago and, I'm sitting here typing this reply.
So, Lab...absolutely, count me in.

Kentucky Rifle


Member In Memoriam
All of our thoughts and prayers from way down here are with you and yours...........the best to you my friend!


New member
Blessed Be... I know whatcha are going through (Dad and Aunt both with cancer, Grandma with a bad infection)

you and your's are in our thoughts too!


New member
Taking it the the thrown, interceding for you and yours!

"Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. " Matthew 18:19


New member
And from us as well. Heart transplants today are, literally, lifesavers. May I add, congratulations on hitting the top of the list and finally receiving one.


New member
With fervent prayers as I type this, for your son, his family, the donor's family and you, Labgrade.....

Ps. 23

May the Great Physician guide the hands and thoughts of the earth-bound healers.

(aka Fignozzle)