We just lost one of our own to a AD/ND

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New member
...That's exactly what you implied....

That is the problem with communication, "... you implied" may speak loudly in your head but what I was trying to say didn't get across. I can explain it to you but I cannot understand it for you. I truly feel that we are on the same page but the lingo ain't bingo.


New member
....I am not aware of any assailant who makes appointments or waits for a person to enter a bad neighborhood before striking. Your emotional thinking doesn't hold together when held to the light of logical reason and events we see in reality.

What killed this man was not carrying a gun to the grocery store. What killed him was his own unsafe practice, ...

No argument. Except the emotional thinking part - if you breathe you have emotion..... even thought the FBI and police claim no emotion they are not fooling anyone - we cannot deny emotion.

...and those practices are not restricted to times when you think firearm carry is unnecessary. ....ever you carry, do so safely. Know your gun, know the advantages and disadvantages of your specific carry method and associated gear. Don't shortcut,


...fact, I would submit that one who only carries occasionally is MORE likely to be unsafe than someone who does so with regularity....

Hold on there cowboy, I don't make coffee every day but it still is coffee.
chadio said:
I support the right to keep and bear arms. I do it myself. But - I assure you, no one really needs a firearm on your person loaded - one - in - the - chamber

Well, I'm glad you at least support my right to make that decision for myself, rather than decide it for me. You just reserve the right to judge me if I don't make the same decision you would then? ;)

And for what it is worth, I agree with you. I don't need a pistol with one in the chamber on my person ALL OF THE TIME. In fact, I don't even need it MOST OF THE TIME. The problem is, I don't actually know when the ONE TIME I NEED IT will be, so the only way to be sure of having it during the ONE TIME I NEED IT is to carry it ALL OF THE TIME.

Yes, my statement has something to do with the subject here. A guy died in case you missed that.

And as I stated earlier, hundreds of thousands of people carry guns into grocery stores every day without killing themselves. Quite clearly, carrying a gun to the grocery store, or anywhere else, isn't the problem here. It does seem apparent that carrying a safe-action pistol with no safeties and a short, light trigger pull in your pocket with no holster may be an issue though...

And what is with the "A guy died in case you missed that" comment? What exactly did that add to the discussion? Do you actually believe that I missed that? And if you don't believe that I somehoew managed to miss that detail, then exactly what are you trying to imply?


New member
...And what is with the "A guy died in case you missed that" comment? What exactly did that add to the discussion? Do you actually believe that I missed that? And if you don't believe that I somehoew managed to miss that detail, then exactly what are you trying to imply?...

The comment wasn't directed at you, it was directed at the topic. I should have spelled this out but I didn't make this obvious and I apologize. I can understand why you may take this personal but the bottom line is we all draw from our experience and education. Regardless, we are starting to juggle geese with this conversation.

... I'm sorry; but that doesn't have a damn thing to do with the problem. ...

That is a rather pointed comment, in my opinion.

But, we have discussed a topic that we have strong opinions about, and that's ok - if we all had the same opinion about everything, then...

conversation, forums, life in general would be boring.

Bartholomew - I have a funny feeling that If we met face to face, shared a cup of coffee, or a glass of ale - we would become friends.

Best of luck to every American and...

to every firearm owner

Be safe, you must protect the ones you love and you cannot protect anyone if you are dead.

Glenn E. Meyer

New member
Carry without a safe method is dangerous.

Since I take it some posters are not trained mental health professionals, I really don't care about your view of paranoia or whether you want to have coffee with each other.

The idea of predicting that violence only occurs in bad neighborhoods is stupid and not supported by the facts.

That's all that needs to be said.

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