Virginia AG shutting off reciprocity

Attorney General Herring has come up with a sneaky way to punish gun owners for things they didn't do. He's ending Virginia's concealed-carry reciprocity agreements with 25 states whose gun laws are deemed more "lax" than Virginia's.

This is interesting because it can be done via executive fiat. He doesn't need the approval of the state congress. Perhaps they can act and restore it through legislation. Until then, visitors beware.

Don P

New member
Is this happening because Virginia is a "Commonwealth" ?I know MA, PA also commonwealths has some very strange laws and do things differently than states.


New member
VCDL will be pushing hard for their universal reciprocity bill in January, which will make the AG's move null. The bill was introduced last year which passed the House, but was removed in the Senate after the State Police said they would lose money on processing applications. I believe that the VCDL learned that actually they were (what's a strong word for "upset" that will get through the censor filter?) that the result of having to process less out-of-state applications meant that less police officers would be employed earning overtime doing the processing. That trick won't work again this year.

The Governor of Virginia, Terry McAuliffe, wants to be Hillary Clintons choice for VP. And the AG, along with most of the Democratic senior leadership in VA is squarely in the pocket of Michael Bloomberg. Republicans retain a miniscule majority in the State legislature, but can always count on a few rural democrats to swing their way on guns.

If you don't belong to your individual state grass-roots organization, then you are on the sidelines. Casting your vote at the polls is not enough. You need to belong to a local or state group that can carry the message straight to the capitol and lend your voice along with your vote. I'll live in VA for the foreseeable future, and I support the VCDL. I also contribute to the NRA, SAF, and Calguns (even though I haven't lived there in 5 years, I stand with them).

If you'd like to help us with our fight... legal battles cost money:


New member
Is this happening because Virginia is a "Commonwealth" ?I know MA, PA also commonwealths has some very strange laws and do things differently than states.

This is happening because we have a governor who is in the tank for Hillary and Obama and he thinks this will help him get a high post in future administrations.

My original question on my closed post remains regarding Concealed permit requirements. They are ending reciprocity with NC, KY and TN and I know at least 2 of the 3 have rougher requirements for concealed carry than Va. My daughter and son-in-law recently got their permits in Tennessee and they had to jump through a lot more hoops than I did.


New member
The states are: Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, New Mexico, North Dakota, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming.

Agreements will remain with West Virginia, Michigan, Oklahoma, Texas and Utah.


New member
So do something.

Use this site:

To send this message (customized to your taste of course):

"To Whom It May Concern,

The Attorney General's decision to revoke reciprocity agreements is indeed an unfortunate one. I have enjoyed many wonderful vacations to the great Commonwealth of Virginia--a state rich in history, natural beauty, and wonderful people. With this decision, the Attorney General has made it impossible for me, my family, and my associates to vacation and spend money in the Commonwealth again until this decision is reversed.

I'll be hoping that reason--not prejudice and knee-jerk reactionism--comes to rule the Attorney General's Office again. Licensed concealed weapons holders have not been responsible for even one of this nation's tragedies."


New member
Use this site:

To send this message (customized to your taste of course):

"To Whom It May Concern,

The Attorney General's decision to revoke reciprocity agreements is indeed an unfortunate one. I have enjoyed many wonderful vacations to the great Commonwealth of Virginia--a state rich in history, natural beauty, and wonderful people. With this decision, the Attorney General has made it impossible for me, my family, and my associates to vacation and spend money in the Commonwealth again until this decision is reversed.

I'll be hoping that reason--not prejudice and knee-jerk reactionism--comes to rule the Attorney General's Office again. Licensed concealed weapons holders have not been responsible for even one of this nation's tragedies."

This is to the Attorney General himself. I have expressed my opinion to him already.


New member
"If so what are the requirements for a Virginia non resident?"

The form is exactly the same:

The rules are exactly the same:

The whole move by the Governor and AG is well-calculated. It plays into the Gov's bid to get into the White House with Hillary, and sets up the AG for whatever his next big play in left-wing politics is. It will probably also quadruple or more the number of non-resident licenses the State Police will have to process, and the taxpayers will fund all their overtime. It also simultaneously creates an application back-log for everybody.
Let's get something straight right now, folks.

If you don't like how TFL is being moderated, and how the mods are applying the very clear rules regarding what does, and does not, constitute a drive by post (, the worst step you can take is to gripe about it in an open thread.

If you have a problem with the moderation, contact the mod directly.

TFL is run according to the vision of its founder and owner, not the other way round.
My big question is, what is the reaction going to be from those other states. Are they going to drop reciprocity for my Virginia permit?


New member
I find it bizarre that they're taking New Mexico off of the list as you are required to take a 15 hour class and a shooting test, submit fingerprints, birth certificate, take a 2-year refresher course + shooting test, and a 4-year course + shooting test + resubmit fingerprints for a renewal.

The instructors for the CC class have to be approved by the State of NM and one of the qualifiers is to be an NRA instructor.

So effectively, you've exceeded the Virginia requirements.


New member
States no longer honoring VA permit Feb 1.

Delaware, Florida, Louisiana, New Mexico, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, South Carolina and Wyoming


New member
Yeah, in Ohio it's clear that the agreement is reciprocal, you honor ours, we'll honor yours. So, while we Ohioans lose one state for reciprocity, the good people of Virginia lose 25. That's not going to go over well there, but I doubt the AG is thinking of the people of Virginia, just himself.


New member
Yeah, in Ohio it's clear that the agreement is reciprocal, you honor ours, we'll honor yours. So, while we Ohioans lose one state for reciprocity, the good people of Virginia lose 25. That's not going to go over well there, but I doubt the AG is thinking of the people of Virginia, just himself.

He simply wants to put himself and the governor in the good graces of Obama and Clinton. That way, they will have a better chance in getting a high position with the Federal Government. They don't care about anyone but themselves and their left wing friends. The governor is a native of California.


New member
To send this message (customized to your taste of course):

"To Whom It May Concern,

The Attorney General's decision to revoke reciprocity agreements is indeed an unfortunate one. I have enjoyed many wonderful vacations to the great Commonwealth of Virginia--a state rich in history, natural beauty, and wonderful people. With this decision, the Attorney General has made it impossible for me, my family, and my associates to vacation and spend money in the Commonwealth again until this decision is reversed.

I'll be hoping that reason--not prejudice and knee-jerk reactionism--comes to rule the Attorney General's Office again. Licensed concealed weapons holders have not been responsible for even one of this nation's tragedies."

Perhaps that should be sent as a Letter to the Editor of EVERY newspaper in VA so that the public is aware of the AG's personal bias against law abiding citizens who see things differently.

My big question is, what is the reaction going to be from those other states. Are they going to drop reciprocity for my Virginia permit?

I guarantee FL will on the effective date

What amazes me is that Utah - the state where everyone non-resident goes to get an out of state permit, is still on the list


New member
Looking at that map, Virginia seems to have unilaterally withdrawn from most of the Union.

As per the State Police notice above, make everyone now totally uncertain on a day-to-day basis
as to their status inside/outside Virginia, and you have effectively killed reciprocity.

Given the well-publicized Governor/AG's political bent, why am I not surprised ?