we just need your prayers


Member In Memoriam
Third time & my PC allows me to do this post. Grrrr ... bobmed out every time - the initial flavor's lost.

Absolutely nothing gun-related.

One of my sones (his Wife, & three of my grandchilren) need your prayers.

He just got his "Now!" heart transplant pager ... high time, as it's been a long, hard road.

Please, please is all I can ask - I beg you all.

All I can ask is your all best prayers for a healthy furture .....

For all my bombast, I cannot begin to tell you all what an absolute ......

Words have failed me.

Please. Only please .....

I beg you all. PLease pray for us all ....

Calamity Jane

New member
Oh, my goodness...my heart - and worlds of hope - go out to you and your family.

Your son - and all of you - are in my prayers.


New member
You got 'em, Labgrade - and I'll be monitoring half-a-dozen church services in various Christian and non-Christian shades tomorrow, and your son and his family (and you too! of course...) will be mentioned and prayed for in all of them. Private e-mail follows.

How nice to be a priest, and be able to give this blessing "officially":

May the Lord turn His face towards you and bless you;
May He look kindly upon you and be gracious to you;
May He shed the light of His countenance upon you, and give you peace.


New member
Wow, Labgrade - quite an experience there...

And all you want is prayers...

Least I can do.

Hang in there...