Virgina Tech shooting 20+ dead


New member
I know where you're going with that Jim. I have the same feelings sometimes that the anti's would do such a dispicable thing.

Thats pretty sick. It be no different from saying well you know the pro gunners. They might drug someone up and get them to do a brainwashed mass murder/suicide to promote more gun rights for self protection. Its just as despicable to say this as what you were thinking.

Only the most disturbed of people would put a plot behind it as part of a goal to promote new gun rules.


New member
Any person who thinks that this tragedy was carried out to further the left's antigun agenda needs to remove their tinfoil hat and climb out of their fallout shelter.

They are liars, dishonorable, opportunistic and wrong but they are not intentional mass murderers. To say they are only makes out side look like nuts.

Scott Conklin

New member
Feh. You think there are not people out there who would do it? Think again. Is it the case? I don't know...and the fact I don't feel confident in saying a definitive no is a sad statement on just how corrupt politicians and leftist "social engineers" have proven themselves to be.
A potential suspect in this shooting rampage is one William Morva. It is believed that this person also has an accomplice.

Not sure if someone else mentioned it, but this is from the shooting back in August 2006. Just wanted to clear that up.


New member
Re this school shooting some might observe the following, as with the ads for American Express Credit Cards, where one heard, Never Leave Home Without It, don't leave your dorm unarmed.

Right now, hard information seems conspicuous by its absence.


New member
I've been listining to it on the radio all day at work. From what i gather, the attacker was armed with two 9mm handguns.

My thoughts go out to the students and families of VT. This is quite a tragety.

I've already heard one comment on the radio that "stronger gun control" would have prevented this. It might not be the best thing to say at this time, but you can belive, this will be used againt gun owners to the fullest extent.


New member
There will always be nutjobs and sickos in any society.

And as the former Soviet Union proved, even a tyrannical police state can't stop them.

My prayers and sympathies for the victims, their families, and all others whose lives were touched by this senseless act.
I am listening to the press conference involving the Chief of Police, the President of the College and some other related officials and I have to vent a little...

I hate the press...they are pounding the president about whether or not they did all they could about the shootings. They are accusing him of not doing enough to prevent this, whether or not the school will ever be safe again, and what kind of assurances he can give the students telling them its ok to come back to class. I mean come on, this was a huge nut job who went off and there is little chance it could have been prevented or that if this ever happens again that the college will be able to prevent it


New member
Being a college student myself, seeing a horrific event like this occur scares me to death. I would like to say that it is highly unlikely that anything like this would ever happen in western Maryland where i go to school, but then again who would have thought that something so terrible would happen in Blacksburg, Va??

This is such a tragedy, and all i can think to say is that My thoughts and prayers truly go out to both the victim's and their families...

It was a major mistake on the part of VT staff to not immediately lock the entire school down after receiving word of a gunman on campus that had possibly already killed someone, regardless of whether they thought the gunman had left campus or not, they still should have completely locked the campus down all day at that point. whats the point in taking such a risk?!

There was just a statement released that there was "no shootout" between police officials and the gunman, and that it was not yet confirmed as to whether or not he had commited suicide. Even though he as pronounced dead, If this is the case, what i want to know is...did anyone actually identify the shooter or what he was wearing or any details like that? how do they know he didnt drop the guns beside a dead body, or change clothes, and just take off and is still at large?? Scares me even more, and makes me twice as scared for the people at VT! Also officials said they are not looking for a second shooter at this point...


New member
FOX NEWS... Judge Napolitano just mentioned the fact that Virginia CCW's are not allowed on campus and if they had students could have defended themselves.
At least some in the media aren't completely biased against gun rights...good for Judge Napolitano.



New member
This is a really tragic event. The death toll is now over 31 students. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families who have lost loved ones and to the people were injured.

I believe that this event will create a shift in how people think and act in the future, almost to the extent of the 9/11 hijackings. Had the passengers known the hijackers were going to crash the plane into a building, they would have fought back, even if that meant that a flight attendant would have been killed or that passengers would have been injured. We are not talking about a hostage situation here. I believe that if the students had realized that it was an execution, they would have fought back.

If someone walks in and starts shooting, I will do what I can. If everyone just hides under the tables, the gun man can walk around and shoot each person execution style, with no resistance. Its easy to say since I wasn't there, but I probably would try to stop the gun man. I probably would wear my backpack in front to act as a shield and bum rush the guy. Even if I got shot and killed, it is better than just waiting your turn. At least if the guy has to go on the defensive, his shots would most probably not be as deadly.

I seriously doubt that this event will lead to changing the ban on gun at schools and universities. We know that the only thing those laws do is prevent people from defending themselves. Those who are determined to cause harm to people will find a way. It is a sad, sad day.


New member
Mentioned this in the other, but realized it may actually be more appropriate here. There is already an ABC blog out there that talks about hi-capacity magazines, and quotes on shooting in a school classroom.


New member
"No gun zone"

Kim Dutoit links to this, from last year...

Gun bill gets shot down by panel
HB 1572, which would have allowed handguns on college campuses, died in subcommittee.
By Greg Esposito

A bill that would have given college students and employees the right to carry handguns on campus died with nary a shot being fired in the General Assembly.

House Bill 1572 didn't get through the House Committee on Militia, Police and Public Safety. It died Monday in the subcommittee stage, the first of several hurdles bills must overcome before becoming laws.

The bill was proposed by Del. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah County, on behalf of the Virginia Citizens Defense League. Gilbert was unavailable Monday and spokesman Gary Frink would not comment on the bill's defeat other than to say the issue was dead for this General Assembly session.

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."
Del. Dave Nutter, R-Christiansburg, would not comment Monday because he was not part of the subcommittee that discussed the bill.

Most universities in Virginia require students and employees, other than police, to check their guns with police or campus security upon entering campus. The legislation was designed to prohibit public universities from making "rules or regulations limiting or abridging the ability of a student who possesses a valid concealed handgun permit ... from lawfully carrying a concealed handgun."

The legislation allowed for exceptions for participants in athletic events, storage of guns in residence halls and military training programs.

Last spring a Virginia Tech student was disciplined for bringing a handgun to class, despite having a concealed handgun permit. Some gun owners questioned the university's authority, while the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police came out against the presence of guns on campus.

In June, Tech's governing board approved a violence prevention policy reiterating its ban on students or employees carrying guns and prohibiting visitors from bringing them into campus facilities.


New member

My question is how the hell did would Virginia Tech discipline the student if they know the student was carrying a concealed weapon in the first place? His gun should have been concealed and he should have kept his mouth shut about it. He was probably either boasting about it or flashed it some how. Last time I checked, universities do not go around with metal detecting wands or conduct random pat downs. :barf: He probably deserved to get disciplined.


New member
Indeed, while I'm not saying it's right, he already violated one of the most important rules of carry--that no one should know you have it until you need it. (Needing it not necessarily meaning shooting it, but only using it defensively).


New member
The story or details about the student "caught" with a gun is not important. As another poster said, he probably violated basic carry rules. Better "caught" like that than "caught without" on a day like this...


New member

Now reported 30 dead including the kid and many many more injured!:mad: This ******* has just commited the worst school shooting on U.S. soil:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


New member
It is easy to catch a student who conceals all the time. If that student who has an enemy all he has to do is make an anonymous call to security saying the student has a gun in his car. All he needs to know is the student shoots, not a long odd in Virginia.