Virgina Tech shooting 20+ dead


New member
CCW is not illegal on campus.

They can ask you to leave, and then if you don't...trespassing.

However, if you are a student or an employee you could be subject to disciplinary action (read as fired or expelled) by the University.

So yes, effectively it is banned. Who wants to put in a few years of work, and then get expelled without getting your degree. Then again, who wants to be lined up against a wall and executed?

If I loose my job I can get another.

If I am thrown out of school after investing three years in an enginering degree I am now out a large sum of money that I cannot earn back since I HAVE NO DEGREE!!! The student who is paying his own way is at a severe disadvantage here.

Scott Conklin

New member
Buy now, pay later, cause you can bet the left will make everything they can of this. In reading a few news articles that allow comments to be posted the fear-mongers are already out in force. The victims...and the perp and the weapon used...will be forgotten in the histrionics and partisan outcry.

*starts making "to-buy" list*


New member
And everyday when I wake up, get dressed, and head out the door to head to class, I think back to my CCW sitting right next to my bed since I'm not allowed to carry on campus. And yet somehow this is going to make things worse for the legal gun owners out there.

Also, my heart and prayers go out to the victims and their families. This is yet another tragic day for our nation.


New member
I would post some BS about how "the left" is going to use this for such and such. But I believe right now this wouldn't be appropriate. For now; my thoughts and prayers to all the families of the students/faculty that were wounded or killed in this tragedy.


New member
history has shown us, since the times of the Ottomans, that
disarmed subjects+tough weapon laws+lunatics=tragedy.

the answer must be disarming the victims even further.

A village of my kin, no women, children spared, died under the swords of the Ottomans' calvalry after they were forced to turn in their weapons. until this day the missing half of my geneology still haunts everyone in the family.

I go to school everyday after putting my 1911, G36 and Mossberg away. It'll be a real irony if my school got shot up and I get killed in the process.

those students followed the law and they paid with their lives. I hope the police chiefs and politicians burn in hell and...on wait, they'll just blame it on the rest of us.

RIP to the victims and their families, may they be rational and blame the weakness of human nature rather than the tool.


I would post some BS about how "the left" is going to use this for such and such. But I believe right now this wouldn't be appropriate. For now; my thoughts and prayers to all the families of the students/faculty that were wounded or killed in this tragedy.


Well said. Thank you for saying it.


New member

The law does not make it illegal to CC on campus. It is university policy that is the problem. Students carrying self defense items will be expelled.
I posted this in the Legal section by mistake...

This is an AWFUL tragedy and I hope that each of the posters from VA are safe as well as their respective families...Our thoughts and prayers are with VA today
Just found out that 2 relatives of friends at my firm were shot in the VA incident. They apparently are doing fine (gsw to leg and arm).

Not that I am personally involved in this, but it makes it surreal when you know someone who is.


New member
  • Some reports say 1 gunman in custody, another dead
  • At least one report describes shooter as Asian male
  • Norris hall shooter was wearing a vest with magazines says one report
  • Officials not yet sure if dead shooter suicided or "shot by police".
  • Police say shootings on opposite sides of campus unrelated.
  • If shooting scenes are unrelated, that means at least 2 shooters.

If the shooter self-destructed, it will be interesting to see if he was under "psychiatric care" and taking drugs for it.

At this point, officials should know if a police officer killed the one shooter or not.

It would be highly interesting if the shooter was terminated by a student with a CCW. But I would not doubt that this information would be quashed by the media.

Most news reports are focusing on the death toll and fear of the students. Very little useful information is being reported.


New member
I have sent the story from last year about the law that did not pass that would have allowed properly licensed persons to carry a pistol within the confines of the states pistol carry laws. And how afterward VT had replied that they were quite happy that it did not go through and that they went even farther with their own rules prohibiting licensed persons from carrying.

I sent a email off to every local news station as well as a few national news stations. It might be good to keep up the pressure to report that the school prevented people from defending themselves. You can find the link to the story here

and the story here


New member
The outcry for wanting to be legally armed should be coming from the students at VT.

Seems to me, a few armed students in each class, with the doors closed would have gone a long way to prevent the extent of this disaster! many have already said.

CNN is interviewing students that were there, asking " I am sure students are on the phone, email, and internet, talking about what happened today, what are they saying?"

Would be nice if a few of us could find out where the students are talking online and get their opinion on whether or not a CCW student could have prevented this?

Just maybe one of these students could be on national news, and could relate this thought!

James K

Member In Memoriam
Did the shooter "act dazed"? Did he have "a slight smile on his face"? Did he commit suicide? Those are what we have seen time after time in mass killings - a shooter drugged up and programmed to kill as many people as possible and then kill himself.

When the gun control gang says it will "do anything" to pass gun ban laws, what does "anything" mean?



New member
Still in shock of learning about this from another, less known forum about smoking pipes..

Geesh.. I can't believe something like this happens. Regardless of the endpoint of what philosophy or worldview you subscribe to, the results of this gunman (gunmen?)'s actions are horrible. People will blame guns, bad parenting, self-esteem, medications (over or under medicated... or both), masculine posturing, video games, violent movies, and/or comic books. The problem is a lack of a real accountability for people's actions. The problem is that people stop(ped) realizing that things exist outside of the realm of their own personal psyche.

Personal autonomy is great unless it is divorced from reason and accountability from one's actions.

God damn us if we don't use this opportunity to dialogue about what our cultures are doing wrong and try our best to correct it. Of course, I am the first to admit that I am not doing my part as well as I should.

If you pray, pray for the families of the victims AND of the shooters.

Mostly, I am at a loss of words.


New member
Did the shooter "act dazed"? Did he have "a slight smile on his face"? Did he commit suicide? Those are what we have seen time after time in mass killings - a shooter drugged up and programmed to kill as many people as possible and then kill himself.

When the gun control gang says it will "do anything" to pass gun ban laws, what does "anything" mean?

I know where you're going with that Jim. I have the same feelings sometimes that the anti's would do such a dispicable thing.


New member
At least 32?

Well, Virginia Quashed the bill that would of allowed handguns on campus. That it is again undeniable evidence that gun bans do not work, why the presence of guns any where and every where deters the essence of crime. Would the perp try that at the gun store? If some guards had, and some teachers had, and have some with personal protection, would this got that far ? If they would of only been armed, they wouldn't had to have cowered under their desk for "the shot". Evidence that the anti's bills must be coming up soon. Vote them down with this evidence, Virginia.:eek: